Saturday, 6 June 2009

June 6, 2009

My Response to Obama’s Cairo Speech
Mr. Obama is so intoxicated with his own oratory that he seems to live in a dream world—certainly not a world in which hundreds of millions of Muslims support jihad, a world in which Muslim leaders scream “DEATH TO AMERICA” and “DEATH TO ISRAEL.” But this means, to put in kindly, that Mr. Obama cannot distinguish truth from falsehood. Of course, one may also conclude that America’s president is a master of deception.......
by Professor Paul Eidelberg

Sotomayor’s Left-wing and Racist Connections
Can there be any serious doubt about her liberal political and judicial activist agenda? If journalists take the time to examine the material submitted to the Senate and explain what is there to the American people, the public will understand that the evidence is in and the case is closed. This is a nominee that wants to use the law, even foreign law, to move America in a left-wing direction........
by Cliff Kincaid

Men in Power!
We have seen literally scores of men's rights groups pop up globally over the past 40 years. From MEN International to the National Organization for Men to the National Coalition for Free Men, most of these well-intentioned and well-meaning groups were not organized, funded well enough, or politically backed to compete with the rise of the feminists and the National Organization for Women. That said, it is important for everyone - men, women, and children - to ascertain the significance of The Men's Movement and that men are not just "paychecks and biological necessities.".....
by Dean Tong, MSc