Friday, June 05, 2009
President of the Free World or the Muslim World?
Nearly eight years after 9/11, America's first Muslim-born, Third World-American President apologized to a myth--"the Muslim world"--for America's support for the Shah of Iran, "war of choice in Iraq," and "torture" of Muslims.
The President also equated the Holocaust with Palestinian suffering and demanded an end to Israeli settlement activities, making it clear that he expects the Jewish State to withdraw to indefensible borders--the infamous "Auschwitz lines," as the late Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban, once described the pre-June 1967 boundaries--and agree to the creation of a Palestinian state in the disputed West Bank that will be linked to the Iranian satellite, Gaza, and most likely ruled by Iran's terrorist proxy, Hamas--a group that supported the election of Barack Hussein Obama and is committed to Israel's destruction.
Speaking from Cairo University, the President repeated two falsehoods--that Islam is inherently tolerant and peaceful and that Muslims and Islam somehow shaped America since its inception--and praised the wearing of Muslim headscarves and the proliferation of mosques across the United States. His remarks signaled support for the Muslim Brotherhood (and Turkey's crypto-Islamist ruling party) and effectively undermined and prepared the ground for the sweeping away of Egypt's president and secular political leadership.
Even more ominously, the elected official traditionally considered the leader of the Free World outlined his vision of a non-free world: a world in which the United States and Israel will no longer have nuclear weapons as deterrents against attack and annihilation, but Islamist Iran (and maybe also Stalinist/Kimist North Korea) will possess the technology and materials for making nuclear bombs and warheads under cover of supposedly peaceful nuclear power programs.
In short, Obama's June 4 speech in Egypt marked the beginning of his new campaign--for the Presidency of the Muslim World--an unofficial position that will qualify Obama for the job he most covets, Secretary General of the United Nations.
The American people elected a perpetual campaigner with ambitions and dreams that transcend America's borders and historical notions of sovereignty and security. Obama not only believes another world is possible; he believes the future is now. In his view, two powers--China and Islam--will dominate humanity. And Obama aims for a leadership role in Islam that will make him a true world leader. The White House, believe it or not, is simply a steppingstone.
That America put a false Muslim messiah in the White House is bad enough. What is beyond belief is the fact that a majority of the American Jewish electorate voted for him and have yet to protest his embrace of Israel's enemies.
Friday, 5 June 2009
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Britannia Radio