eu reform treatyIrish, Czechs mull anti-treaty voices in EU vote
The Associated Press
... Republic and Ireland, two countries with pivotal roles to play in enacting, or sabotaging, theEuropean Union's Lisbon Treaty blueprint for reform. ...
See all stories on this topicDutch Far-right in Big EU Poll Gains
Islam Online - Doha,Qatar
The EP's influence will grow if the Lisbon reform treaty is ratified by all member states. Wilders said the election results are just the beginning to get ...
See all stories on this topicUK political woes raise fears for Brussels treaty
Financial Times - London,England,UK
Concerns are growing in Brussels that political difficulties for Gordon Brown's UK government could jeopardise prospects for the eu's Lisbon reform treaty. ...
See all stories on this topicIrish PM hopes vote will not punish party
Financial Times - London,England,UK
... of rejecting the treaty in a referendum last year most Irish voters are now in favour of the document, which seeks to reform the way that European Union ...
See all stories on this topicEpoch Times - Governments Under Pressure in EU Parliament Vote
By Reuters
The governing Fianna Fail party is expected to suffer a setback in Ireland, which also holds local elections, but it is not clear how well the Libertas party which opposes the Lisbon reform treaty will fare. The treaty, on which Ireland ...
Epoch Times | All headlines - British referendum on EU membership
By Grahnlaw
It is the expression of what our governments and parliaments want the European Union to be. With Ireland pending, the reform treaty is fully legitimate. If a new government changes tack in a country, which has already formally ratified ...
Grahnlaw -'telontour of the World: Polling Day For the Euros
By karTER-
Under the EU's Lisbon reform treaty, which will eventually go into force after the election if it is approved by all member states, the number of MEPs would rise temporarily to 754. Q. What is the European Parliament? ...
k'telontour of the World -, Dutch start European Parliament election voting | WORLD News
In Ireland, the governing Fianna Fail party is expected to suffer a setback but it is not clear how well the Libertas party which opposes the EU's Lisbon reform treaty would fare. The treaty, on which Ireland holds a referendum in the ...
TVNZ News National -, Czechs weigh establishment parties versus new anti-treaty ...
By Shawn Pogatchnik
It hopes for breakthroughs in the Czech Republic and Ireland, two countries with pivotal roles to play in enacting, or sabotaging, the European Union's Lisbon Treaty blueprint for reform. Czech President Vaclav Klaus is refusing to sign ...
The Gaea News -
Friday, 5 June 2009
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Britannia Radio