Duly Noted: Patience, Tolerance and Crimes
1. It has been argued here that the sensation-seeking and scandal-propelled pursuit of often non-existent tax cheats and fat cats (anyone better off than you are), will result in less tax revenue and more economic dislocation. Cross border business, especially international financing and investment, will suffer. The campaign is led by the US’ IRS. It is loudly seconded by stumbling Germany followed by statist France.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
From the desk of George Handlery on Sat, 2009-06-06 09:48
George Handlery about the week that was. Is “avoid America?” the intended message? The pursuit of happiness: at whose expense? Who needs good government? Do government jobs make one wiser and nicer? Is all violence “bad?”
Posted by Britannia Radio at 09:01