eu reform treatyFar-right eyes more gains in EU Parliament vote
Alibaba News Channel - New York,NEW YORK,USA
... Fail party was expected to suffer a setback but it was not clear how well the Libertas party which opposes the EU's Lisbon reform treaty would do. ...
See all stories on this topicAt Odds on Emissions, US, China Open Talks
Washington Post - United States
Experts say that unless the United States and China can reach an agreement, it will be difficult to arrive at a new climate change treaty to replace the ...
See all stories on this topicBritish, why do you think about Nicolas Sarkozy, the french ...
By admin
... EU leaders can be directly measured in an exactly equal degree of Brown's betrayal of the electors of his own country who he has duped and robbed of democracy by not honouring his pledge of a referendum on the EU Reform Treaty… ...
Sarkoz Roy President - Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
Their fear is that Mr Brown's authority may already be so weakened that the UK will hold an early election, followed by a referendum that a Conservative government would call on the EU's Lisbonreform treaty, with the aim of killing it ...
Finfacts Ireland Business & Finance... - Takes Another Step Towards Disengagement « A View from the ...
By Peter Sain ley Berry
But they wish to see a fundamental reform in the direction of the Union that includes scrapping the Lisbon Treaty and dropping the federalist approach that broadly characterises the European Peoples Party Grouping of which they ... France and the Netherlands rejected the EU constitution (version 1); no one else got a chance to let their views be known. Ireland rejected Lisbon (constitution version 2); and again no one else got a chance to express their democratic views. ...
A View from the Outfield - and Draper: in conversation | Coffee House
By Peter Hoskin
"EU alarm over threat to treaty". "Concerns are growing in Brussels that Gordon Brown's escalating political difficulties could jeopardise prospects for the European Union's Lisbon reform treaty." ...
The Coffee House | Politics and... -'s Pirate Party Sets Sail for Brussels
By tjw61
The Pirate Party could end up getting a second seat in the European Parliament if a project to reformthe E.U. institutions goes ahead. The Treaty of Lisbon, already ratified by 23 of the E.U.'s 27 members, will increase the number of ...
Newsgab - critic of EU treaty faces near poll wipeout EUbusinesscom ...
DUBLIN The leader of a group which spearheaded Ireland's rejection of the EU reform treaty last year was struggling Monday to get elected in EU polls while ...
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
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Britannia Radio