Friday 12 June 2009

The country is slipping into chaos and al the news items are on Hazel Blear's weepily apologising to Brown and on this kind of piffling idiocy. 

Christina Speight

FT.COM 12.6.09

The squabble over Mandelson's Union Jack

June 12, 2009 4:12pm by Alex Barker

This seemingly harmless logo, replete with an upwardly mobile Union Jack, has sparked a terrific Whitehall squabble.

It is a Mandelson seal of approval that is likely to appear on every idea, plan, proposal and initiative the government produces in coming months.

The first instalment is expected as early as next week. But at this late stage, what do you think Whitehall is most concerned about? The logo, of course.

All mandarins want to their departments to take the credit for policy initiatives. In general they stake out their territory with stationary; if the document carries their departmental crest, it is their idea. Ownership is everything.

So just imagine their horror when Downing Street trawled Whitehall for ideas 's and then decided it wanted to publish the results under a Building Britain's Future's logo. That was the final straw, said one outraged Whitehall insider.

The fearless public servants have since mounted a rearguard action to claim back the policies stolen from them. Instructions have been sent out to resist any pressure to sacrifice any more cherished initiatives to the Building Britain's Future crest.

As the publication date nears, I expect some of Britain's highest ranking officials are locked in ever more vicious email battles over which crest goes where. Building Britain's Future? You bet.