Friday 12 June 2009

How the Internet Will Expose Brown's Lies

Iain Dale 2:55 PM

Fraser Nelson has written an important blogpost on how the internet will help expose Brown's continuing habit of telling lies.
To understand Brown, it is vital to understand his use of lies. I am told that, in the bunker, he’s forever talking about the need to ‘define your opponent’ – by which me means spreading falsehoods about them. (A statistical version of the smears which McBride was caught spreading). Brown apparently justifies it to himself on the grounds that the ends justify the means. Hence the “Labour will increase spending” lie: it forms one of his precious dividing lines. He argues (correctly) that the Tories are so useless at defending themselves, changing their defence so often, that the Labour line will win any media battle and sink into the voters’ mind if repeated often enough by ministers, when interviewed.

Andy Burnham didn't get off to a good start, did he? (see below). Read Fraser's whole blogpost