Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Dear Friends (from Nadia Matar
Women in Green)

Below please find a strong article on the importance of PR and the unfortunate lack of proper PR by Israel.

What the author did not write about, and we would like to add, is that as long as Israel's leaders are incapable of declaring, loud and clear, that the entire Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel, and that we have a right to settle, expand and build in it because it IS OURS, there will never be a proper government PR, for PR (hasbara) can be successful only when someone really believes in the justness of his cause.

Sadly, with political leaders who are willing to capitulate to the Arab enemy and who have no problem giving away parts of our G-d given Biblical homeland to that enemy, there will not be any proper PR coming from the government offices.

The task of local and international hasbara and activism is thus left in the hands of the Zionist Land of Israel grassroots organizations, such as Women in Green and others, who, unfortunately, unlike the leftist organizations who receive millions from the European Union and other Jew haters, have very little funding and thus cannot do the job they so much want to do.

Food for thought.....

Nadia Matar
Women in Green

The War Of Words That Israel Must Start Winning

[This guest blog was written by Tabatha Caplan, creator of the A Jew With A View blog <>. Tabatha is a freelance journalist living in Britain. She is also a strong supporter of Israel with a keen insight into Israel's standing among the Gentile nations. Be sure to check out her blog.]

I almost got lynched last week. My crime? I dared to defend Israel in public. I even ­ brace yourselves ­ declared myself a Zionist. I might as well have confessed to torturing tiny animals, given the horrified response. Within minutes, a relaxed dinner party became a veritable contest to see who could most malign Israel.

It's a tad traumatic being the sole Zionist in any gathering these days. Israel-bashing has become a national sport in many countries. Post the IDF [Israel Defense Force] strikes on Gaza and the court of public opinion hasn't just judged Israel "guilty"; rather, Israel has been hung, drawn and quartered. The Arab nations have failed, thus far, to destroy the physical Israel, but their revisionism of Middle East history is winning hearts, minds and newspaper columns across the globe.

Slowly but surely, the world is coming round to the Arab lie that Jews are the 'aliens' in the Middle East. Tell most people that the very term 'Palestinian' always included the Palestinian Jews who have inhabited the region for 3,500 years ­ continuously ­ and they'll just smile pityingly, and claim you've been hoodwinked by 'zionist propaganda'.

And oh, the bitter irony of this particular slur! Because by any objective standards, Israel's PR is dire. It has been for a while, actually. Back in 2002, the Jerusalem Centre For Public Affairs published a detailed report, in which it noted:

The Israel State Comptroller's report released on October 7, 2002, levelled unprecedented criticism on Israel's public relations efforts. The State Comptroller revealed that 'since its establishment in 1948, Israel's intelligence organs have not succeeded to respond to the broad-based propaganda and incitement by the Arab world.'

During Operation Cast Lead, I sat with my head in my hands, as a series of increasingly inarticulate figures 'represented' Israel. Do the powers-that-be scour the streets to find the least sympathetic, least sophisticated, least effective spokespeople? It would almost appear so.

As the Jerusalem Centre report notes:

Leading U.S. media relations experts sent to Israel by private sponsors in May 2002 described Israel's PR efforts in the United States as "disastrous."
Israel's Consul General in New York, Allon Pinkas, complained that Israel's image in the U.S. suffered from a lack of clear and "disciplined" messages. International media consultant Lillian Wilder, a media advisor to former U.S. President Richard Nixon, noted in an interview that Israelis are often unprofessional and "wordy" on television.

Now at this point, some of you will roll your eyes and stop reading. After all, doesn't the tiny Jewish nation have enough to cope with, given the spectre of a nuclear Iran, and an American President openly wooing Islam? What, is Israel also meant to fret over what ill-informed folk in other lands believe??

My answer? A resounding yes!

Yes, Israel does need to argue her case more effectively on the world stage. Because when hatred of the Jewish state was confined to the Arab and Muslim worlds, that was one thing. Alarming? Sure. Surprising? Hardly, given what Islam says about 'infidels' and Jews in particular.

Now, though, the loathing for Israel that has festered in Arab and Muslim hearts for six decades is being exported by Islam as it goes marching unfettered through Europe. It is no coincidence that in nations with large influxes of Muslims, hating Israel is now de rigueur.

