ALEX BRUMMER: Mervyn King, a quiet man sounding cry of despair
Last updated at 9:23 AM on 26th June 2009
Mervyn King is not a person who chooses his words lightly. So his unprecedented full-frontal attack on the ‘extraordinary’ levels of Government borrowing must be regarded with great gravity.
This is the most serious rift between the Bank of England and the Government since Gordon Brown granted the former the independence to control inflation in 1997.
It is a reform which for more than a decade was regarded as New Labour’s finest achievement – but has now come back to bite it with a vengeance.

Tough critic: Mervyn King has launched a lacerating attack on the Treasury
Treasury insiders have come to regard Bank of England Governor Mr King as obstreperous and difficult as they seek to make emergency repairs to Britain’s broken banking system.
The Governor, for his part, believes that the Treasury has rushed through its reforms without consulting him properly, especially galling because it is the Bank that has the responsibility for restoring financial stability.
The dispute has become a festering sore at the heart of economic policymaking, even though the two principal figures in this drama, King and Chancellor Alistair Darling, are in their own way both quiet and calm men who find public rows distasteful.
This latest clash is all the more surprising since, for most of the six years that he has been governor, King has specifically avoided direct comment on the public finances, regarding them as the preserve of Whitehall.
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He always took the view that the Government’s much trumpeted ‘fiscal rules’ – to keep total debt at or near 40 per cent and only to borrow for investment in public services – were sufficiently robust to prevent lapsing back into a new era of inflation.
But with the onset of recession and the worst banking crisis for nearly a century, Darling and the Prime Minister junked this fiscal discipline and borrowing has soared.
The full horror was revealed in Darling’s April Budget, which has won praise for its honesty but has been the cause of political mayhem because it revealed just how far and how quickly Britain’s public finances had been driven off course.
Put bluntly, public expenditure is totally out of control. The Government is spending £4 for every £3 it raises in taxes.The credit ratings agency
Standard & Poor’s has already taken the serious step of putting the nation’s debt on special watch.
It is this fiscal nightmare which caused King to break ranks with Whitehall.
The Bank’s view about Britain’s economic condition and recovery prospects is considerably more gloomy than that of the Chancellor.
Darling talks of an upturn by the turn of the year but the Bank is deeply sceptical and believes output could slump by
Clearly, the Government’s objective is to rebuild public confidence before an election and the last thing it needs is the Bank trying to rain on its parade.
To add to the souring of relations, some Treasury officials believe that King has naively become too close to Shadow Chancellor George Osborne and his team, which includes at least one Bank exile.
A telling insight into the level of this distrust at the end of King’s threehour grilling before the Treasury Select Committee this week.
In what must have been a deeply calculated move, the Governor complained that he had not been consulted about a radical overhaul of the banking system to be presented to Parliament in a White Paper next week.
The complaint is denied in Whitehall where it is claimed that the Chancellor had talked to King about the contents of the document – although the Governor has not yet seen a draft.
What is really worrying about all of this is that this discord has erupted at a time when the nation’s governance is in chaos as a result of the MPs’ expenses scandal and Labour finds itself in an ever-deepening political and economic hole.
Rather than addressing Britain’s truly terrifying debt straight on, Brown cynically flaunts Labour’s commitment to public services to highlight the Tories’ arguments for cuts.
What is absolutely clear is that dramatic steps will have to be taken to correct the public finances.
King’s intervention reflects the unwillingness of the Government to confront the borrowing nightmare exposed in its own April Budget.
His concern is that eventually the combination of the Bank printing money – to kickstart the economy and government borrowing willy-nilly – will provoke the next economic crisis.
Just as the economy starts to emerge from its long slumber, the Bank will have to slam on the brakes again to prevent a recurrence of the horrific inflation that blighted Britain in the last three decades of the 20th century.
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- People:
- George Osborne,
- Gordon Brown,
- Mervyn King,
- Alistair Darling
- Organisations:
- Treasury Select Committee