Monday, June 15, 2009
Will Israel Suffer Because of Obama's Failures?
Obama Blinks, Backs Down on North Korea
Apologizer-in-Chief Failing in Middle East
Obama and Iran's Islamofascist Reality
Investor's Business Daily says the U.S. reaction to events in Iran "speaks volumes."In his inaugural address, President Obama had a message for the oppressed and oppressor alike. He said, "To all other peoples and governments who are watching today . . . know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and we are ready to lead once more."
He added: "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."
The clenched fist of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in his suspect return to power, has not only delivered a blow to freedom-seeking Iranians; it is also knocking the Obama administration for a loop — primarily because the president has chosen not to stand with Iranians who seek "a future of peace and dignity."
The administration was obviously rooting for Ahmadinejad to be beaten by his chief rival, former Iranian prime minister Mir Hossein Mousavi. The president on Friday, the day of the election, spoke of "a robust debate taking place in Iran" bringing with it "new possibilities" and "the possibility of change."
How naive those words sound in retrospect. Presidential wishful thinking has crashed head-on into Islamofascist reality.
The administration's preferred story line apparently went something like this: Moderate replaces hard-liner, Obama and Mousavi hold summit, grand pact results, quelling the Iran nuclear threat and setting the stage for peace to break out through the Mideast.
Mousavi, of course, whose candidacy (unlike so many others) got the stamp of approval of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, is no moderate at all.he vowed during the campaign to continue Iran's nuclear program.
Moreover, as Thomas C. Reed and Danny B. Stillman note in their newly published history of nuclear proliferation, "The Nuclear Express," "Pakistan's A.Q. Khan first began to transfer uranium enrichment technology to Iran in 1987" — in the midst of Mousavi's 1981-89 tenure in power.
Any Obama-Mousavi version of the Camp David Accords would have preserved Iran's widely dispersed, tough-to-monitor nuclear program in some form, through which it can produce fuel for a bomb.
With Ahmadinejad winning, sparking demonstrations involving tens of thousands of Iranians and the slaughter of at least one protester by state militia, the U.S. has officially gone strangely quiet.or as Vice President Biden put it on NBC's "Meet the Press," "we're going to withhold comment" for a few days.
Those risking life and limb by taking to the streets against the terrorist enablers who hijacked their country 30 years ago deserve more than withheld comments.
If the president feels as guilty as he seemed to in his Cairo speech early this month about the CIA's 1953 coup preventing Soviet dominance of Iran, wouldn't this be the time to support the many millions of Iranian men, women and children seeking a future of peace and dignity?
The president, with all his rhetorical gifts, has chosen a strange time to clam up — obviously hoping that a newly strengthened Ahmadinejad might come to Camp David. Now who's "on the wrong side of history"?
Click here to read IBD editorials. Every piece is a gem.US Confirms North Korean Memorial Day A-Blast
The U.S. government is officially confirming North Korea's underground atomic test in late May, saying the blast was somewhat larger than the regime's first test, conducted in 2006.
The blast yielded several kilotons, said a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the announcement had not yet been made.
Until now the U.S. government has been officially mum on the May 25 test. The official said the national intelligence director was expected to issue a statement Monday confirming the event as a "probable" nuclear explosion.
Independent U.S. analysts have estimated the yield of the atomic explosion to be roughly 4 kilotons. North Korea may now be preparing for its third nuclear test, a show of defiance as the United Nations adopts new sanctions as a result of the May 25 blast.Atomic Ayatollah Calls for Election Inquiry
Although it is too early to tell where the protests will lead, there are echoes of 1979 in the air in Tehran. Click here for the story.
The clergy know this. They also suspect that many protesters are channeling anger against the Islamist system itself into support for the relative reformer.
