eu reform treatyIrresponsible bankers will smile at reform chaos - London,UK
The EU needs to get the Lisbon Treaty ratified, a process that will probably take until the end of this year. The Labour government backs the treaty and has ...
See all stories on this topicIncoming EU presidency says Croatia's accession talks on ice
Deutsche Welle - Germany
... that the EU will not expand beyond 27 states without reform of the current Treaty of Nice rules even though the treaty allows for such an enlargement. ...
See all stories on this topicEU to create Regional Financial Regulatory Body
The New American - USA
"The protocol clarifies but does not change the content or the advocation of the [positions] of the Lisbon Treaty and all these words are stated ...
See all stories on this topicEU Leaders to Create Financial Regulatory Body
조선일보(영문판) - South Korea
Meanwhile, Ireland's Prime Minister Brian Cowen announced Irish voters would have a second chance to weigh in on the EU's Lisbon reform treaty in October. ...
See all stories on this topicSarkozy calls for 'strong' EU president - Brussels,Belgium
For the council, I hope that with the Lisbon [treaty] it will be done. I really think we can have a win-win system for the three big institutions. ...
See all stories on this topicGrahnlaw: EU Lisbon Treaty: Spectre of Vaclav Klaus
By Grahnlaw
The EU member states can conclude that the European Union they have built is beyond reform. Even if they reach timid unanimous agreements on treaty reform, sheer numbers in an enlarged union will practically guarantee that there is ...
Grahnlaw - Treaty - Martin Mansergh Welcomes Brussels Agreement ...
By George
... by Taoiseach Brian Cowen and Foreign Affairs Minister Micheál Martin, EU leaders have satisfied Irish government's concerns with an agreement that would not alter “one dot or one a comma” of theEU's reform treaty. ...
Thurles Information - Guarantees for Ireland no change of Lisbon treaty ...
Prague, June 22 (CTK) - The guarantees for Ireland on which the European Council agreed in Brussels on Friday are no change of the Lisbon treaty to reform the EU, Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer said after a government meeting Monday. ...
Prague Monitor -*/feedeuro|topics - Ireland wants a new referendum
The Irish want to hold a new referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon. At the EU summit in Brussels the ...... Nevertheless it will be a good thing when the EU finally puts an end to the dragging debate over thereform of the Union. ... Let the Irish once more have their say on 'Lisbon'. But then let's call it quits. Whether it's a Yes or a No, the EU is certainly not hankering for another reform adventure." (22/06/2009). » full article (external link, Dutch) ...
euro|topics - MAIN FOCUS -
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
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Britannia Radio