Monday 15th June 2009Britain's leading conservative blog | |
Osborne promises honesty from Conservatives on public spending cuts Today's other top ConservativeHome features
Parliament: Should David Cameron facing a regular equivalent to PMQs? Matthew Oliver on Platform: David Cameron must put his money where his mouth is on capping political donations
Diary of a PPC on Seats and candidates: Sir John Major supports Annesley Abercorn (and his Routemaster bus) in Hazel Grove AmericaInTheWorld: Israel PM Netanyahu accepts principle of Palestinian state after pressure from White House Today's newslinks Jackie Ashley: Labour is guilty of "teenage politics" on spending "What is silly is to imply that Labour would not make cuts or that they would not have to raise taxes for ordinary families. The pretence that one party can protect us and the other one would cheerfully slash, is old politics." - Jackie Ashley in The Guardian
Boris Johnson, in The Telegraph, calls for a renewed focus on wealth creation: "I want to hear politicians talk less about themselves and their priorities and more about the entrepreneurs, the people who get up at 5am to organise their business or cut deals with the other side of the world. Every time you hear politicians swanking about what they are going to do with public funds, remember that wealth was ultimately created by private enterprise; and, if they don't help the wealth creators, they won't have any money to spend." National Union of Teachers welcome Michael Gove's abolition of tests for 11 year olds
"Conservative proposals to reform Sats tests would be a "huge step backwards" for school accountability, Schools Minister Vernon Coaker has said." - BBC A leading article in The Independent welcomes the policy shift as "imaginative". 'Ken Clarke softens Tory line on Lisbon' "A future Tory government would accept the Lisbon treaty and concentrate instead on repatriating powers, mainly in the field of employment, the shadow business secretary, Kenneth Clarke, said yesterday... A Tory spokesman said Clarke had not changed party policy. "As Ken Clarke explained, if the Lisbon treaty is ratified and in force across the EU by the time of the election of a Conservative government, we would not let matters rest there. We have consistently made clear that the return of social and employment legislation to UK control would be a major goal for a Conservative government."" - Guardian "The intervention of Mr Clarke, who has always been fervently supportive of the EU, appeared to rule out categorically the possibility of a referendum on the treaty if it has already been ratified when the Tories win power." - Daily Mail > Yesterday's ToryDiary: Clarke admits that Tories won't re-open Lisbon if it is ratified by the Irish California can no longer be a model for the Conservatives
> Yesterday on CentreRight: Allister Heath's daily economic wisdom is now online Tory-backed Calman Commission recommends more devolution to Scotland "Holyrood would take charge of half the income tax raised in Scotland, under plans being put forward by the body reviewing Scottish devolution. The Calman Commission will also say the Scottish Parliament should be in control of national speed limits, drink driving laws and airguns legislation." - BBC FT poll finds considerable public support for independent candidates "Widespread disgust about MPs’ lavish expenses claims has led as many as three in five voters to consider punishing Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats at the next general election by switching their support to independent candidates." - FT "Up to 50 Labour MPs face the axe as the party cleans up its image after the expenses scandal" - The Sun Keeping Iran in our thoughts
"When a regime peremptorily chooses which candidates can run; shutters newspapers, Web sites and television bureaus; silences text messaging; and throws critics into prison -- such a regime should not expect its pronouncements on election results to garner any respect." - Washington Post leader "I believe Joe Biden, who conferred with Barack Obama before going on TV Sunday, made a mistake in reiterating America's intention to engage Iran, regardless of the election outcome. Why make that statement at this time? Why give the Iranian regime any kind of positive reinforcement for its violent suppression of the opposition?" - The Economist's Lexington |