Acting Fabian 'Since January, the world’s eyes have focused on the United States’ new president, Barack Obama.This is understandable. Obama’s charisma and electioneering slogan of "change" ignited imaginations in America and around the globe. And now "change" is happening; instead of Big Government it’s Even Bigger Government, and instead of unmanageable debt levels its incomprehensible debt levels. In world affairs President Obama has taken a decidedly international-friendly approach. Even so, Barack is the new man on the block, and his public endorsement of global governance – while real and documentable – is relatively mild compared to his fellow traveler across the Big Pond. So far… If anyone has been a trumpeter for global change, it’s England’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Since taking office in 2007, Mr. Brown has incessantly called for a new internationalism. Listening to his speeches, it appears that the Prime Minister is more interested in supporting an empowered United Nations and European super-state, rather than advancing an independent, free, and prosperous Britain.'
Saturday, 20 June 2009
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Britannia Radio