You see, I've been in court, and in the public arena, working to force
Barack Obama to prove that he is constitutionally eligible to serve as
President... by providing his original birth certificate as evidence.
But *Mr. Obama has been ducking and dodging every request* to prove that he
was actually born here in the United States, as he claims, and not in
Africa, as the evidence indicates. In fact, he's spent nearly $900,000.00 in
legal fees for, among other things, fighting our efforts, trying to bankrupt
USJF into giving up!
That's why now *it's time to bring in reinforcements who can demand that Mr.
Obama obey the law*... and I absolutely must have your help in convincing
them to join us in this critically important undertaking.
* The fact is, Senator John McCain and the Republican Party didn't have the
guts to bring this up during the 2008 Presidential campaign, for fear of
being ridiculed by the Obama-friendly media. But now that Mr. Obama is
fighting so hard to prevent the truth from coming out, we believe that there
is something to this issue, and we, as a nation, have a Constitutional
crisis on our hands!
All of our U. S. Senators and Representatives have sworn an oath to "support
and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic." And so, *to resolve this Constitutional crisis, they
must fulfill that oath* . . . *now!*
My friend, this is the most important battle the United States Justice
Foundation has ever fought. As you know, since our founding in 1979, USJF
has taken on the biggest liberal organizations in the United States on your
behalf, both in court and out... like the ACLU, and even the globalists at
the United Nations.
You already know the work we're doing defending those who dare to oppose
illegal immigration into our country through our Minuteman Protection
And you know how we exposed Hillary Clinton's many fundraising scandals and
took her and Bill Clinton to court.
Over the last 30 years, USJF has been busy fighting for America -- and for
you! -- against radical liberal groups who want to see our families, and our
way of life, destroyed.
To be frank, USJF is doing the work that no one else can, or will, do. We're
in the trenches, taking the battle straight to the enemy.
Now, the battles continues -- in our most important fight ever! Not only did
we file a lawsuit to block the casting of the California Electoral College
votes in the 2008 Presidential election, but USJF also petitioned Congress,
demanding that they delay certification of the Electoral College results,
unless and until then-Senator Obama proved that he was the natural born
citizen that he claims to be. And *we're still hard at work, battling to
save our country from those who seek to shred the Constitution* . . .
- It is the United States Justice Foundation that is challenging Barack
Obama in court on behalf of former U.N. Ambassador and presidential
contender Alan Keyes, demanding that Mr. Obama produce his real birth
certificate . . . not the fake one on his website.
- It is the United States Justice Foundation that served a subpoena on
Occidental College, asking for the school records of Barack Obama . . .
records which may very well prove that he is NOT a natural born citizen.
- It is the United States Justice Foundation that has already collected
over 100,000 petitions demanding that state Attorneys General across the
country investigate Barack Obama for possible perjury, and other crimes, by
claiming that he was constitutionally eligible to run for, and serve as,
President of our great country.