Ashley Mote (MEP for SE England 2004-2009) Announcement Ashley Mote (MEP for SE England 2004-2009) On 30th June 2009 this website will convert from my official site as a Member of the European Parliament to a private website dealing with political and current affairs. It will remain focussed on the great battle to restore the right of the British people to govern themselves. It will continue to draw information from sources inside the bureaucratic system in Brussels. Fortunately, not all insiders approve of the corruption, misuse of public funds and the intrusive so-called law which the EU imposes on us all, regardless of the damage they do. Many of those brave and independently-minded members of the European Commission’s staff have already told me they will, despite the risks to themselves and their careers, continue to keep me informed, just as they did when I was an MEP. So, from 1st July, the appearance of this site will change, but little else. The service will continue and there is no need for existing subscribers to take any action. But if you are not yet a subscriber and would like new postings sent to you automatically, just complete the "subscribe" box in the top right corner found on the Home Page of the website.5 June 2009
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Friday, 5 June 2009
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Britannia Radio