Saturday, 27 June 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009


Nonprofit Group Releases Suppressed US Government 

Study that Says Earth is Cooling

The Competitive Enterprise Institute todayreleased an internal study on climate science that was suppressed by the Environmental Protection Agency. 

Internal EPA email messages, released by CEI earlier in the week, indicate that the report was kept under wraps and its author silenced because of pressure to support the Administration’s agenda of regulating carbon dioxide. 

The report finds that the EPA, by adopting the United Nations’ 2007 “Fourth Assessment” report, is relying on outdated research and is ignoring major new developments. Those developments include a continued decline in global temperatures, a new consensus that future hurricanes will not be more frequent or intense, and new findings that water vapor will moderate, rather than exacerbate, temperature. 

New data also indicate that ocean cycles are probably the most important single factor in explaining temperature fluctuations, though solar cycles may play a role as well, and that reliable satellite data undercut the likelihood of endangerment from greenhouse gases. All of this demonstrates EPA should independently analyze the science, rather than just adopt the conclusions of outside organizations. 

The released report is a draft version, prepared under EPA’s unusually short internal review schedule, and thus may contain inaccuracies which were corrected in the final report. 

“While we hoped that EPA would release the final report, we’re tired of waiting for this agency to become transparent, even though its Administrator has been talking transparency since she took office. So we are releasing a draft version of the report ourselves, today,” said CEI General Counsel Sam Kazman. 

CEI is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government.


Swiss Adventurer Unveils Solar Plane Prototype

Contrary to the Islamist myths and lies repeated by U.S. President Barack Obama, "the Muslim world" has produced nothing of value for several centuries, except, of course, for oil and gas, which was discovered by Western companies. Countries in the grip of inherently intolerant and backward Islam mainly produce and export ideology--fanaticism and hatred--which fuels conflicts and violence and threatens the planet with nuclear holocaust. 

Compare despotic Iran and duplicitous Saudi Arabia, a dysfunctional, incredibly oil-rich, family business masquerading as a country, with tiny Switzerland, a politically neutral nation with no practically recoverable natural resources....

AP reports:

It has the wingspan of a Boeing 747 but weighs less than a small car. And it is powered entirely by the sun.

Adventurer Bertrand Piccard on Friday unveiled the Solar Impulse, which, with its sleek white wings and pink trimming, aims to make history as the prototype for a solar-powered flight around the world.

"Yesterday it was a dream, today it is an airplane, tomorrow it will be an ambassador of renewable energies," said Piccard, who in 1999 copiloted the first round-the-globe nonstop balloon flight.

The plane will take part in a series of test flights over the next two years, and based on the results of those a new plane will be constructed for the big takeoff, in 2012.

Continue here.