This is unfortunately very long. You might also very easily decide
that Justin is a nutter, however you will see that he has very
considerable experience in various fields. Many sensible people cannot
reconcile the recorded events of 9/11 with the official story.
However, reading on, when Justin gets to the issues of Climate Change,
the European Union and Common Purpose those of us who know anything
about these subjects could not take issue with him. As for his
conclusions they are exactly our. We have never forgotten that a
taxpayer revolt by small businesses and individuals brought down an
unpopular Belgium government within 3 months. Our government have made
small businesses, through VAT and PAYE unpaid tax collectors. At the
drop of a hat they can refuse to play ball if properly co-ordinated.
If individuals at the same time withheld Council Tax and put it into an
escrow account our government would last two months at the most. Bill
& Ann
My Personal Journey Into Lawful Rebellion
If our world is ever to see lasting Peace, Justice and Happiness then
we must all immediately enter into Lawful Rebellion in order to win
back our Common Law Rights and Freedoms and so defeat forever the
Criminal Global Elite who are in the final stages of implementing their
so-called New World Order.
by Justin of the Walker family: Freeman-on-the-land.
Without doubt, this is the most important article I have ever written.
It is a personal record of how events and people have inspired and
guided me towards what I firmly believe is now the only effective,
non-violent strategy left for humanity if we are to avoid enslavement
by a tiny, but powerful, Criminal Global Elite who masquerade as the
‘New World Order’. Everyday, in ever increasing numbers, good and
decent people are waking up and realising the truth about what we are
really facing and are now seeking guidance as to how to lead their
lives without fear, whilst contributing in a non-violent and positive
way to expose and defeat this tiny minority who seek to rule through
fear and deception. A great and uplifting future for all the peoples
of the world can be achieved within the next decade. Globally, we
number in our billions……they, the criminal elite, a few tens of
thousands at most. Their pathetic aspiration for a New World Order
with them in charge is nothing more than a House of Cards and it will
collapse as quickly as the Twin Towers did on the 11th September 2001!
Early days with the Greens:
I am writing this article as a British citizen who has been active in
Environmental and Peace politics since 1978, a year when the French
Oceanographer, Jacques Cousteau, called on the peoples of the world to
take up politics on behalf of the planet. For the next fifteen years I
was actively involved in the British Ecology/Green Party, standing
repeatedly as a candidate in local and national elections as well as
finding myself being elected to serve on the Party’s Council for five
years. My journey then seemed to follow a logical path, meeting new
signposts along the way, all pointing in the direction to what I
believed to be the ultimate political manifesto that would ensure the
salvation and protection of the Earth along with its peoples and
complex ecosystems.
In 1980 I became involved in a very small way with the promotion of the
World Conservation Strategy, a global initiative produced by the World
Worldlife Fund (WWF), the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP). Through a family member and because of my then
interest in the United Nations and its call for environmentally
friendly and sustainable development, I was invited in 1982 to meet
with the late Aurelio Peccei, President of Fiat and a Co-founder of the
Club of Rome. I spent nearly six hours with him discussing his book
One Hundred Pages for the Future where he advocated his simple belief
that the world was running out of natural and finite resources and that
the world’s population must be reduced in a Malthusian way to a more
sustainable and manageable level – something which at that time I did
not find shocking. After all, he was only echoing what the founder of
The Ecologist magazine, Teddy Goldsmith, had written in his influential
book Blueprint for Survival back in 1972.
My journey so far seemed to be making sense. From 1976 until 1986 I
had been a cavalry officer in the Territorial Army. Whilst I believed
in the need for strong and effective conventional defence, I became
completely disillusioned by Britain’s decision to allow the Americans
to base their nuclear armed Cruise missiles at Greenham Common and
Molesworth and so jeopardise the MAD (mutually assured destruction)
doctrine that had supposedly kept the peace between the Superpowers
since the Second World War, especially in Europe. It was during this
time that I met some really interesting and dedicated peace activists
who were prepared to break the law non-violently and, like Mahatma
Gandhi, to accept fully the consequences of their actions.
