The Final Hour: The Coming Battle is Here!
There has not really been a time in which the United States has had her financial foundation questioned until now. However, it was the Reagan tax laws in the early 1980’s which substantially increased the amount of debt that government, industry, and individuals took on in order to keep the “Reagan Revolution” going. It was then that America began to rely more heavily on foreign countries to carry our debt........
by Joan Veon
Who is the Real Newt Gingrich?
Budget-Busting Profligacy. A Balanced Budget Amendment forms the core of the first plan of Gingrich's "Contract with America." He has been calling for such a measure and condemning deficit spending ever since coming to Congress. In an early 1982 speech he called on Congress to reject further increases in the National Debt Limit. "Only by using the debt limit as a leverage point" he bravely declared, "can we force the changes which clearly the liberal leadership of this body wants to avoid." Trouble is, a few months earlier, on February 5, 1981, he had voted with those same "liberals" to raise the National Debt.......
by Devvy Kidd
The Racism and Anti-Liberalism of Abortion
President Barack Obama recently delivered the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame amid protestations regarding his position that women should be able violently to kill their babies in the womb (abortion). Although Obama is an African-American, he apparently doesn’t recognize (or doesn’t care enough about) the racist element of abortion.......
by Dennis Cuddy
Actions You Can Take to Save America From Mass Immigration
If current congressionally mandated immigration rates, both legal and illegal, continue at 2.4 to 2.8 million annually, the United States will accumulate 70 million added immigrants to this nation by 2035, or 26 years from now. They will arrive from Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, China, India, Indonesia and everywhere from third world countries where poverty, illiteracy and disease run rampant across the planet........
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 15 June 2009
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Britannia Radio