Take Britain. During the Gaza Operation at the end of last year, Britain went berserk with rage towards the Jewish state. Thousands marched through the streets, brandishing banners that read 'Death to Israel!', while they chanted 'We are all Hamas now!'

And please recall that Britain itself suffered a terrorist attack in 2005. So why did not one Israeli spokesman make the vital yet basic point that terrorist attacks in Israel are the same as terrorist attacks in America and Britain? And that, unlike both these countries, Israel suffers terrorism on a regular basis?

Let me make it clear: I supported Operation Cast Lead. I defended Israel passionately ­ at work, online, in restaurants, at parties, to friends and colleagues and strangers alike. Like many of my fellow diaspora Jews, and our Gentile friends who love Israel, I wrote letter after letter to the British press, trying to counter the unfair bias against Israel.

It was like trying to stem a tidal wave with your thumb.

In the UK, physical attacks on Jews increased. Some Israelis in Britain found themselves being refused service in pubs, clubs and various other venues. One Israeli family was actually forced into hiding, so intense was the hostility directed at them.

In north London, one Orthodox Jewish man was dragged out of his car, in broad daylight, and beaten. Shops that were ­ wrongly ­ linked with Israel had their windows smashed. Supermarkets stocking kosher or Israeli products were threatened with boycotts. Tesco, one of the largest UK supermarkets, was swift to create a special 'helpline' for customers wishing to avoid Israeli goods. (Suffice it to say that I, along with many others, am now boycotting Tesco.)

In schools, colleges and University campuses across the country, Jewish and Israeli students found themselves marginalised and verbally abused. At Cambridge and also the LSE (London School Of Economics) students staged mock 'occupations' to express their 'sympathy' with Gaza. The fact that Gaza had been under Palestinian [sic] control for five years by this time was a mere detail.

Nor was this anti Israel sentiment confined to the 'ordinary' person in the street. The Arab propaganda has a vice-like grip on the British media, with the BBC, the Guardian, and The Independent cheerfully leading the charge.

These media outlets ignored the fact that Israel had endured years of Palestinian terrorism, and instead chose to portray Israel as the sole aggressor in the conflict. False accusations against Israel appeared daily, with no corrections ­ let alone apologies! ­ when the true facts later emerged. The Guardian, especially, delighted in publishing grotesque cartoons which painted Israel as a brutal Goliath, hell-bent on destroying the weaker, Palestinian David.

The effect of this British media bias against Israel? During Israel's anti-Hamas strikes, Jews and Muslims met ­ separately ­ with their respective MPs. My local MP explained that in the House Of Commons, Israel was being demonised on a daily basis. Several government members were demanding that Britain cut ties with Israel altogether.

This same MP told us that every single member of Parliament was 'being bombarded' by their Muslim constituents, who were insisting that they condemn Israel.

And fuelled by the BBC, and the Guardian, many non Muslims added their voices ­ and of course their potential votes ­ to this anti-Israel agenda.

We should note that the BBC took to bashing Israel with a vengeance. This surprised no one. Indeed, the accusations of bias against the BBC go back several years. Keen to disprove them, the corporation even organised its own review, the Balen Report, in 2004.

And the findings?

We don't know. The BBC has refused to make them public. It has, in fact, spent a whopping £200,000 [$328,560] to keep the report private. A London solicitor is pursuing the BBC through the courts in a bid to bring the Balen Report into the public domain. As the Sunday Telegraph noted:

The BBC is mounting a landmark High Court action to prevent the release of The Balen Report under the Freedom of Information Act, despite the fact that BBC reporters often use the Act to pursue their journalism.
The action will increase suspicions that the report includes evidence of anti-Israeli bias in news programming.

Now, in light of all this, consider an item that appeared a while back at the superb HonestReporting:

Israel's Finance Ministry shot down an idea for a 'Jewish Al-Jazeera'. Isaac Herzog has been quoted as saying: 'We considered establishing a Jewish Al Jazeera, especially one that would broadcast in Arabic and Farsi. But it was torpedoed by the Finance Ministry'.