At this stage of my journey, I still believed that national governments
were largely in control of their own countries and the international
bankers and industrialists, whilst being important players on the world
stage, were still answerable to national politicians and, to some
extent, their electorates. I also still believed that human cock-ups
rather than actual high level conspiracies explained what was happening
on our TV screens during the news bulletins. But having said that,
one curious incident did happen to me which gave me my first inkling
that things were not quite what they seem. It was whilst I was
travelling down to London from Liverpool on the train in 1973 with my
late Uncle. I was only seventeen at the time and was going back to
school. Over breakfast, my Uncle, who was at that time a Director of
the Bank of England, suddenly interrupted our general conversation and
asked me what I was going to do for a career. Before I had time to
answer properly, he said “Whatever you do in life, always remember
these two things - never believe everything you read in the papers,
because we control them, and never believe politicians when they say
they can do something, because they can’t unless we say they can!” At
the time I didn’t give this any more thought – I think it just went
over my head. I regret to this day I never asked him which group of
people he was referring to when he used the word ‘we’. It was only
years later, when I had started to become aware of the ‘Big Picture’,
that I had a vivid recollection of this strange conversation. But I
have to say my Uncle was a lovely man, very kind, very popular and
highly respected by all who knew him.
In 1988, I was to meet a person who was to change my life completely.
A message came through to the Green Party Council that a high profile
BBC Sports presenter had joined the party and was active on the Isle of
Wight. Starved of any real oxygen of publicity and almost totally
ignored by the mainstream news media, this was an opportunity the Green
Party could not pass on. Almost overnight this poor man, David Icke,
was ‘elevated’ and fast-tracked to serve on Party Council as a
Spokesperson for the Party.
My first meeting with David seemed to go well and it eventually
transpired that we had a mutual interest in steam railways…and still
do! He invited me also, because of my part-time military background,
to look over a relevant chapter in a book he had just written about
green politics. In 1989, the Green Party scored an incredible 15% of
the national vote in the Euro-elections, pushing the Liberal Democrats
into fourth place. Almost immediately the Party fell apart and was
unable to make political capital from this sudden and unexpected
success. Civil war broke out between the Realos, who believed that
the Green Party must perform efficiently, have a leader and function
like any normal political party with a hierarchical command structure,
and the Fundis, who believed that the Green Party must be the
anti-party party with a totally new approach to things and not caving
in to the conventional demands of the news media by having a leader.
David and I, because we knew that this division would wipe out any
political gain the Greens had just made, did our best to make the two
sides see sense and to bring them around the table to sort out their
differences. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen and both David and I
became totally disillusioned with conventional party
politics…..something that has remained with both of us to this day.
Political parties, like religions, are there to divide people and to
work on their egos as they are tempted and encouraged to seek ‘power’
to ‘help those less fortunate than themselves’. Many good people
entering into party politics, setting out with the best of intentions,
have allowed themselves to be corrupted and to become detached from
ordinary people and that’s why we, who are seeking to find out the
truth about everything, should be an all embracing grassroots movement
and not, repeat NOT, a political party. This is one lesson that my
varied life has taught me as we enter into the final and most crucial
phase of the world’s coming transition. We do not need conventional,
well paid ‘leaders’ with all their egos and hidden agendas, just decent
and honest people with humility and a great sense of humour, who are
prepared to encourage and motivate others, to serve others and who seek
at all times wisdom, love and spiritual strength rather than a material
and empty lifestyle which always results in others less fortunate than
themselves being exploited and abused.
From 1990 onwards David’s incredible journey began and, after the
publication of The Truth Vibrations, he didn’t renew his membership and
walked away from the Green Party not wishing for them to suffer from
the public ridicule he knew that his new understanding of life was
going to attract. Unbelievably, nineteen years on, some senior
members of the Green Party of England and Wales, including the Party’s
new leader (yes, the Greens of all people finally fell into that trap)
Caroline Lucas, still blame David for betraying them and for bringing
the Party into disrepute. As David often says about things… just
couldn’t make it up!
