PERS: The Greatest Swindle in American History Blame America: It’s Groundhog Day again with this administration
So, all Government Agencies will be shouting for more money. Telling us the economy is doing them in. Of course, that is a lie: it is PERS that is doing them in. As of today, according to the Mercer Actuaries, PERS is paying out 2 Billion more than they are taking in. They will need a 24 Billion to bring PERS back to the 8% discount rate funded level. Where will they get the money? From the private taxpayer of course: that is the plan. Can PERS be paid? NO. Why? Because........
by Fred M. Starkey
Sherman: Racist, Terrorist, Monster
This is the monster who ran Lincoln’s Communist war to destroy the Union. This is how we got where we are. Indeed, the reason his story is so relevant today is that the men who now control America have the very same mentality – the same lunatic, consuming hubris – and they are doing the same things.......
by Alan Stang
Aid and Comfort
Despite the charade of Obamafication ‘Change’, the world remains a very dangerous place. There are groups of people who want to do very bad things to you, me, and our country. Terrorist have, have tried, and will continue to attempt atrocities in various forms whenever, wherever, and however they can. Thus far, as a product of luck and skill we have been able to avoid a repeat of a 9/11 type tragedy. However......
by Geoff Metcalf
Mr. President, I don’t want to be interdependent to the world. I want the US to be a light on a hill for the world, lifting our freedom, our bill of rights and constitution as hope. Our world view IS ABOVE most countries in spirit, style and meaning, but the American people don’t believe we are worth more than other people in value. We have always served and helped others. We just want to achieve, be free, keep our sovereignty and assist others from high ground in principle, NOT equal ground in compromise......
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 5 June 2009
June 5, 2009
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Britannia Radio