Meanwhile, Iran's nuclear program continues, with the blessing of all candidates and the clerical fascists in control of the government. The people with the guns and the most to lose--the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Basij militia--seem to be steadfastly behind the incumbent maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. On Obama's Apology to 'the Muslim World'
Bruce Blalosky's piece on President Obama's address to "the Muslim world" is a must read. Some excerpts:Mr. Obama, your speech in Cairo encouraged me to reconsider reconsider my thoughts on how I view Islam as a religion in today’s society. I have really thought it over and decided to fully accept Islam … with just a few caveats.
First, they have to stop treating women as second class citizens. Don’t tell me those head covers are worn by choice. They are forced on them just like honor killings. It is sad the French have it right and we don’t on this issue. This is a country where we have worked for a hundred years to bring equality to women. Allowing any woman to be subservient is disgraceful....
Next, tell the Islamists to stop killing gays. Maybe gays are not totally accepted in this society, but we have made great progress in the last 50 years. We may not agree on gay marriage, but we certainly agree on equal rights for gays. We don’t allow them to be killed just for being gay....
Mr. Obama, we also want an apology for all those Christians and Jews kicked out of the Arab countries. While they have been really good on creating a lie about the Palestinians being kicked out of their land, they have done an excellent job of covering up all those people they kicked out. Well, they did not really kick them out. They offered them to convert or die....
Last, when Muslims start protesting the murders and indecencies performed in the name of Islam then I will accept them. We are told that the people who do these acts are a small minority of Muslims. So where are the protests, where are the books, where are the articles, where is the Islamic Pete Seeger? If Islam is really a religion of peace, then start showing it. We have been waiting for it and the memories I have are of Muslims out partying after the Twin Towers went down....
Read the entire essay here.
And click here to read Frank Gaffney's piece on "America's First Muslim President."Carter Softens Stance on Israeli Settlements
The Media Line reports:Jimmy Carter has surprised Israelis and shocked Palestinians by declaring that one of the largest blocs of Israeli West Bank settlements should remain under Israeli control.
Carter, who is on a week-long visit to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, made the comments during a visit to the settlement of Neve Daniel near Bethlehem. The settlement is part of the Etzion Bloc, one of the largest Israeli enclaves on road between Bethlehem and Hebron and home to more than 15,000 Israelis.
The enclave was under Jewish control prior to the founding of Israel in 1948 and was lost to Arab control during fierce fighting in Israel’s war of independence. It was resettled after Israel regained control of the area in the 1967 war and is one of several areas that most Israelis would like to become absorbed into their country in any peace deal with the Palestinians.
“This particular settlement area is not one that I envision ever being abandoned or changed over into Palestinian territory,” said Carter as he emerged from a meeting with Shaul Goldstein, head of the Etzion Bloc Regional Council.
“This is part of the Gush settlement to the 1967 line that I think will be here for ever,” Carter told reporters in the garden of Goldstein’s home in the tiny hilltop settlement of Neve Daniel.
“I have been very fortunate this afternoon in learning a perspective that I didn’t have,” said Carter.
Continue here.The Road to Peace in Korea Runs through Beijing
As North Korea prepares new provocations--a July 4 nuclear test is possible--it is increasingly clear that there is only one way for the United States and South Korea to avoid war with the Stalinist/Kimist/criminal state. The way is through diplomacy--with China. Beijing has the leverage; its claim to being a peacefully rising, responsible stakeholder in the international system rests on its ability to control--or change--the North Korean regime.Iranian Leaders Likely to Blame US for Riots
Islamist Iran is tense as the regime cracks down on opposition leaders and supporters in the wake of violent protests over President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed election victory. Click here for the story.
Ahmadinejad and Supreme (clerical fascist) Leader Ali Khamenei are likely to blame the United States for stirring up trouble.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
A hostile, frustrated administration could turn viciously against Israel to demonstrate toughness. Click here.
The Obama administration will not forcibly board and inspect North Korean ships suspected of carrying nuclear weapons and materials (to Iran). Instead, U.S. naval vessels will "request permission" to inspect the ships. Click here for the story.
Click here to read Michael Rubin's excellent essay in the New York Daily News. Barack Obama looks more like a one-term President--another Jimmy Carter--every day.
AP reports:
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