As regards David’s early part of his journey, one episode does stick in
my mind. In 1994, John Smith, the leader of the Labour Party died
suddenly and the day Tony Blair won the leadership election David was
staying at my home whilst doing one of his talks in Southport. We were
just going into the garden when the news of Blair’s election victory
came through on the TV. I knew very little about this new and youthful
looking leader – he seemed like a nice enough chap, a man with a young
family who grinned a lot and played a guitar! “Can’t be that bad a
person”, I thought to myself. David, however, just looked at me and
said “Justin, that man is very bad news - he is going to lead us into
wars and will be responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of
innocent people”. I remembered thinking “David, mate, I think you’re a
little bit far off the mark on this one.” Oh well! I don’t always
get it right!
I left the Green Party myself in 1992 - like many, I was totally
disillusioned with so-called ‘radical’ politics. The next twelve
years saw me involved with an idea and project that proved to me,
beyond reasonable doubt, that David was right and that there was a
Hidden Hand above our elected representatives that didn’t want humanity
to thrive and which would do its utmost to thwart imaginative ideas
that might actually help the poorest and most vulnerable people in the
Designed to fail:
In 1988, a terrible earthquake had happened in Armenia, which was then
part of the USSR, which killed well over 25,000 people. President
Gorbachev, whilst on a visit to the United Nations in New York, had
asked for international humanitarian help, something a Soviet leader
had never done before. A few days had already lapsed and it was nearly
a week before any sort of proper aid was arriving by airlift to help
the survivors. The simple fact is that the main window of opportunity
for successfully rescuing people trapped alive under rubble is the
first 72 hours – anything after that time limit usually involves just
the recovery of bodies, though, just occasionally, there are ‘good
news’ stories of adults and children lasting a lot longer. In other
words, time is of the essence and if a country is hit by a major rapid
onset disaster then it is imperative that appropriate international
help gets there WITHIN 24 HOURS. The Armenian Earthquake triggered in
me a very simple idea which was just commonsense and which I was amazed
to find out had not been considered seriously by the United Nations,
the Red Cross or any other international humanitarian organisation.
Having been in the Army, albeit on a part-time basis, I knew what the
military could offer in times of humanitarian emergencies, whether
rapid-onset disasters (such as earthquakes), or longer term emergencies
(such as famines). Apart from massive airlift capabilities, they can
offer engineer units capable of repairing damaged roads, utilities and
other vital infrastructure; signals detachments to keep two way
communications open with the stricken area; mobile medical teams and
field hospitals to look after the injured and sick; logistics and heavy
transport units to bring in and distribute food, clean drinking water,
tents, blankets etc for the survivors; and, most importantly of all, an
integrated and effective command and control system to undertake the
massive task of co-ordination. This last capability is particularly
needed as an affected country’s government is usually stunned and
traumatized by a massive rapid onset humanitarian emergency which
simply overwhelms their limited capabilities to respond effectively in
the crucial early stages. In addition to these military capabilities,
there would also be specialist teams from the world’s emergency
services, such as highly trained and properly equipped international
urban search and rescue (USAR) teams.
As I say, my idea was very simple and just commonsense. With the end
of the Cold War, the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the break up of
the Warsaw Pact, why couldn’t the world, through the United Nations,
now harness some of the largely redundant military resources and use
them to provide an international rescue service capable of responding
effectively anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Here, in developed
countries, we expect our local emergency services to respond
effectively well within twenty four minutes…, for the world, why
not within 24 hours. Surely, in this day and age of instant
communication and high technology, this would be a logistical challenge
that could easily be met.
After a couple of years of part-time research, I wrote a detailed
Discussion Paper in 1991 and distributed widely. I won’t bore the poor
reader with all the details, but I found myself having the support of
academics, military commanders, politicians and even senior UN civil
servants including the late Erskine Childers who lobbied behind the
scenes for support. I even ended up going to Iran in 1999 and
presented my Paper to an international earthquake conference in Tehran.
One of my initial supporters was Jan Elliason, a long serving Swedish
diplomat, who had just been appointed in 1992 to become the
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, a new post to reflect
the UN’s apparent concern that its family of organisations could do
better when responding to disasters and humanitarian emergencies. I
sent him my Paper just before he took up his new post and he wrote back
personally stating that he was not only interested in the idea but
would like to set up a meeting with me to discuss it further.
Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this meeting never happened as he
left his post prematurely. At around this time a very strange incident
also happened.
