Friday, 22 May 2009

y 22, 2009
New Articles

The Inevitably Marxist Zoo, Part 1
The authors of a new best seller, Animal Spirits, appeared briefly on The Glenn Beck Show and, despite Beck's apparent enthusiasm for the work, I saw a surprising defense by the authors of the Obama administration and its government's draconian intervention within the admittedly ferocious jungles and "animal spirits" of a free market economy. Simply put, they were applauding what Glenn Beck has spent months revealing as economic suicide......
by Michael Moriarty

The Rising Costs of Health Care Explained
When I started in Medicine there were few meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes was called "maturity onset diabetes" because we only saw it in patients >50 years old. The American diet and Big Pharma have changed all that. When I started in Medicine, McDonalds was new, a hamburger was 25 cents and you could hold it in one hand. Fries were 15 cents. “Supersize Me” had not been invented yet. Most people......
by Cleaves M. Bennett, M.D. 

Superiors vs. Inferiors
No matter what you believe or disbelieve, mankind operates within an on-going spiritual battle. As above-so below, good vs. evil is our constant reality. So, mankind divides himself into two sides - superior mankind and inferior mankind. This division has always been determined by those who acquire great wealth and those who simply exist or get by. How wealth is acquired matters not in terms of goodness because wealth trumps goodness - always has and always will. Therefore, wealth = goodness and goodness = superiority.......
by Nancy Levant

Full assault on Capitalism and Free Speech
Control central, the Obama administration continues to intrude upon, manipulate and take over industry after industry. First we have seen the intrusion and distortion with America’s banks. We know now that many Banks needed help from the Tarp fund AND MANY DID NOT, but amazingly all the main banks were forced to take Tarp funds or they were told no one would get any. Now many have been told they are not allowed by congress to pay back the money…..certainly not on THEIR terms and from THEIR realities. Of course, watch this Government spin their plans to control, run and manipulate the banking industry.......
by Laurie Roth