Hamas has a huge advantage precisely because of Al Jazeera, since the station is also watched by the English speaking world. Compare this to Israel, which has to filter reports through foreign journalists. A 'Jewish Al Jazeera' which offered reports in English, would be a massive help.

And think about how simple the Palestinian propaganda is. It concentrates on one clear, albeit deceitful, message: We were here first. The Jews kicked us out. We're the victims.

The 2002 Jerusalem Institute report noted an interesting example where Palestinian propaganda excelled while Israeli PR failed miserably:

Losing the "Al Aqsa" Brand War
Naming the current war the "Al Aqsa intifada" proved to be a stroke of Palestinian PR genius, as much of the Western news media adopted this Palestinian brand name that casts the conflict internationally in the image Arafat sought.
For its part, Israel's failure to "rebrand" the conflict on its own terms to reflect the conflict's true nature ­ a pre-planned war of terror against Israeli citizens ­ placed the Jewish state on the defensive in the international court of public opinion from the first day of the conflict.

Yet, a full seven years on, it seems that Israel has not learned anything about how to improve its PR and indeed, empower those of us in the diaspora who are passionately putting its case. Israel is still miscalculating. Badly.

Witness what happened recently when Israeli tourism posters appeared around London. Anti-Israel groups quickly began lodging official complaints. Result? The posters were all removed. It's clear that pictures of golden beaches and bronzed bodies won't cut it. Israel needs to remind the world that she is the sole democracy in the region. Where are the images of Palestinians being treated in Israeli hospitals? Where are the maps illustrating how tiny Israel is compared to the 99.9999% of the Middle East that the Arabs control? Where are the public roll-calls of all the Israelis who have lost their limbs, loved ones and lives to Palestinian terrorism?

And yes, I realise that antisemitism lies at the heart of much unfair bias against Israel. No doubt about it. But that's even more reason why Israel needs to sort out some decent PR.

This begs the question: why doesn't Israel just take a leaf out of the Palestinian book? After all, the world is bombarded with images of wounded Gazan children, even when those children are suffering purely because of Hamas aggression.

Why are there never any images of Israeli children as they lay injured on the ground following a Hamas attack?

It's time to play by some of the same rules as the Palestinians, unpalatable though this may be at times. Either that, or Israel continues to be unfairly and insanely singled out as the villain of the piece.

Finally, I'd like to suggest that there is one bit of rebranding that we can and must all do, right now.

And that is to reclaim the word 'Zionist'. We have to stop allowing the Arabs and Muslims to hijack this word and turn it into an insult. So next time you hear someone using 'Zionist' as a pejorative term, make this clear:

A Zionist is simply anyone who supports Israel's right to exist.

After all, we don't hear people bashing Muslims for supporting the existence of their twenty-two Islamic nations, do we??
Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380


How Israel Can Defend Itself And Counterattack

By Bernard J. Shapiro

(Original 1964 and revised many times over 45 years)

