from an annoying silly leftist group
*CGI BoldFenianMan: Thyssen-Krupp Steel Executives were likely targets of
the Air France flight AF447*
*Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Thursday, 4-Jun-2009 16:12:00 *
Thyssen-Krupp Steel Executives were targets of the Air France flight AF447
"Erich Heine & Claus-Peter Hellhammer of Thyssen-Krupp Steel were on Air
France flight AF447." "Initial reports suggest a debris field of 60 miles!!
This indicates a massive structural failure, which I don`t buy, as the crew
would/could issue a mayday call. I still go with some sort of weapon, a very
big bomb, something fired from a ship/sub, or as I said in the first
comment, an EMP weapon."
" AF 447" Posted By: CGI's room CJ
Date: Tuesday, 2-June-2009 06:32:48
*Nazi munitions tycoons Dr. Fritz Thyssen & Dr. Gustav Krupp are tied to
Nazi/CIA Intel Chief Gen Reinhard Gehlen, LucioGelli of P2 lodge***, J.
Edgar Hoover, the Vatican, the JFK assasination & so much more:
Pilot claims Air France Flight 447 was blown out of the sky by terrorists
Peter Allen, Ian Sparks and David Williams
Mail Online, June 3, 2009
EMP Weapon
Wellstone Crash 'Investigation' (Senator Paul Wellstone)
Ignores EMP Weapons
Two Russian Planes Crash
Did EMP's Strike Two Russian Planes
Written By D.E. Alexander 24 7 News Net
24 7 News Net - The Alternative News Wire
***See, also, Philip Willan's book "The Last Supper: The Mafia, The
Masons, and the Killing of Roberto Calvi"--The death of Roberto 'God's
Banker' Calvi, found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in 1982 days before his
bank's collapse, remains one of the most extraordinary crimes of all time.
Straight from the dark heart of Italy, it involved dark Masonic rituals,
political involvement at the highest level, bizarre forensics, intense mafia
involvement, the Vatican, a man on the run, and phenomenal sums of money
swirling around. Revealing new sources that speak for the first time,
investigative journalist Philip Willan finally uncovers the full truth
behind Calvi's death and his last days on the run. Calvi's elimination
prevented the world from learning the full truth about the activities of the
Masonic sect P2, that secret 'shadow state' whose top-rank membership had
been discovered shortly before. Had Calvi's death been investigated
properly, Italy government today might have been very different. And the
failure to investigate began in England. This true story of a man falling
off the precipice is also a shocking political expose. Malachi Martin also
tells the tale of Roberto Calvi and Vatican crooked financial deals in
How the Vatican sold its soul
*A new book by the journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi lays bare a history of
political bribes being paid through the Vatican's central bank*
- Philip Willan <>
Friday, 5 June 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio