Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Iran Tests New Missile that Can Hit Europe, Israel
Henry Kissinger hit the nail on the head in his televised interview yesterday. If the two rogue states are allowed to achieve their nuclear/missile development aims, there is no point of even talking about an "international system." Tuesday, May 19, 2009
North Korea Preparing New Provocations
Analysts in Japan and South Korea believe North Korea is preparing a series of new provocative acts aimed at raising international tensions. A border skirmish with South Korea is possible--along with more medium-range missile tests.
China Confidential analysts say the North is moving ahead with plans to conduct its second nuclear weapon test.Citing North Korean Nuclear Threat, Kissinger Questions Existence of an International System
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made a powerful point about nuclear proliferation on Fox News Tuesday night.
In an interview with Greta Van Susteren, Kissinger stressed the urgent need to end North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
Referring to the stalled, six-party negotiating forum, he twice asked rhetorically: If the nations involved--the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia--cannot come up with the right mix of penalties and incentives to persuade "a country the size of North Korea," a country "with no natural resources" that is totally dependent on its neighbors, to give up its nuclear arsenal, then "what is the point of talking about an international system?"
Kissinger also emphasized the importance of stopping the spread of atomic arms to Iran.
Asked about CIA Director Leon Panetta's comment that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal was "pretty secure," Kissinger agreed with his interviewer that "pretty secure" was not good enough.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
With North Korean assistance, Islamist Iran is emerging as an existential threat to the entire world.
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Britannia Radio