Monday, 8 June 2009

All Australians to Have National 'Medical' Microchipped ID Cards

'From the middle of next year, the Medicare card will provide doctors, dentists, pharmacists and paramedics with an encyclopedia-like file on patients' medical histories, medications and treatments. "We've made a decision that every Australian will be allocated a unique health identity," Ms Roxon told The Courier-Mail in an exclusive interview.

"It would be a card, most likely with a chip that would store your information on it, which you would then provide to health professionals and give them access to it when you wanted them to see it".'


Securitization: The Biggest Rip-off Ever

'Is it possible to make hundreds of billions of dollars in profits on securities that are backed by nothing more than cyber-entries into a loan book? It's not only possible; it's been done. And now the scoundrels who cashed in on the swindle have lined up outside the Federal Reserve building to trade their garbage paper for billions of dollars of taxpayer-funded loans. Where's the justice? Meanwhile, the credit bust has left the financial system in a shambles and driven the economy into the ground like a tent stake.

The unemployment lines are  growing longer and consumers are cutting back on everything from nights-on-the-town to trips to the grocery store. And it's all due to a Ponzi-finance scam that was concocted on Wall Street and spread through the global system like an aggressive strain of Bird Flu. The isn't a normal recession; the financial system was blown up by greedy bankers who used "financial innovation" game the system and inflate the biggest speculative bubble of all time. And they did it all legally, using a little-known process called securitization.'


Spy Bugs May be Deployed for 2012 Olympics

'British police are studying Chinese-style surveillance tactics as they prepare security for the 2012 London Olympics, a leaked Scotland Yard report has revealed. The report, marked “restricted”, reveals that among the “Big Brother” tactics deployed at last summer’s Beijing Games was the installation of miniature microphones in thousands of taxis.

The bugs transmitted passengers’ conversations to a police control room. There, officers could activate disabling devices to stop the cabs if they suspected criminal activity. In another operation, athletes, visitors and journalists were believed to have been tracked by tiny microchips on their tickets and passes.'