The Arabs have always been adept at psychological/propaganda warfare due to their culture of lies and verbal skills. Students of Islamic practices have long recognized that in Arab society it is the norm to prevaricate and deceive. An Arab who tells the truth about serious events affecting ideology, history, and "disputed" matters is considered foolish and naive. How this sociological pattern manifests itself in the Arab War of Extermination Against Israel is the subject of this article.
History is very illuminating on the changes and evolution of Arab psychological warfare against Israel. In the beginning (1888-1939) the Arabs in general, and the Arabs of British Mandate Palestine tended to operate on the basis of religious fanaticism and anti-Jewish incitement. Arab leaders like Haj Amin el-Husseini, the British appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, began to organize squads of terrorists (the called fedayeen) to attack Jews as early as the 1920's. The massacre of the Jews of Hebron in 1929 preceded the establishment of Israel by almost 20 years.
In these early years the motivation was to sow fear in the hearts of Jews and prevent their integration into the country. It was also meant to scare away potential new Jewish immigrants. A very important other motivation for the Arabs was to convince the British that the influx of Jews into Palestine was the cause of instability and war and thus should be stopped. This policy succeeded dramatically in 1939 when the British White Paper, limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine, was issued. The White Paper trapped millions of European Jews seeking refuge from the Nazis by closing the doors of the Jewish Homeland.
During World War II, the Arab goal shifted as Haj Amin el-Husseini became a regular guest of Adolf Hitler in Berlin. There he watched as Hitler's plans to exterminate all of European Jewry emerged. Greatly please with the Holocaust, he lobbied Hitler to bring the gas chambers and crematoria to Palestine after the war. He drew up plans to set up extermination centers near Tel Aviv and Haifa.
Of course we know that the Nazis lost the war and these plans never came to such an evil fruition.
After the war, the palestinian Arabs continue a war of terrorism against the Jewish community of Palestine. Again, they hoped that the British would abandon their promises to allow the development of a Jewish National Home. Frustrated with the fighting between Jews and Arabs and the growing Jewish resistance their rule, the British turned the entire issue over to the United Nations. This resulted in the Partition Resolution passed on November 29, 1947, which divided Palestine into two states (one Jewish and one Arab).
The Arab States declared war on the new Jewish State and Israel was reborn (1948) in blood and fire. Arab psychological warfare shifted gears in the following years (1948-67) and the cry was to "throw the Jews into the sea." This cry was repeated often by palestinian Arab leader Ahmed Shuqeiri, both in the media and in the halls of the United Nations. Israel was seen as a potential victim of Arab aggression until the Six Day War when it suddenly became Goliath to the Arab David.
The Arabs understood after the wars of 1967 and 1973 (Yom Kippur War) that Israel could not be defeated by military means. They were forced to come up with a new psychological/propaganda plan. This new strategy ceased calling for the extermination of the Jews and the destruction of Israel.
The most important improvement in Arab propaganda is its ability to utilize Jewish and left-wing groups for its anti-Israel campaign. Extreme left-wing political parties like Meretz and Labor joined pro-Arab organizations like Peace Now, Betzelem, Peace Forum and Tikkun to form a broad coalition of Jews willing and anxious to be political pawns in the hands of those that sought Israel's destruction. Since 1967 that propaganda has changed to emphasize "Palestinian self determination", Palestinian "rights" and to enlist the support of "human rights" and leftist groups.
It is important to note that the Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran are still the world's largest publisher 'a of "hard core" anti-Semitic literature like the PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION. Syria's Defense Minister recently wrote a book to prove that accusations of "blood libel" against the Jews were true. That is that "Jews kill Christians, especially children, to use their blood in the preparation of rnatza during Passover."
Arab propaganda is based on deception and misdirection through the following demands and claims:
1. Self determination for "palestinians" in a new State of Palestine
2. Return of the "occupied" territories
3. Return of the Arab refugees
4. Return of all property of Arabs who lost it as a result of their failed attempt to exterminate the Jewish population of Palestine
1. The State of Israel dispossessed the "palestinians" and stole their country
2. The Jews/Israelis were racists
3. The Jews/Israelis were worse than the Nazis
4. The Jews/Israelis were guilty of genocide against the "palestinians"
5. Jews had no historical connection to Eretz Yisrael (Israel)
6. The "palestinians" were the indigenous people of Palestine
7. Terrorism by "palestinians" is justified as resistance to "occupation"
"It is time that Americans and Europeans realize that these teeming masses of Zionists who infest their cities and sit astride the arteries of their commerce are, in every sense of the word, aliens."
