Tuesday, 5 May 2009
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY February 19, 2009 NEW Email: winston@winstonglobal.org Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear the archives of gamla.org.il/english & freeman.org Outgoing mail is virus-checked.
by Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Mid East analyst & commentator
How is it that the American people honor and respect little Israel for defying the pagan Islamists but, some of our leaders learn to dance to pagan Islamists? Why do our leaders and bureaucrats genuflect to Muslims Arabs - even as they show their hatred to America? How did our leaders learn to dance to Muslim Arab oil Sheiks and their demands to undercut Israel?
Why must all Americans pay the price put upon us by Big OIl and the elite thugs of Arabia who run and ruin our collapsing economy? Israel is in the process of having completed a democratic vote and now waiting for the corrupt system to subvert that Democracy and twist the results to suit the Leftists in Israel. Behind the scenes American leaders are in backroom conferences with the Left Wing Kadima government, insisting that Livni and Kadima be part of a Unity Government. Why?
For some reason there has assembled both within government and influential power brokers’ advisors to government self-tasked to fulfill the dreams of Arab Muslim Oil nations - which has always been to destroy the Jewish State and the Jewish people. They not only have adopted the Muslim Arab goals but, clearly, they too have a deep personal animus against both the Jewish State and Jews generally.
The Arab Muslims have evolved a testicle-driven, macho society that thrives on both their warrior prowess and their next-life status to fulfill the Koranic injunction to subjugate or kill the "infidels" (non-believers in Islam).
Israel dared to confront them on both front and beat them in 7 full-out wars, plus continual low-intensity conflict called "Terrorism". This was intolerable to the Muslims, to be beaten by those Jews, whom they considered "lowly and weak". To them this insult to their Pride and their resulting Shame was a challenge to their "raison d’etre" (reason for being).
After Israel was partitioned in 1948, the Arabs issued proclamations which were echoed from the Muezzin and further discussed in the coffee houses that the Jews would now have to be massacred to every man, woman and child. This would be a repeat of the 1929 Massacre that the Muslims perpetrated in four Israeli cities. In Hevron 69 Jews were massacred by their Arab Muslim neighbors while the British looked on, doing nothing. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin Al-Husseini caused these massacres by inciting the Muslims that the Jews were attacking Al Aksa Mosque.
Today, the Muslims still issue flowery declarations of war: "We will dance in the blood of the Jews." For them such an attack would be a glorious slaughter and would re-establish their long lost warrior status as achieved in the 12th Century by the Kurd Saladin. They tasted victory and great personal honor along with a chance to meet Allah should they die in battle against the Jewish "infidel".
But, victory was denied them. In spite of having been beaten in 7 wars and although well-equipped the Arab Muslim armies in 1948 were defeated when they attacked a small number of ill-trained Jews, many straight from the death camps of Europe. The Arab Muslim defeat was humiliating as they were driven from the field of battle. Their defeat destroyed the myth of their warrior status. The Muslim Arabs perpetrated more wars, intended to eliminate the Jews and they lost those wars. Not being able to tolerate defeat, they invented propaganda stories that it was American troops who defeated them.
Finally, they resorted to Terror on a smaller scale. The nations, such as Egypt, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia - who were enraged by the defeat of Islam began to fund Terrorists to recover their lost vision of emasculated manhood.
When they couldn’t succeed with Terror, they enlisted countries in Europe who had aided Hitler’s Genocide, knowing they would gladly participate in another Genocide. The one nation that was not expected to adopt the thwarted rage of the Arab Muslim Oil nations was America. There were very hostile anti-Semitism elements at the power level in Washington that were easy to recruit. For instance, the U.S. State Department, who tried mightily to stop the U.N. vote to partition Israel. They were natural subversive allies to the Arab Muslims, particularly those with oil. Much of their Jew Hatred stemmed from its earliest days when Jesuit missionaries were recruited to be representatives in nations where Jesuits had established themselves and used as our diplomats. Eventually, those Jesuit missionaries cycled back to America and deeply influenced the State Department, insuring that Jew-hatred would become endemic within the core.
American oil men, through their multi-national oil companies adopted the hatred of the Arabs against the Jewish State simply because it was good business. Soon it became a passion and, like the diplomats of the State Department, they could lobby Congress and the government-elected officials all the way up to the President to do what they could to subvert Israel. This had to be done under cover because the American people supported Israel, especially in its fight against the Muslim nations and their Terrorists. The U.S. government had to show support for Israel at this political level but, not so at a deeper level among the Arabists and anti-Semites.
We observed Condoleezza Rice, at the behest of the Bush government and the State Department, do everything possible to establish a hostile State of Palestine under the false rubric of "peace in our time".
Peace never came but, that didn’t stop the ARabists from subverting Israel in many ways which were hidden from public view. The Jew-haters flocked to this cause, both in America, Europe and even the Left in Israel.
Recruiting Leftist Jews was a prime goal because they were the perfect cover. They were "Liberal" and, therefore, acceptable to the Media and government of most countries, including Israel.
Thus, the result was Oslo 1 and 2, Wye, Gush Katif/Gaza, ‘et al’, with Leftist Jews acting as point men to their own destruction. Now, with the Bush family and his allies seemingly out of the picture, the next team has arrived in the form of President Obama and his hand-picked team of Arabists whose prior recorded history meets the criteria acceptable to Muslims and the hatred the Arab Muslims have for the Jewish State. Hillary is presently in Indonesia, the most populace Muslim State (after Indonesia), massaging their hurt feelings at seeing Israel still alive and well.
Their goal is the Arab goal, namely, to re-partition the already minuscule Jewish State into a fragmented splinter, easily attacked, defeated and eliminated. The plan to put another hostile, irresponsible State of Palestinian Muslim Arabs next to and inside of Israel’s heartland is the ultimate goal so all of Israel will be exposed to Rockets, Missiles, Mortars and Suicide Martyrs. As one looks around the world, anyone can see that when the Muslims reach a "critical mass" in each of their chosen host countries, Islam, the "peaceful" religion, will not remain peaceful in any country they are in or next to. The Jew-haters of governments yet insist that Israel put into Israel’s ancestral heartland, their most dedicated enemies who are driven by radical religious death-cult beliefs. The macho Muslim society truly believes that they must always attack those who are weaker - even if they are your own people. We see them attacking all over the planet to establish Global Caliphate of Muslims with all living under Sharia Law (strictest Islam).
It is a great embarrassment to America to have U.S. institutions and power brokers in government, assembling and plotting to carry out an execution on behalf of Arab Muslims. They have already seen that, when the Muslims reach "critical mass", they attack their host country - as is happening now throughout what has been accurately called Eurabia.
America, too, is slowly become a victim to the parasitic action of a Muslim people who follow a pagan, desert god once known as Zin, the Moon god but who is now known as Allah. Clearly, our national immune system is failing as we see our new President Obama, reaching out to debase the American nation as he tries to appease Iran and Syria.
Regrettably, America will suffer greatly as it assists in the growth of Islam - even as it eats away at our very body.
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Britannia Radio