Wednesday, 24 June 2009

eu reform treaty

European Banks Need To Provide More Risk, Capital Info - CEBS
Wall Street Journal - USA
CEBS said its analysis of banks' disclosures under pillar 3 of the eu's capital requirements directive, which are usually published on their Web sites, ...
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EU Wants Tighter Privacy on Social Networks
Mashable - San Francisco,CA,USA
These laws mostly stem from the
European Union Directive on Data Protection of 1995, which, among other regulations, prohibits collection of personal ...
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Obama takes first trade action on China
Together with the European Union, the United States launched the complaint Tuesday with the the global trade watchdog, accusing China of limiting raw ...
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INTERNET LAW - Electronic Tax Filing At The European Union
IBLS INTERNET LAW (subscription) - Irvine,CA,USA
EU Directives emphasize the importance of electronic invoicing for E-filing. EU member states are required to include EU E-invoicing and VAT standards in ...
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Klaus to be last in EU to decide on Lisbon Treaty
Monsters and - USA
Prague - Czech President Vaclav Klaus, who opposes the European Union's stalled reform Lisbon Treaty, said Tuesday that he will be the last in the EU to ...
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Critics Say Tax Haven Crackdown Falls Short
Forbes - NY,USA
In the meantime, the US and Switzerland have renegotiated their "by-request" information exchange treaty. Tax evasion costs the US government, ...
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Trade high on EU-Israel agenda
euronews - France
The Palestinians get by mainly thanks to EU aid, their biggest donor, through the UN or the Pegasus reform and development programme. ...
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Sweden to stay out of EU candidates' bilateral spats - Brussels,Belgium
A second referendum will be held on the reform treaty this autumn in Ireland, following an EU leaders' agreement last Friday to provide the country's prime ...
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Czech President to decide on Lisbon treaty as last in EU
By Czech Happenings
Prague - Czech President Vaclav Klaus will decide on his stand on the Lisbon treaty to reform the EU as the last in Europe, he told Czech Radio today.
Prague News -
Ten EU Truths We Must Tell The Public.....From 'EU Truth' - Sunny ...
By sunnycreatives
German Chancellor Angela Merkel forced the Reform or Lisbon Treaty on us (passed by Westminster 21st January, 138 majority) which replaced the British Constitution with the EU's on 1st January 2009. Westminster is now powerless and ...
Sunny Creatives World -
Why Getting Out Of Europe Is The Only Way To SAVE BRITAIN ...
By centurean2
They have expressed their “concern” about “irregularities” in the recent elections, and “condemned” the reaction of the ruling authorities against protestors demanding reform. Yet these are the same politicians ... Once the treaty is brought in, the EU will have its own President and the front-runner for the post is none other than Tony Blair. This is another reason why Mandelson, Blair's closest political ally, is so keen for Lisbon to be ratified as soon as possible. ...
Centurean2's Weblog -

EU secures 2nd Irish vote on reform treaty -
Jun 19, 2009 ... Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen won guarantees of sovereignty from other European Union leaders Friday, and said he was confident the ...

EU Wants Tighter Privacy on Social Networks... (Mashable ...
These laws mostly stem from the European Union Directive on Data Protection of 1995, which, among other regulations, prohibits collection of personal information without consumers' permission, forbids employers to read workers' private ...
TechNews AM -
Sadistic pleasures on the Isle of Sodor.
By Anna Raccoon
We have scampered like feral brats across the Isle of Sodor, untrammelled by the rigid lines of regulation in the real world. The cyber landscape was utopia for the wild children of the sixties. The grown-ups had no idea what we were up to, ... Sorry to sound thick but I dont understand much about this post. Does it mean that Myspace, facebook and others like them, and fora/forums are now under EU directives and if so what does it mean in practice? Leave a Comment ...
Anna Raccoon -

Isle of Man to Apply EU Bank Secrecy Rules Starting in 2011
Bloomberg - USA
Under the rules from 2005, most EU countries automatically report foreigners' savings accounts to their home government. Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg won ...
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The Campaign Against Transparency: A Rebuttal
Seeking Alpha - New York,NY,USA
The campaign being waged by some against the recently passed amendments to the European Union's Capital Requirements Directive is as much an attempt to ...
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EU adopts slaughter welfare regulation - Crawley,England,UK
The new regulation replaces the current EU directive relating to the welfare of animals at the time of slaughter. EU commissioner for Health, ...
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