Queen Has Audience with Mandelson
Lord Mandelson of Foy in the county of Herefordshire and Hartlepool in the county of Durham, first secretary of state, secretary of state for business, innovation and skills and Lord President of the Council, yesterday granted the Queen an audience.
Guido was told this in advance, but sworn to secrecy, by a member of her majesty’s parliamentary Lobby. Why was it embargoed?
Queen Has Audience with Mandelson
Lord Mandelson of Foy in the county of Herefordshire and Hartlepool in the county of Durham, first secretary of state, secretary of state for business, innovation and skills and Lord President of the Council, yesterday granted the Queen an audience.
Guido was told this in advance, but sworn to secrecy, by a member of her majesty’s parliamentary Lobby. Why was it embargoed?
Mandelson Shows Who is Master Now
The First Lord was in Berlin today saying it remained an objective for Britain to join the euro. That will have gone down well with Ed Balls and Gordon. Not. Can’t help thinking that the euosceptic headbangers who think Mandy’s ultimate plan is to get Blair installed as EU president might be on to something.
According to the FT there will be a policy-based relaunch of Gordon’s government over the summer which will have this new bouncy ball logo emblazoned on everything that has Mandelson’s blessing. “Building Britain’s Future” is the slogan. Wasn’t there a Mandelson inspired slogan like that in the distant past?

Using The Treason Act 1702
As you are perhaps aware I have been very concerned about Article 46A in the Treaty of Lisbon, “The Union shall have legal personality”. It happens to also be the smallest Article in the Treaty, but to me at least, it is among all those articles that are of the most important and most destructive of Articles to our own Constitution and surely, sheer treachery by a person whose solemn Oath of Allegiance is to this Country, a violation of that solemn Oath is the very essence of treason.
Up to now, I have always explained that in the giving to the European Union the
‘legal personality’ it so desires for allegedly Treaty making on behalf of all 27
Nation States, as far as the United Kingdom of Great Britain is concerned, it means giving to the EU the Royal Prerogative, which Ministers of the Queen use on behalf of Her Majesty under the Royal Prerogative. This Royal Prerogative is also used for “war making powers’ and although that is not mentioned in the Treaty of Lisbon, the EU does want a European Army made up of all 27 Countries, so who can say what may happen in the future? I have always made clear, “That it is not in the Government’s ‘gift’ to give away those Royal Prerogative” powers. It is not the Governments to give away at all.
The Treason Act 1702 (1 Anne stat.2 c.21) is an Act of Parliament of England passed to enforce the line of succession to the English Throne, previously established by the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1701.
The Act makes it treason to “endeavour to deprive or hinder any person who shall be the next in succession to the Crown…from succeeding after the decease of Her Majesty (Whom God long preserve) to the imperial crown of this realm and the dominions thereunto belonging”.
Although the Act was passed by the English Parliament, it was later extended to Scotland as well in 1708, following the Union of the two Kingdoms in the previous year. The Parliament of Ireland passed a law to the same effect in 1703, the Treason Act (Ireland) 1703 (c5). This is still in force in Ireland.
In all the European Union Treaties that have been ratified thus far, none has actually handed over to the Union, the Royal Prerogative of Treaty making powers that Her Majesty’s Government Ministers use on behalf of The Crown. This action deprives the Crown of the power (authority-sovereignty) of what is to happen over the territory, not just over the Realm, but of the overseas territories, but over the United Kingdom of Great Britain also.
This also deprives the authority of the Crown in Parliament, once again so often quoted. The power of the Crown is the ultimate authority of Parliament and the Royal Prerogative. When all this is done, the Crown, as I once suggested in a Government Consultation document on “War Making Powers”, the Crown only should use the Royal Prerogative in the future. It would be a check-a safe guard- on which ever Political Party is in Government.
Ratification of the Treaty would deprive Her Majesty’s Government the ultimate authority of the use of the Royal Prerogative of Treaty making and possibly of war making powers which seems to me to be the ultimate treachery yet so casually given away, the intention made clear by the signing of the Treaty by the Prime Minister.
In the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon it would revoke permanently the power of the Crown, though in truth, exercised by Parliament through the Royal Prerogative in the UK. Therefore the Crown no longer has the exclusive authority to apply the Royal Prerogative. It follows then that the same would apply to the next in line to the throne of the United Kingdom. The Crown will no longer have use of the Royal Prerogative for it so binds all her successors making the Crown subservient to the European Union forever.
In all the previous EU Treaties, EU laws and Directives have been transposed via our Parliament. The EU’s use of the Royal Prerogative for Treaty Making Powers, is direct, it by passes the British Parliament and uses the power of the Crown in the name of the Crown via the Royal Prerogative and hands full power exclusively in perpetuity to the EU. This Treaty, if ratified, removes the power of the Crown and Royal Prerogative from the British Crown and gives it to the European Union.
The Treaty of Lisbon binds the next Monarch, and makes the crown subservient to the EU and to the EU Judges. The Crown loses sovereignty over British Territory, Land, Sea and Air.
Background events. The EU has made agreements on behalf of Member States before as recorded in Hansard 18th June 2003 –Columns GC288- in which Lord Stoddart broke into the Grand Committee on the Extradition Bill (GC 287) a rather unusual occurrence, which according to Lord Stoddart, Commissioner Vitorino when he discussed the EU-US co-operation agreement in the European Parliament, said,
“This is the very first Union agreement in the field of Justice and Home Affairs and it will be a historic precedent”
No one in the House of Lords appeared to know anything about that “agreement” and that was bad enough but it does show, that without doubt, how the Union takes advantage and “goes on further than one would expect” perhaps when it feels it can get away with doing so. The ‘blame’ for the EU putting through that agreement without any Parliamentary debate was put down to the “arrogant, executive powers wielded in intergovernmental cabal by the Council”. There was no debate in our Parliament on whether we wanted to take part in the ‘agreement’, we had no chance to say, “we shall speak for ourselves” on this matter, but it was a ‘warning’ of how inadequate a British Parliament will become and how pointless it will be to elect and keep a British Parliament as deeper and more meaningful powers come into play. But what if it happens again and again and there is absolutely nothing any national Government can do? It is essential the Oath of Allegiance ALL MP’s make, is teamed up with the transfer of the Royal Prerogative whether the latter the transferred, permanent, temporary, shared or loaned.
19th March, 2008