Monday 22 June 2009

Jewish Agency Faces Anti-Semitism

by IsraelNN TV staff

( Malcolm Hoenlein of the Jewish Agency describes changes in global anti-Semitism in recent years. While backlash over the worldwide financial crisis has not been as bad as some feared, pro-Israel sentiment is down and sentiments that were held only by fringe groups have now become mainstream, he says, bringing examples from the New York Times and National Geographic.

Those who wish to fight anti-Semitism must stand up to hate, Hoenlein says. “It is imperative that we do not raise the bar... on what we're prepared to tolerate,” he warns.

As anti-Semitic campaigns become increasingly global, the response must become global as well, he continues. Communities around the world must work together and get leaders from all walks of life to condemn racism and hate.

Hoenlein also addresses the problem of anti-Semitism disguised as criticism of Israel, and discusses the Obama administration in the United States.