One Saturday morning, my wife and I woke up just in time to put on
Radio Four’s seven o’clock news. The headline was that the BBC had
seen a report from the UN Secretary General’s office that called for
the setting up of a global support programme to provide effective rapid
response to future major disasters and other humanitarian emergencies.
My heart leapt with joy – I couldn’t believe it. However, come the
eight o’clock news the story had been dropped and, try as I might
(pre-internet), I couldn’t find anything anywhere in any of the papers.
So what had happened? After a week or so of making inquiries to the
BBC, I was sheepishly told, off the record by a person in the news
department, that my Paper had been seen by the BBC’s UN correspondent
who had mistaken it for a formal UN discussion document. So
near…….but so far!
I continued in my spare time with this initiative for another twelve
years, teaming up with other groups and organisations which had similar
ideas on how to improve the way the world responds to disasters and
humanitarian emergencies, especially when they occur in developing,
under-resourced countries. The simple and brutal truth is that the
United Nations is designed deliberately NOT to work properly – it does
not want to help in the most effective way possible the poorest nations
in the world when they are faced by massive humanitarian problems.
The Malthusian mindset of the Criminal Global Elite does not want the
United Nations to find genuine solutions to help save the lives of
people they consider to be ‘useless eaters’. After so many years of
being politely listened to and then totally ignored and stonewalled by
UN diplomats and bureaucrats, I realised that the world’s poor will
only find true justice and real quality of life when we have exposed
and brought down the House of Cards that makes up the Criminal Global
Elite (or New World Order as it is known in some quarters) – along with
their cunningly devised and totally controlled United Nations.
Our health in ‘Their’ hands:
My next ‘wake up’ call or signpost came in 2003 when a close relative
of mine died from cancer, or more accurately, from the effects of some
new experimental chemotherapy. From late 1998 to the beginning of
2001, I had worked full time as a fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer
Relief. Macmillan nurses do an excellent job looking after cancer
patients and their families and no one can take that away from the
organisation and their thoroughly professional and dedicated staff.
However, after my cousin died, I began to realise that there was a very
real problem with all the charities linked to cancer research and
cancer care.
Cancer Research UK, and all the many other cancer research charities
that exist in the world today, will only look at research that involves
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, genetherapy and good old fashioned surgery.
If their ‘treatments’ don’t involve butchery, then they involve
poisoning or radiating your body to such an extent that your immune
system becomes shattered and healthy cells will be massacred along with
the cancerous ones. The myriad of charities and research institutions
that make up the ‘Cancer Industry’ exist only to support the profits of
the Criminal Global Elite controlled pharmaceutical industries –
billions of pounds worldwide are poured down the drain as the
controlled global media report false dawn breakthrough after false dawn
breakthrough. The simple truth is that there are cures for cancer but
we are not allowed to know about them!
Feed into any search engine the name of Dr Royal Raymond Rife and find
out about his incredible use of using harmless wavelengths or
electronic resonance to destroy the cancer cells whilst leaving the
cancer patient’s healthy cells and immune system totally intact. This
was done way back in the 1930s with incredible results but the Global
Elite’s backlash saw to it that his medical breakthrough (involving
treatment costing only a tiny fraction of what is spent on
pharmaceutical research and treatments) never became a part of
mainstream medicine.
And what about B17, sometimes known as Laetrile that comes from simple
apricot kernels? Do you know about Essiac Tea? Or Miracle Mineral
Supplement? Or Colloidal Silver even? And what do Salvestrols do?
You probably don’t know unless you were fortunate enough to have come
across them on the internet or heard about them from people who had the
courage to turn their backs on conventional profit led medicine to take
up these extremely safe alternatives. The simple truth is that there
is very impressive evidence from cancer patients who, having
exclusively used these ‘outlawed’ treatments, have won their battles
against cancer successfully with no ill side effects whatsoever. The
question we must therefore ask ourselves is, why don’t the Cancer
Research Charities spend some of our donations testing the efficacy of
these apparent cures?
