Friday, 8 May 2009

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Thursday, May 07, 2009
Section Page | News | Photos
North Korean Human Rights: Recommendations for the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress
(Heritage Foundation)
Unbelievable: Left-of-center parties really do gravitate toward totalitarianism
(National Center for Public Policy Research)
Conservative Businessman Elected President In Panama
(Center for Security Policy)
Pakistan Misleads Media On Taliban Operations
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Dear WSJ: Foreign Aid is Not the Answer
(Business & Media Institute)
From Strategy to Implementation: The Future of the U.S.-Pakistan Relationship
(Heritage Foundation)
Please Remove the Monkey
(Regular Folks United)
Out of Africa?
(Center for a Just Society)
America, The World Is Watching
(Heritage Foundation)
Iranian President Postpones Visit To South American Countries
(Center for Security Policy)
Reviving Pakistan's Pluralist Traditions to Fight Extremism
(Heritage Foundation)
'60 Minutes' Promotes $27-Billion Leftist 'Fraud' Efforts Against Chevron
(Business & Media Institute)
Ecuador's Correa until 2017?
(Center for Security Policy)
Moment of Truth in Pakistan
(Heritage Foundation)
One Civilization Clashing
(Center for Security Policy)
Securing the West: The U.S., the U.K., and Present Dangers
(Heritage Foundation)
Kudrin's Anti-Crisis Plan
(Heritage Foundation)
Swat Taliban Reject Islamic Courts, Refuse to Disarm
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
'The Enemy is Us'
(Center for Security Policy)
Countering Somali Piracy by Involving the Private Sector
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Torture and "Torture"
(Center for a Just Society)
Iran Gasoline Sanctions Legislation Introduced in House
(Foundation for the Defense of Democracies)
Koh Fails the Democracy Test
(Center for a Just Society)
Israel's Arab Cheerleaders
(Center for Security Policy)
Courting Mr. Chavez
(Center for a Just Society)