Pre-emptive Appeasement Prof. Paul Eidelberg Point One: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly vowed to “wipe Israel off the map,” andIran’s ongoing development of nuclear weapons indicates that he means what he says and says what he means. A rational and manly government would take that threat seriously. Point Two: John Bolton, former US ambassador to the United Nations wrote a book entitled Surrender is Not An Option (2007). Point Three: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman ended a three-day trip to Russia Wednesday by assuring the world that Israel does not intend to bomb Iran . Conclusion: Apparently, for Mr. Lieberman, surrender or national suicide is an option. For if we take Ahmadinejad seriously, Lieberman is conceding to Iran the first (nuclear) strike—and one is all that is needed to terminate Israel’s existence—the long-expressed goal of Islam. Presumably, Lieberman represents the Netanyahu Government of which he is the Foreign Minister. Instead of remaining silent on the Iranian issue, Lieberman seems to be advocating a policy of pre-emptive appeasement. For serious commentators understand that economic and other sanctions will not deter Iran from producing nuclear weapons. Hence, for Israel to exclude the use of force vis-à-vis Iran is to hazard another Holocaust. Now it so happens that pre-emptive appeasement is the policy of the Obama administration. This is the meaning of his “outreach” policy to the Muslim world. But this has been the self-effacing policy of Israeli governments since Prime Minister Begin yielded the Sinai to Egypt . That’s what the policy of “territory for peace” signifies. That’s what the release of Arab terrorists signifies. That’s what “confidence building measures” like destroying Jewish “settlements” signify. I have a simple word for the policy of pre-emptive appeasement: cowardice. Only never forget mind that cowardice conduces to stupidity.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
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Britannia Radio