Tuesday, 23 June 2009
6/23/2009 2:07:00 PM
A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah
Dr. Rima Laibow joins Tamar and shares some very uncomfortable information about people losing their rights on what they can eat, grow and have to inject into themselves to comply with THE LAW. Are the Pharmaceutical companies, the Government, the United Nations and World Health Organization telling us what we can eat and what vaccines to pump into our bodies? Will it soon be against the law to grow your own food or plant an organic food garden on your own property? Will vitamins soon be a 'prescription only' item? What is being sprayed on our fruits and vegetables and what is the government demanding to be pumped into our meat & poultry? Is the swine flu a real global threat? Hear what your government is planning. Learn to plant your own organic garden to feed your family in a limited amount of space.
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Britannia Radio