Friday, June 19, 2009
Obama Opposes Revolution in Iran
U.S. President Barack Obama today confirmed that his administration would oppose a real revolution in Iran. Clickhere.
Notwithstanding the rhetorical spin, Obama's stress on "peaceful" is tantamount to a dagger aimed at the hearts of those who might dare to take up arms to overthrow Iran's clerical fascist regime.
In the meantime, Iranian opposition leaders decided to defy the country's top turbaned tyrant, who demanded an end to demonstrations in his Friday sermon. Click here.
Iran is at the brink of revolution or civil war. Tens of thousands of Iranians who are fed up with the whole system are channeling their anger into the post-election protests--understandably still afraid to cross the red line.
Fact is, there is no diplomatic or peaceful solution to the problem of ending fascist rule. The time for fighting in the streets has come. One can only hope that a band of regular army officers with access to arsenals of weapons is secretly plotting to join the demonstrators.
Regime change is in America's interest as the monstrous mullahocracy has no intention of abandoning its nuclear arms program.
Obama, however, disagrees. He would clearly prefer preservation of the Islamist system ... in the name of peace.
In fact, his administration would condemn an armed uprising aimed at sweeping away the Islamist garbage.
Perfidy!Will Obama Try to Punish France if it Bans Burqas?
During his visit to France, America's first Muslim-born and Islamist-leaning President, Barack Hussein Obama, fresh from his nauseating address to "the Muslim World" in Cairo, Egypt, and overnight dinner date with the King of Saudi Arabia, made a point of speaking out publicly in defense of barbaric Islamic headscarves and veils. How will BHO react to thisnews, as reported by AP?France wants to study the small but growing trend of burqa wear, with an eye to possibly banning the Islamic garment from being worn in public, the government's spokesman said Friday.
Luc Chatel told France-2 television that the government would seek to set up a parliamentary commission that could propose legislation aimed at barring Muslim women from wearing the burqa and other fully covering gowns outside the home.
"If we find that use of the burqa was very clearly imposed (on women) ... we would draw the appropriate conclusions," Chatel said. Asked whether that could mean legislation banning the burqa in France, he responded "why not?"
In France, the terms "burqa" and "niqab" often are used interchangeably. The former refers to a full-body covering worn largely in Afghanistan with only a mesh screen over the eyes, whereas the latter is a full-body veil, often in black.
Chatel's comments have helped revive debate about whether wear of Islamic garments is appropriate in France, a country with a long and proud secular tradition.
In 2004, a law banning the Islamic headscarf and other highly visible religious symbols from French public schools sparked a heated debate on the issue. Proponents insisted such a ban was necessary to ensure France's schools remain strictly secular, while some Muslims countered the law specifically targeted them and unduly punished Muslim girls.
Continue here. The opposition Socialist Party opposes the study and potential ban. In a complete betrayal of democratic socialist ideals and principles, the Left in Europe (and the United States) have aligned themselves--along with the radical Right and neo-Nazis--with global Islamism in a concerted effort to destroy capitalism and democracy for once and all. The left wing of the U.S. Democratic Party, which launched and pushed Obama to his landmark Presidential election victory, is totally in sync with the European pro-Islamist position.Hitlerian Hamas Rejects Carter's Call to Recognize Israel While Praising Former Appeaser-in-Chief
Click here for the report. Iran's Islamist proxy loves the former U.S. President--who was complicit in the Islamist takeover of Iran--but rules out recognition of Israel.
Prediction: Carter and his ideological heir, Barack Obama, will increase pressure on Israel to deal with Hamas.Confrontation With North Korea Looms
The United States is about to confront--but not board--a North Korean ship in accord with a watered down United Nations Security Council resolution. Fox News reports:The U.S. military is planning to intercept a flagged North Korean ship suspected of proliferating weapons material in violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution passed last Friday, FOX News has learned.
The USS John McCain, a navy destroyer, will intercept the ship Kang Nam as soon as it leaves the vicinity off the coast of China, according to a senior U.S. defense official. The order to inderdict has not been given yet, but the ship is getting into position.
The ship left a port in North Korea Wednesday and appears to be heading toward Singapore, according to a senior U.S. military source. The vessel, which the military has been tracking since its departure, could be carrying weaponry, missile parts or nuclear materials, a violation of U.N. Resolution 1874...
Continue here.
North Korea has threatened the U.S. and its allies with massive reprisals for any interdiction or interference of any kind with North Korean shipping or air traffic. China Confidential analysts say the North is likely to retaliate by attacking a South Korean ship--for starters. New nuclear and missile tests are expected. The period between June 25 and July 4-5 is most dangerous.How Will We Know When Iran is Free?
How will we know when Iran's hour of freedom has finally come?
The answer, of course, is when the people start hanging, shooting, and jailing the mullahs, starting with the top turbaned tyrant, Supreme (clerical fascist) Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who today warned Iranians to stop protesting.
Click here for the report on his Friday sermon.
And click here for Ralph Peters' powerful opinion piece in the New York Post. He asserts that President Obama's silence gave the mullahs the green light for a crackdown. An excerpt:For decades, Washington policymakers from both parties have prodded Iranians to throw off their shackles. Last Friday, millions of Iranians stood up. And we're standing down.
That isn't diplomacy. It's treachery.
Despite absurd claims that Obama's Islam-smooching Cairo speech triggered the calls for freedom in Tehran's streets, these politics are local. But if those partisan claims of the "Cairo Effect" were true, wouldn't our president be obliged to stand beside those he incited?
Too bad for the Iranians, but their outburst of popular anger toward Iran's oppressive government doesn't fit the administration's script -- which is written around negotiations with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
To Obama, his dogmatic commitment to negotiations is infinitely more important than a few million protesters chanting the Farsi equivalent of "We Shall Overcome."
This is madness. There is no chance -- zero, null, nada -- that negotiations with the junta of mullahs will lead to the termination (or even a serious interruption) of Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons. Our president's faith in his powers of persuasion is beginning to look pathological. Is his program of negotiations with apocalypse-minded, woman-hating, Jew-killing fanatics so sacrosanct that he can't acknowledge human cries for freedom?
Saturday, 20 June 2009
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Britannia Radio