Sunday, 7 June 2009

Mandelson email savages Gordon Brown as angry, insecure... and unable to win the next election


Peter Mandelson's claim that Gordon Brown is doing a great job is in tatters after it was revealed he called the PM 'insecure, self-conscious physically and emotionally, uncomfortable in his skin and angry' in a leaked email.

TONY BLAIR: The darkness in Gordon's heart will bring him down

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown

The former PM privately shares the view held by Labour rebels that Mr Brown will lead the Party to a disastrous defeat at the next Election.

How Mrs Darling persuaded her 'useless' man to defy the Prime Minister and refuse to leave No11

Alistair Darling and wife Maggie

Alistair Darling's wife Maggie played a vital role in persuading him to stand up to Gordon Brown and keep his job as Chancellor.