Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Obama May Address 'Muslim World' From Cairo Mosque Where Jews are Called Monkeys and Pigs
Islamist sympathizers and apologists are delighted that America's first Muslim-born President (according to Islamic religious law, which traces religion through the father), Barack Hussein Obama, has been invited by and is said to be considering Cairo's Al-Azhar University for his upcoming (June 4) address to "the Muslim world."
No non-Muslim in memory has ever received such an invitation.
The Islamist fifth column, fellow travelers, and useful idiots are busy spreading the word that the venue is ideal for Obama's scheduled speech in Egypt--following an overnight dinner date in Riyadh with the King of Saudi Arabia--because the university and associated mosque are known for tolerance and a commitment to intellectual honesty.
Baloney. Al-Azhar--the bastion of Islamic law, or Sharia, according to the Sunni branch of the faith--is a backward and intolerant institution, riddled with covert Muslim Brotherhood operatives and agents. Individuals who behind closed doors (with walls that have no ears) praise the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and express thanks for the rise of Al Qaeda--a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot--are deeply involved in all aspects of the institution.
Andrew Bostom, an authority on Islamic anti-Semitism writes in New York's Daily News:For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, has served as the academic shrine - much as Mecca is the religious shrine - of the global Muslim community. Al Azhar University and its mosque represent the pinnacle of Islamic religious education.
A front page New York Times story published Saturday Jan. 10, 2009, included extracts from the Friday sermon (the day before) at Al Azhar mosque by Egyptian-government appointed cleric Sheik Eid Abdel Hamid Youssef. Referencing well-established antisemitic motifs from the Koran (citations provided, below), Sheikh Youssef intoned:
"Muslim brothers, God has inflicted the Muslim nation with a people whom God has become angry at [Koran 1:7] and whom he cursed [Koran 5:78] so he made monkeys and pigs [Koran 5:60] out of them. They killed prophets and messengers [Koran 2:61/3:112] and sowed corruption on Earth. [Koran 5:33/5:64] They are the most evil on Earth. [Koran 5:62 /63]"Is US Policy on North Korea Insane?
The Obama administration's response to North Korea's second nuclear test seems to fit Albert Einstein's famous definition of insanity--"doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." AFP reports:The United States will keep working toward a diplomatic resolution with North Korea despite its latest nuclear and missile tests, a Pentagon official said in an interview published in Japan Wednesday.
"We haven't shut the door to diplomacy," Michael Schiffer, the US deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia, was quoted as telling the Nikkei business daily.
Diplomacy has failed to stop North Korea from developing and testing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles capable of delivering the weapons. In other words, the North not only has a Nagasaki-sized atomic bomb; it is capable of dropping the bomb on Nagasaki ... and on Osaka, Hiroshima, and Seoul.
Nor has diplomacy stopped the Stalinist/Kimist state from spreading its nuclear knowhow, technology and materials to Iran and Syria. In fact, North Korean-Iranian cooperation in nuclear/missile development is closer than ever.
More diplomacy of the sort that provides the partners in nuclear/missile crime with yet more time to develop their weapons of mass destruction is not the solution. As former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently asked, if the international community cannot find the right mix of penalties and incentives to prevent North Korea and Iran from engaging in nuclear proliferation and threatening other countries with destruction, then, what is the point of even talking about an international system?NY Times Attack on Israel Recalls Nazi Propaganda
Iran's de facto agent of influence, the New York Times' Roger Cohen, a genuine Jewish anti-Semite in the tradition of Walter Lippmann--the revered liberal journalist who praised Hitler--has stooped to a level of Israel-hatred that is astonishing even by the standards of the newspaper's Op-Ed page. Click here for Cohen's incredible essay, which recalls the anti-Semitic propaganda of the Nazis in Germany and their supporters and sympathizers in the United States during the 1930s. The article's shocking title, "Obama in Netanyahu's Web," seems deliberately aimed at exploiting a popular, prewar Nazi motif--that of a Jewish spider strangling Europe--which dates to anti-Semitic works from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Jewish spider theme was adopted by Israel's Arab enemies after the founding of the state--an event that Cohen and his anti-Israel friends in Europe clearly regard as a terrible mistake in urgent need of correction.
WARNING: Reading Roger Cohen can cause vomiting.What Does North Korea Want?
What does North Korea want?
China Confidential analysts--the same people who accurately predicted both North Korean nuclear tests--warn the international community is misreading North Korea's intentions. The reclusive, totalitarian (Stalinist/Kimist) state is aiming higher, much higher, than commonly believed.
Though it is tempting to see North Korean leaders as gangsters who blast rockets over Japan and blow up nuclear bombs--instead of breaking legs and windows--in order to pressure their victims into paying protection money--criminals who capture and hold reporters hostage instead of kidnapping rich celebrities and industrialists for ransom money--this view of the gang in Pyongyang is dangerously misleading. True, the North wants money, and has proven that it will do almost anything to get it, including drug dealing and counterfeiting ... and selling nuclear materials, technology and knowhow, and maybe, even, actual bombs and warheads to its ally, Iran, and friend, Syria. But that's only part of the story.
What the North wants--what makes it so scary--is South Korea. Its intentions are to take over the South, to drive the United States from the Korean Peninsula, and to dominate Japan.
More important, Pyongyang is prepared to use military means, including nuclear weapons, to achieve its imperialist objectives.
Reuters reports:Russia is taking security measures as a precaution against the possibility tension over North Korea could escalate into nuclear war, news agencies quoted officials as saying on Wednesday.
Interfax quoted an unnamed security source as saying a stand-off triggered by Pyongyang's nuclear test on Monday could affect the security of Russia's far eastern regions, which border North Korea.
"The need has emerged for an appropriate package of precautionary measures," the source said.
"We are not talking about stepping up military efforts but rather about measures in case a military conflict, perhaps with the use of nuclear weapons, flares up on the Korean Peninsula," he added. The official did not elaborate further.North Korea Threatens to Attack South Korea
Brian Klein, a fellow with the Council of Foreign Relations, has contributed an excellent piece on North Korea to the New York Times Op-Ed page. Click here to read it. But we disagree with his assertion that thedanger of military confrontation on the peninsula is fairly remote, simply because the North cannot escape the devastating consequences of an attack. Firing a nuclear-tipped missile at Japan or the U.S., if and when capable, is also an extremely remote possibility; it would mean the annihilation of the regime.
China Confidential analysts believe the chances of military confrontation are steadily increasing, as shown by this:North Korea on Wednesday threatened to launch military strikes against South Korea if any of its ships were stopped or searched as part of an American-led operation to intercept vessels suspected of carrying weapons of mass destruction.
The North isn't bluffing, according to China Confidential analysts, who say the secretive Stalinist/Kimist state is ready to ratchet tensions up all the way to a full-blown war.
China Confidential is the only media outlet that accurately predicted both North Korean nuclear tests, including predicting the exact test dates. Using open source intelligence and an international network of volunteer stringers and analysts, China Confidential has consistently out-reported the mainstream media on the twin threats to world peace--nuclear-arming North Korea and nuclear-armed Iran.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
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Britannia Radio