Friday, 15 May 2009

Weekly Commentary: Obama team must put reality before rhetoric in the Middle East

Dr. Aaron Lerner                   Date: 14 May 2009

The Obama administration contends that unless Israel jumps through the 
"Palestinian state" hoops, the Arabs cannot support - even silently - action 
to stop a nuclear Iran.

And besides the huge timbers they are threatening to thwack Prime Minister 
Binyamin Netanyahu with during his upcoming visit, there is some talk of the 
possibility of a carrot or two if Israel would agree to the Saudi proposal 
that it agree to withdraw to indefensible borders and allow itself to be 
flooded with the progeny of the Palestinian "refugees"

But they are wrong.

As the Palestinians frequently complain, the Arab world's top priority today 
is not creating a sovereign Palestinian state - or even achieving genuine 
movement in that direction.

With the glaring exception of Syrian opportunists seeking economic gain via 
their pact with Iran, the Arab world sees stopping their Persian neighbors 
from getting nukes as a critical concern.

Now that's not to say that the Arabs won't continue to proclaim their 
solidarity with the Palestinians.

Just that resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is hardly a "necessary 
condition" for action to stop Iran.

This is nothing new.

When Israel attacked Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Saudis, rhetoric 
notwithstanding, essentially supported the move.

Its time for the Obama team to put reality before rhetoric in the Middle 

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730