What to Expect, Meandering Speculations
For years, I have been speculating about the weapon the conspiracy for world government would use to precipitate the panic that would cause America to demand its own enslavement. When the conspiracy launched the present financial debacle, I thought the question had been answered. As obvious as it was, it had never occurred to me that the conspiracy would choose two such weapons to work in tandem........
by Alan Stang
Administering Food and Drugs
We need to step back and look at very fundamental clues which led to the freakish ignorance of the American people. Let us begin with health. We the American people are the most drugged people on the planet. Senior citizens, bar none, are walking chemical experimentation organisms. With or without all the drugs, most seniors still die between the ages of 70 and 80, but the drugs that infect their systems are bizarre chemical cocktails and many are drugged to lethargy and death under the umbrella of humaneness or clinical trials.......
by Nancy Levant
Calling all terrorists, calling all terrorists!
Our country is really and profoundly in danger as our President and Napolitano have reminded us. As you know by now we are surrounded by a sea of domestic terrorists, just waiting to do us in or blow things up. Don’t you dare go out to dinner alone with your Pastor you might get murdered. Don’t even think about having coffee with anyone who is a vet or pro life, your throat will get slit. Your friend who wants fiscal responsibility with Government who you work with……well, watch your back!.......
by Laurie Roth
Saturday, 2 May 2009
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Britannia Radio