Thursday, 25 June 2009

Hamas: We Don’t Know if Shalit is Alive

Reported: 13:56 PM - Jun/25/09   

( Hamas cannot confirm or deny if captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is still alive, said an official authorized to speak on the issue. "The crazy war on the Gaza Strip wiped out everything so we don't know if Shalit is still alive or if he has died," Osama al-Muzini told the Xinhua news agency. He said that Israel still has to go ahead with talks to exchange Shalit for a number of Arab prisoners "whether the soldier was dead or alive."

"The Zionist enemy has to pursue negotiations without any signal confirming or denying this argument," said al-Muzini. Thursday marks the third anniversary of Shalit's capture by Hamas terrorists in a cross-border raid near the Gaza anti-terrorism security fence. Hamas has asked Israel to free hundreds of Palestinian Authority and Arab prisoners terrorists in exchange for Shalit.