The above quotation, in passion and paranoic ring could have come from the pen of anyone of our local or international hatemongers, whose rhetoric we have come to know well over the past half century. Yet, these words are neither the work of a professional rabble-rouser, nor of a right-wing extremist; rather they come from a presumably scholarly work written by Musa Khuri, an Arab college professor.
This points up two rather disturbing realities: That Arab propaganda and it psychological warfare against Israel has broadened into an attack Jewish populations outside of Israel. It has, in effect, joined forces with anti-Semites, both from the extreme right and the extreme left to delegitimize Israel and the Jewish people and facilitate their destruction. Secondly, this Arab, European and Jewish left wing propaganda apparatus, sanctioned, as it is, by duly recognized governments which together form an influential political power bloc, has lent these local anti-Semitic efforts the aura of respectability.
What do the Arabs hope to gain by this great effort and expense?
Bluntly speaking: to bring about conditions that would facilitate the destruction of the State of Israel They concentrate most of their propaganda in the United States, Europe, the United Nations and Islamic nations. A lot of emphasis in recent years has been on the United States, because they feel that this country was the greatest single influence that contributed to the creation of Israel and that it still is the major force standing in the way of Israel's destruction.
The Arabs, therefore, aim to neutralize the impact of America on the Middle East and, if possible, to draw her over to their side. This requires that the propaganda apparatus achieve the following effects: To drive a wedge between Israel and the American Jewish community; to alienate the Jew from the rest of America, and destroy his political and economic strength; and to convince the American people, and through them the American government, that it must adopt a pro-Arab, anti-Israel foreign policy.
To achieve these goals, Islamic organizations like the Arab Anti-Defamation League, the Council of Arab Affairs have published voluminous materials and have distributed them extensively. School and public libraries regularly receive large amounts of unsolicited propaganda; civic, church and political clubs are treated to a host of polished Arab speakers who are able to lecture on a wide variety of subjects but always manage to direct the discussion to the Arab-Israeli conflict; hundreds of anti-Israel letters are kept flowing to large and small papers across the country. Of even more importance, almost every major American university has an Islamic Studies Center financed and funded by Arab money. The centers are teaching a false biased anti-Israel history of the Middle East to a whole new generation of students, including uninformed Jewish students.
The themes and techniques exploited in the letters, books, pamphlets and speeches follow a pattern. Virtually all Arab propaganda is based on the following postulates:
* The establishment of Israel represents a great "imperialistic" injustice to the Arabs.
* The Arabs of Palestine were expelled from their homes by "alien" invaders who seized their country.
Muhanimad T. Mehdi spells this out explicitly in his pamphlet The Question of Palestine:
"The question of Palestine is basically a problem of intrusion of a group of foreigners, largely Europeans, into the Arab land of Palestine, against the will of the Arab people, but with British and later American and Western support."
A wide variety of proposals, arguments, themes and accusations based on these postulates appear periodically in Arab propaganda. In all of their efforts the distinction between Zionist and Jew is blurred, although the Arabs frequently claim to have no quarrel with the Jews, but only with the Zionists. We deal with this lack of precise distinction, when we discuss the use of anti-Semitic themes in its propaganda. Here, then, are some examples of recurrent themes:
An 'international" Zionist (often Zionist-Jewish or Zionist-Jewish-Communist depending on the audience) conspiracy was able to take aver Palestine because:
(a) It controls the mass media in this county.
(b) It controls the wealth of this country.
(c) It controls both political parties
1. Israel is guilty of stealing land and property that belongs to Arabs; of military aggression; of creating tension to help its pleas for aid.
2. The UJA is not a charity; therefore contributions should not be tax-exempt.
3. Highly Organized, well financed "minority groups" pressure the American government to adopt programs that are supposedly in their respective private interest, but are, in fact, detrimental to the United States.
4.The Zionists (Jews) are, in reality, loyal to Israel, and, therefore, disloyal to America.
5. Israel benefits from anti-Semitism in the sense that it uses it as an excuse to increase immigration and ask for more aid.
6. Israel preaches peace, but is guilty of aggression since it desires territorial expansion.
7. There would be peace if Israel accepted U.N. Resolutions.
8. American prestige in the Middle East is damaged, end Arab-American friendship is inhibited by American supporters of Zionism.
9. Israel desecrates Christian and Moslem holy places.
10. Israel commits atrocities.
11. Israel persecutes the Arab minority.
12. The Jews have been worse than even the Nazis in their relations to the Arabs.
Here is how the Arabs take this and-Semitic theme and exploit it for their purposes: Haj Amin el-Husseini, former Mufti of Jerusalem, Grand Mufti of Palestine, Hitler's Middle Eastern propaganda specialist during the war and head of the Arab Republic of Palestine" in exile in Baghdad said:
