Monday 1st June 2009Britain's leading conservative blog | |
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Melanchthon on Platform: When the defence of "I acted within the rules according to advice" is not enough Local government: Will Labour lose more than half their seats? WATCH: Nick Clegg calls on Chancellor Alistair Darling to be sacked over his expenses Two highlights from yesterday Today's other newslinks Could Alistair Darling be the biggest victim of expenses-gate? "Chancellor Alastair Darling is facing further potentially damaging allegations about his expenses. The Daily Telegraph says he claimed for costs on a flat in south London while claiming allowances on his grace-and-favour home in Downing Street. A spokesman for the Edinburgh MP said the allegations were "simply untrue"." - BBC Vince Cable tells Hay festival he does not want to be chancellor under Labour - Guardian Michael Howard charged the taxpayer £17,000 for "gardening services"
"David Cameron promised last night to repay £22,000 of expenses if he is found by the Tory scutiny panel to have behaved unreasonably over his mortgage arrangements." - Times > Yesterday's ToryDiary: David Cameron's use of allowances was entirely appropriate David Cameron expresses interest in 'recall elections' "David Cameron yesterday raised the prospect of introducing a "recall system" to deal with offending MPs, as his own expenses claims came under renewed scrutiny. The Tory leader is pushing for a July or September general election to draw a line under the expenses saga. But yesterday he appeared to compromise, saying if his calls were unheeded he would "start looking at recall powers", which give voters the chance to force a snap byelection if their MP has been caught flouting parliamentary rules." - The Guardian > Mr Cameron made the remarks during an interview with Sky which you can watch here. George Osborne attacks FSA
Bruce Anderson: Cameron should do a Thatcher if Lisbon passes "Whatever his surface charm, Mr Cameron has a stubborn core and a powerful Anglo-Saxon sense of fairness. He will not knuckle under to a Treaty imposed by fraud. As for the renegotiation, Frau Merkel should look up the history of Margaret Thatcher's rebate in the early Eighties. Without ever threatening to leave Europe, she reduced a succession of summits to rubble. If the other member states insisted that Britain is bound by a Treaty which was lied into being, there would have to be a lot more rubble." - Bruce Anderson in The Independent "Winged to power in 2010, the Tory leader enacts his EU referendum pledge. And all hell breaks loose..." - Peter Preston in The Guardian Cameron pledges that Britain's EU Commissioner would have to publish expense claims - The Sun Expenses-gate is distracting Britain's politicians from confronting the serious economic issues says CBI chief - Telegraph Mandelson seeks details on British jobs from Vauxhall's new owners - Times Gordon Brown insists he won't stand down as election rout looms - Guardian Lancashire's voters are so angry with the Government that party leaders have been told to keep away - Independent Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, is being sued for defamation by a US "shock jock" barred from entering Britain - Telegraph > Martin Sewell's recent Platform: If Britain could accommodate Karl Marx, we should also be able to cope with US "Shock Jock" Michael Savage
How to defeat the BNP "Don’t bark “Nazi thugs” at it. That is where it wants to be: in a corner, were the anti-Establishment vote can coalesce. Treat it like any other party. Get Nick Griffin into the Newsnight studio to explain all his policies. He won’t last five minutes." - Ross Clark in The Times |