Friday 12 June 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009


North Korea Preparing Third Nuclear Test

Unfortunately for the world, it seems that U.S. intelligence officials are confirming China Confidential predictions concerning North Korea. AFP reports:

US intelligence officials have warned President Barack Obama that North Korea intends to respond to a UN resolution condemning its actions with another nuclear test, Fox News reported, citing US intelligence sources.

The Central Intelligence Agency also uncovered, Fox said, that the North plans to reprocess its plutonium fuel rods into weapons-grade plutonium, boost its uranium enrichment program and launch another Taepodong-2 intercontinental ballistic missile.

Also citing unnamed US officials, CNN television said there are "fresh indications" North Korea could be preparing another nu

What is to be done?

Gordon Chang says the only way to tame North Korea is through China. An excerpt from his opinion piece in the New York Daily News:

So China has, for more than a decade, promoted dialogue. Unfortunately, it has never promoted a solution. While Beijing counseled patience with North Korea, Kim Jong Il, the country's provocative ruler, used the time to test ballistic missiles, detonate nukes and proliferate weapons technology to Pakistan, Iran and Syria. In short, Beijing gave the North Korean the one thing he needed most to make himself a real threat.

During this time, Washington appealed to the better instincts of China's leaders, hoping to convince them they should be "responsible stakeholders" in the international system, to borrow the State Department's current lingo. That proved to be an overly optimistic assessment of Beijing's ability to align its external policies with those of the West. For years, Washington watched while the Chinese used Kim to destabilize South Korea, bedevil Japan and extract concessions from the United States and the rest of the international community. Eventually, Beijing will stop playing these dangerous games. As China matures into a great power, the Chinese will contain their allies in Pyongyang.

Continue here.

China Confidential is the only media outlet that correctly predicted both North Korean nuclear tests, including the exact test dates. Using open source intelligence and an international network of volunteer stringers and analysts, China Confidential has consistently out-reported the mainstream media on the twin threats to world peace--nuclear-armed North Korea and nuclear-arming Iran.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Were Terrorists on Flight 447?

China Confidential was among the first media outlets to question the official lightning bolt theory (subsequently replaced by the violent thunder storm and meteor strike theories) for the mysterious disintegration of Air France Flight 447. Click here for the latest report on a possible terrorist link to the crash.


US Tells North Korea: Return to Six-Party Nuclear Talks or We Will 'Take Steps' to Defend Ourselves

Nuclear-armed, Nazi-like North Korea must be shaking in its jackboots....

Bloomberg reports:

The North Korean government must end its nuclear provocations and return to international disarmament talks or the U.S. will take steps to guard its security, the special American envoy on North Korea told a Senate panel.

Ambassador Stephen Bosworth said the U.S. isn’t “threatening to change the North Korean regime by force,” and he urged the government in Pyongyang to respond to diplomacy. Yet he said the U.S. won’t accept a North Korea that is a nuclear weapons state.

“The United States will do what is necessary to do to defend U.S. national security and the national security of our allies” in the region, Bosworth told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today. He didn’t specify what those measures might include.


Obama, Moussavi and the Myth of the Moderates

Washington's appeasement policy is based on the myth that the United States can do business with Islamist Iran and its proxies.

Daniel Kliman writes in the Jerusalem Post:

Democracies have an unfortunate record of falling prey to the myth of the moderates. Confronting unfriendly regimes, they perceive powerful, moderate elements where none in fact exist. As the Obama administration moves to open a dialogue with Teheran, it would be wise to recall the lessons of history and place little faith in the influence of Iranian reformists.

Continue here.