"The Palestine tragedy is unequaled in history. The Zionist imperialistic plot against Palestine was most inhumane and base. World Judaism plans to take over most of the Arab countries to fulfill its so-called historical dream of a homeland between the Nile and Euphrates. The Imperialist Jewish plot is not aimed at Palestine only....."
The Palestine Liberation Organization, which has been recognized as the world's highest moral arbiter recently asked the United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Anan to draft a resolution condemning Israel and calling for sanctions. Something is obviously wrong with this picture. It is time for Israelis and their supporters to recognize that Israel has a public relations problem.
The actions Israel take to defend its security are quite moderate by Middle East standards. Its ability to explain what and why it took such action is inadequate. Along with most of the pro-Israel community, I'm a frequent critic of Israeli information policies.
What is needed is a whole new approach to Israeli public relations. Let's call it: THE MARKETING OF ISRAEL, and look at the problem from an advertizing perspective. About eight years ago, I discussed with an executive of a major advertising company the possibility of producing television spots supporting Israel's positions on various political issues. I became discouraged upon learning that the major stations do not permit "advocacy" commercials.
I think it is time to take a second look at my concept but expand it to include radio, magazines, cable television (cable will accept this type of commercial) and newspapers. The ads should range from the very soft evocative travel type to some hard hitting but subtle political messages. Pretend that Israel is a corporation with a vast market in the United States. Receipts from that market top $6 Billion Dollars (including US economic and military aid, UJA, Israel Bonds, JNF, plus all the other campaigns from Yeshivas to the Technion). What would you spend to protect a market of that magnitude? One percent would equal $60 million. You can run for president with sixty million dollars. In a wild fantasy, lets say we have that much money. And let's say we hire a talented creative ad man to develop a multi-faceted, multi-media, and multi-year campaign to win the hearts and minds of the American people (and later the Europeans).
This should not be an impossible task. Israel is a good product, lots of virtues, few vices. (Can you imagine convincing the American people to love Saddam or Osama bin Ladin?) We could do nothing, but the consequences are not so good. Public opinion polls are beginning to show the Arabs winning more and more sympathy despite terrorism. Today the movement of university students and their professors, blacks, and the leadership of the Democrat Party toward support of Arab anti-Israel goals is truly frightening. Yes, Arabs who keep their women in bondage; Palestinians who disembowel pregnant teachers in front of their classes; Syrians who peddle narcotics to American inner city youth and commit mass murder if provoked; Saudis who threaten to behead a man for practicing Christianity; all of these and more are almost as popular as Israel. The Arabs are good at smearing the good name of Israel. Just listen to Hanan Ashrawi some time. No matter what the question, she manages to fit in a lie about Israel in her answer. Israel has already lost the college campus, half of the Afro-Americans, a good portion of the Protestants except for the Baptists and the Evangelicals and some in the Jewish community.
Israel must stop being inhibited from its national Zionist mission because of Arab psychological intimidation. The Israelis must know that they are NOT racist despite accusations of racism from racist Arabs and their left wing fellow travelers. In their military/strategic policy, Israel must act in its own best interests and that of its citizens and NOT at the command of any other nation. The security and survival of Israel and the Jewish community has the highest priority in Jewish law and MUST be observed. And I mean by that, the Israel Defense Forces must be given complete freedom to destroy the enemy. Israel's political establishment MUST NOT negotiate with an enemy seeking its destruction in the false hope of preventing the final battle between the forces of good and evil (light and darkness).
The Israel government needs to realize that we are living in a new world where telecommunications brings us closer that ever before to each other. In the fifties when Israel was criticized, Ben Gurion used to say, "Its not what the world thinks, but what the Jews do that is important." It is a different world now and for every Israeli policy, the public relations aspect must be examined. I am definitely not calling on Israel to submit to public opinion but instead to organize and mold it for their benefit. I don't want Israel immobilized by fear of bad public relations. I want Israel to plan, with the help of experts, a strategy to counteract the negative effects of any public policy move. Would Sharon send his soldiers into battle without a detailed plan and strategy to win? The time has come for Israel to develop a strategy the win the public relations battle. The Jewish community in this country is more than willing to lend its money and advertizing talent to aid in this task. Let's do it! (Are you listening Bibi?)
Bernard J. Shapiro is Chairman of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies <> and the editor of its monthly Internet magazine, THE MACCABEAN ONLINE <> and its email broadcast Freemanlist.