Friday 12 June 2009

Its going to get very nasty

They’re deaf out there.  No matter how much commonsense is written, no matter what warnings are given the politicians go on with their Westminster squabbles and the public concentrate on who an £80m footballer slept with (Paris Hilton if you don’t know already!].  The activists in the political world talk yesterday’s topics as the world crashes about them and - according to today’s Times - optimism abounds.  We have no government at all just a nest of ‘spinners’ and at the centre of the web are Brown locked in his paranoia which is being assiduously fed by Lord Pooh Bah, the unelected mandarin sent from Brussels to rule us.  He’s doing that job well for them having acquired a retinue of 12 ministers 6 of whom are in the Lords like him.

There’s no easy answer so there’s no use looking for one.  It’s going to be nasty.  A new election will not happen - unless something unforeseen happens - before May 2010.  The vile atmosphere pervading Downing Street and Parliament should lift with a Tory victory but that may be too late.  

There's plenty that could be done now BY THE GOVERNMENT  not by Cameron.  We must rid ourselves of  facile prejudice.  this is a hell of a problem for Cameron for he has to live in the real world - He's doing his damnedest to get Brown out but frankly he won't succeed . That only leaves him to pickup the pieces of our country afterwards as his role.  Weep for him.  What a task.  

Christina Speight

Cuts are coming, no matter what Brown says
Whichever party wins the next election, it will have no choice but to cut spending


Robert Chote

In the Book of Genesis, we read how Pharaoh was told in a dream that Egypt would enjoy "seven years of plenteousness" followed by "seven years of dearth". In the recent Book of Darling, we find a similar prophecy for Britain's public services, with the rapid increase in real funding that they have enjoyed since 2000 being steadily whittled away after the next general election.

Pharaoh needed help from Joseph to interpret his dream, and – judging from his performance at Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday – Gordon Brown needs some help to interpret his Chancellor's Budget. Far from preparing voters for the period of austerity to come, Mr Brown dismissed any suggestion that he was planning cuts. Instead, he rattled off a succession of multi-billion pound spending totals for the next four years and concluded: "That is public spending rises."


The figures did indeed show spending rising over the Treasury's next three-year Spending Review, increasing by more than 8 per cent between 2010–11 and 2013–14. But the figures he quoted were for spending in cash terms, taking into account neither rising prices nor growth in the economy. This is a remarkably undemanding yardstick. Public spending has not fallen in cash terms in any year since 1947–48, including in the periods of belt-tightening under the last Conservative government, about which Mr Brown complained so vociferously in Opposition.

The Prime Minister set the bar higher when characterising the Conservatives' spending plans in the last general election campaign. Labour's famous poster warned that "The Tories will cut £35 billion from public services" – in effect, defining a cut as any reduction in spending as a share of national income. In normal times, this would mean cash spending grew by less than about 5 per cent a year. Defined in a comparable way now, the Budget projections for the next Spending Review imply a cut of £80 billion after three years, although this figure is inflated because the recession and low inflation have dramatically shrunk the expected cash value of the economy.

A third way to characterise the outlook is to look at spending in real terms, ie adjusting for inflation. The text of the Budget states clearly that "current" spending (which excludes capital investment) will rise by 0.7 per cent a year in real terms over the three years of the Spending Review. Rather more coyly, it says that investment spending will "move to 1.25 per cent of national income by 2013–14". This is in much the same way that the Titanic "moved to" a new level of the Atlantic back in 1912: the detailed figures show real cuts averaging 17.3 per cent a year.

Add the two kinds of spending together, and the Budget shows total public spending set to fall by an average of 0.1 per cent a year, a much less buoyant outlook than Mr Brown's rhetoric implied. The outlook for public services is bleaker still. Once the rising cost of interest payments on the nation's debts is taken into account, along with social security costs and other spending over which the Treasury has little short-term control, the "departmental expenditure limits" that cover central government spending on public services and administration will have to drop by 2.3 per cent a year in real terms, or around 7 per cent by the third year. In other words, they would need to be £26 billion lower – in today's terms – in 2013–14 than in 2010–11.

This figure is the starting point for the debate that Conservative health spokesman Andrew Lansley inadvertently launched on the Today programme on Wednesday. He said that within Labour's overall spending envelope, the Conservatives would protect the NHS, overseas aid and schools, so other departmental spending would need to be cut by 10 per cent rather than 7 per cent. With Andy Burnham, the Health Secretary, insisting that "we will continue to maintain growth in health spending", the great divide between the parties on public spending looks a lot narrower than the drama of Prime Minister's Questions suggested.  [In fact severe cuts in the NHS spending are happening NOW-cs] 

In the current fiscal and economic climate, we cannot be certain exactly how big a hole in the public finances the next Government will need to fill. But whichever party wins, it looks certain that we will see significant cuts in departmental spending, on any sensible definition, over the next parliament at least.

Some of the money could be raised by making social security benefits less generous. But there is still likely to be a squeeze on public services tighter than any we have seen since the last Labour government had to negotiate its spending plans with the IMF.

The challenge is clear – yet the leaders of both parties are desperate to avoid using the word "cuts"; the Government does not intend to announce a full set of spending plans before the election. The voters deserve to hear the parties debate exactly how they intend to make the necessary economies. But neither is keen to be the first to set out its stall.
Robert Chote is director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies