Here is your Crux AM update:
Why the oil/natural gas ratio is at an extreme… and why it doesn't mean as much as it used to
"…the ratio itself has become increasingly irrelevant."
An excellent quote from Richard Russell
America's only way out is to massively devalue the dollar.
The latest Senator to make an ass out of herself… must watch video
Call her "Senator"… after all, it takes a lot of pandering, bootlicking, and lying to get that title…
The gov't literally just stole money from people's 401Ks
And they could be stealing from yours…
This amazing real estate investment wasn't even touched by the crash
Earn 8% a year with "America's most relentlessly rising dividend."
U.S. gov't debt sales reach dangerous, record proportions
Yesterday's $104 billion issuance should make you sick.
The Daily Crux
Friday, 19 June 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio