There's a corollary to the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it": if you want to fix something, you'd better break it first. The logic is simple enough for a child to understand, yet most adults fail to grasp it. Take the current financial meltdown which is threatening to bring down the American Empire and destabilize the world economy. That it has been created by the greed and avarice of those at the top of the financial pyramid is easy enough to demonstrate: "Bubbles" Greenspan, ex-chairman of the Federal Reserve, pretended to save the economy after the popping of the dotcom bubble by lowering the prime lending rate to 1.00%, thus creating the housing bubble. Financial investors, sensing opportunity, began making risky loans to unsuitable candidates and then dressing these loans up as AAA securities through financial wizardry. Ratings agencies and regulators looked the other way. Finally, when the loans started to default and the buble began to burst, "Helicopter" Ben Bernanke, the current Fed chairman, lived up to his moniker by dropping tens of billions of Federal Reserve funny money liquidity onto Wall Street from his metaphorical Fed helicopter. As a result, the dollar continues to devalue at an ever increasing rate leading to price rises on imports across the board, including, of course, oil. These facts are easily understood. What is less easily understood is that the crisis itself—a perfectly predictable result of the reckless lending habits of the mortgage lenders and the loose monetary policy of the Fed—is in fact intended to bring about a situation which could only be 'fixed' by centralizing power in the hands of the bankers who have created the problem in the first place. The concept itself is perfectly simple. In order to justify bringing in a new system, the old system must be destroyed. The confusion sets in, however, because the international financial oligarchs puppeteering the system have used a smokescreen of 'national' central banks like the Federal Reserve in the U.S. and the Bank of England in the U.K. to perpetuate the false appearance of a system of disconnected, competing national interests. The ultra-wealthy financiers of one country, according to this myth, have nothing in common with the ultra-wealthy financiers of another. When it is revealed that these 'national' central banks are in fact privately owned by the same few ultra-wealthy financiers, it becomes clear that the current economic system is run by a network of elites connected across national borders by their common interest in expanding their own wealth and power. From this perspective, it is easy to understand that the implosion of the current national economic order in favor of an international order is actually in the best interests of those elite string-pullers who are in the position to pull the plug on the current system. It's important to note that this plan is much larger than the Federal Reserve as a national central bank, much older than the subprime mortgage fiasco, and involves much higher-level figures than Bubbles and Helicopter Ben, both of whom received their marching orders at elite confabs like Bilderberg (with Greenspan having the dubious distinction of having attended the Bohemian Grove). Indeed, the plans for elite control of an international order built on the back of their financial control goes back at least to Marx, himself funded and supported bywealthy industrialists. The key planks of Marx's platform, laid out in The Communist Manifesto, have in fact all been implemented in the United States and many other so-called 'free' nations, including of course the cornerstone communist proposal of the creation of central banks to administer the economy. The next step in this process—envisioned not only by Marx in his "withering away of the state" but by the Fabian Socialists and social engineers of the 20th century right down to the present day—is the replacement of the current international financial order by a truly global system in which the entire global economy is at last under the total control of the financial wizards behind the curtain. Although the general public has been programmed to laugh at the very idea of an international elite (let alone an elite that would use their power and influence to expand their own wealth and consolidate their control), their plans are a matter of public record. A clear example of this plan comes from H.G. Wells, writing in the early 1900s. Although today known for his sci-fi works describing (in glowing terms) the creation of a world state run by technocrats, in his own time Wells was known as a political thinker, even drafting a document that would be adopted by the UN as their Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In his 1931 book What Are We To Do With Our Lives (later revised under the provocative title The Open Conspiracy), Wells wrote at length about the ways the wealthy elite and technocratic caste were conspiring to engineer a system of global control. Writing of the importance of an international financial system in implementing this self-styled 'Open Conspiracy,' Wells notes: In this passage, Wells brazenly asserts that all the elite are asking for is control over the world money supply and iron-fist control over the international issuance of credit. Other than that, people would be free to act as they please in the coming world state. Perhaps he was relying on his reader's ignorance of Meyer Amschel Rothschild's famous dictum "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws." The utter contempt for the democratic process which Rothschild displayed in that quote is also evident in a famous quotation from James Paul Warburg, an American banker and Presidential advisor. Speaking to the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950, he threatened: "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." Nor are such brazenly tyrannical musings by financial oligarchs limited to the distant past. As recently as 1991 David Rockefeller, former head of Chase Manhattan Bank and third generation member of the infamous Rockefeller dynasty, uttered the following chilling words at the 1991 Bilderberg gathering in Baden, Germany: The game plan of the ultra elite, those select few who hold the purse strings of entire nations in their hands, has not changed in centuries. They continue to push for the formation of world government as a way to formalize their control over the supposedly free nations of the world and expand their already incalculable wealth. Is it any surprise, then, that we see Timothy Geithner, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, coming out the very day after attending Bilderberg 2008 proposing the elite solution to the current financial crisis: the ceding of powers from the 'national' central banks into a strengthened BIS (international central bank) that, exactly as H.G. Wells had wished, would consolidate control of the money supply and the power to issue credit in the hands of the international bankers. The simplicity of the entire plan is laid bare in a simple observation. The financiers used Bilderberg minions like Greenspan and Bernanke to create the problem. Now they send Bilderberg emissaries like Geithner to propose their solution of increased control. They broke the economy and—unless we can expose this operation for the transparent scam that it is—they're going to fix it. A child would understand.Breaking The Economy In Order To Fix It
How and why the elite are engineering the next depression
James Corbett
The Corbett Report21 July, 2008
"the necessary maintenance of a money system by a central world authority upon a basis that will make money keep faith with the worker who earns it, and represent from first to last for him the value in staple commodities he was given to understand it was to have, and if we conceive credit adequately controlled in the general interest by a socialized world banking organization, we shall have defined the entire realm from which individual property and unrestricted individual enterprise have been excluded."
-H.G. Wells, What Are We To Do With Our Lives?"the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
-David Rockefeller
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
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Britannia Radio