Sunday, 31 May 2009
May 31, 2009
New Articles

Seizing Power and Property
I am certain that George Joseph is just one of many dealers whose businesses have been seized by major car manufacturers, sanctioned by the bankers directing the current administration’s spoils system of rewarding campaign contributors, friends and corporate allies. This is a blatant Communistic redistribution of property. The Elite have no loyalties – other than to each other. Unfortunately, government power was usurped long ago by the Elite, the majority of them lawyers, who impose laws favorable to themselves and their corporate cohorts but disastrous to the common citizen.......
by Deanna Spingola

Policy Review:  Another Step to Internet Control
As a former police officer, one of the ploys we used was to have the suspect tell on themselves. We would give the suspect some false sense of hope that we were on their side, they should trust us, and things would go easier if they would just tell us ‘the truth’. (More times than not, the information the suspect provided to us created the case against them in the first place. Until the suspect started talking, we didn’t really have anything on them.) Do you think it would be any different if a company admitted to not following certain laws?......
by Former Law enforcement officer, John Trinckes

Jew-Hatred or Stupidity or Both?
Now, please indulge my frankness: Aren’t you tired of being reminded of the poor “Palestinians” whose charming media call for “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”?......
by Professor Paul Eidelberg