Thursday, 18 June 2009
"Germany will always dominate Europe"?
What today we call "spin" is Goebbels' "propaganda" - Fourth Reich?
Remember Margaret Thatcher's much derided (because true) remark: "Germany will always dominate Europe"?
Nothing changes - and the most dangerous are those irrevocably (one of Hitler's favourite words) wedded to an ideology. Daddy used to say (in the days when the Conservatives WERE conservative) that the Conservatives were pragmatists - yes, there were ideas and ideals they believed in, but their beliefs as a party were always tempered by a realistic assessment of what could reasonably be done, so they were always prepared to bend to circumstances.
Today, neither Labour nor Conservative parties bend to circumstances, because their goal, their ideology, their belief system overrides everything. That is what MUST prevail - rather like saying, of a man who is intellectually incapable, that he MUST and WILL qualify as a doctor, come hell or high water. Hence the "dumbing down" of content in education - all have won, and all shall have prizes - just don't let them come near you if you need an operation!
Here's Eichmann's comment as he watched Berlin burn, and the Red Army drew ever nearer the Bunker:
"Mark my word, Naumann, what you are seeing happen here is an historical drama of such magnitude that there has been nothing to compare with it this century nor indeed in any century unless you go back to Golgotha." Wagnerian accompaniment to this pronouncement in which Calvary and the Gotterdammerung were strangely mixed in Goebbels haunted imagination.
From "Dr Goebbels: His Life and Death by Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel. Greenhill Books 1960.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 11:40