What of load of unbridled hypocrisy. He's not the only really guilty
one but he's the one in charge who let it all go on unchecked and
thus tarnished the reputations of all those 500+ MPs who have not
been accused - let alone found guilty - of anything. To pour out
this gush devalues even more the House. It means that a proven crook
and dishonourable man who spent a further £300,000 in the courts
trying to stop the release of MPs expenses has now been whitewashed
publicly . Only Clegg managed to distance himself a little from the
They'll be telling us next that that nice Dr Shipman was so kind to
the 200 patients he killed
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
Leaders pay tribute to Martin at PMQs

The leaders of the two main parties have paid tribute to departing
Speaker Michael Martin after he announced his resignation yesterday.
Speaking at Prime Minister's questions this afternoon, Gordon Brown
praised the "unfailing personal kindness" of Mr Martin
"Your record of service to this House and to this country has been
outstanding over 30 years and you have shown unfailing personal
kindness to all members on all sides of the House," he said.
David Cameron voiced his gratitutde that the Speaker had shown to him
personally, and praised his service as both as Speaker and as MP.
"I will never forget as new backbencher in 2001 the kindness that you
showed me and the advice you gave me, and I know everyone wants to
thank you for the public service you have given to this House and to
this country"
Nick Clegg, who had called for the Speaker, praised the dignity with
which the Speaker announced his resignation, and said it was now time
to move forward to reform the House of Commons.
"Despite our difference in recent days I would like to thank you for
the immensely dignified way in which you made your statement
yesterday we can now move forward to reform this place from top to toe".
The Speaker then failed to call Mr Clegg for customary second
question before being prompted to do so by the Liberal Democrat leader.