The answer is horribly simple. There are no big profits to be made out
of our ill health by going down the path of so-called ‘Alternative
Medicine’. When it comes to conventional medical research, there is
no level playing field for those who wish to explore the efficacy and
effectiveness of these apparently safe and proven treatments. In other
words, the criminal mindset of the Global Elite is firmly in control of
our medical establishment which leaves nearly all our well-meaning and
good doctors and scientists locked into a system they don’t fully
understand and which they serve without realising how they are being
deceived on a massive scale. Cancer Research UK should be thoroughly
ashamed of themselves and a case in Common Law could easily be made
against them for causing appalling and unnecessary harm to people.
Even Macmillan Cancer Relief, a charity that genuinely wants to help
ease the suffering of cancer patients and their families, has been
deceived. Their experts in cancer care can only advise patients to
look at alternative therapies in order to help mitigate against the
unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy - they are not
allowed to look at them as a way of curing and beating the cancer
itself. Macmillan, along with other cancer care charities like Marie
Curie, are compelled unwittingly to mislead the patient from knowing
the full truth about this dreadful disease and from knowing the safest
and most effective ways of dealing with it. Along with my good friend
Penny Pullen, I attempted to start a new initiative called ‘Freedom of
Health Choice – UK’ to try and end this appalling situation…….but, as
things turned out, something else was to come along that caused this
initiative to be put on hold.
Seeking out the Real Truth about 9/11:
In late August of 2004, I went to stay for a couple of days with David
Icke at his home on the Isle of Wight. He showed me a video that he
had just received entitled 911 – In Plane Site. I watched it with him
and realised immediately that here was the visual evidence that would
surely expose and collapse the agenda of the Criminal Global Elite. On
that dreadful day back in September 2001, David knew immediately that
this was not just a simple attack by Islamic extremists on the world’s
only Superpower, but that it was a carefully staged and orchestrated
attack by the New World Order to traumatise the peoples of the world
into accepting an ever-lasting global war on terror and the forfeiture
of many of their cherished and protected civil liberties and freedoms.
In fact, one week after 9/11, I remember David asking me, because of my
military background and interests, if I knew anything about Standing
Operational Procedures (SOPs) for America’s NORAD air defence system
and the locations of the covering air bases that looked after New
York’s and Washington’s air space. Along with Alex Jones, David had
immediately started to unravel the tangled web of lies that proves
beyond doubt that 9/11 was an inside job and within a year he had
published his incredibly detailed expose of 9/11 entitled Alice in
Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster.
By August 2004, there were already dozens of citizen grassroots
organisations that were campaigning hard to make America aware of the
truth about what really happened on that fateful day. But in Britain
there was nothing happening so I left the Isle of Wight determined to
start a British 9/11 grassroots campaign to get the truth out. I
received free of charge from America fifty copies of 911- In Plane Site
and immediately started sending some of them out to key MPs. Almost
immediately I knew I was wasting my time – the only two who replied
were Alex Salmond, the then leader of the SNP, who wrote back saying he
didn’t have a DVD player, and the so-called maverick MP, George
Galloway, who said he didn’t understand how to use his and so had sent
his DVD back! Again, you couldn’t make it up – these are our elected
representatives in Parliament. Aaaaaargh! Needless to say nothing
was achieved by this exercise to wake up our servants in the House of
By January 2005 I had met locally another 9/11 sceptic or ‘truther’,
Paul Arnold, and between us we paid to have a small campaign
recruitment advert in the satirical fortnightly magazine Private Eye to
start the ball rolling. A few people responded including a friendly
fellow called Ian Neal, who emailed me with the great news that a UK
9/11 Truth Campaign of a sort already existed with around thirty people
based in and around London with a few supporters dotted around the
country. Without any hesitation at all, Paul, Penny and I, along with
a small group who had started to meet locally, threw in our lot with
them and the two initiatives became one.
For the next three years the British campaign to expose the real truth
about 9/11 spluttered into life. I say ‘spluttered’ because due to a
shortage of funds and resources and no serious national media interest,
it was difficult to achieve anything on a scale that was going to
expose and endanger the British Government’s criminal involvement with
this utterly bogus War on Terror. All the MPs were lobbied and sent
persuasive evidence that would make any ordinary decent person think
twice about the official 9/11 narrative. But not our wonderful MPs!
Nearly all of them elected to show no interest at all and totally
ignored our approaches. There were some exceptions – Tim Farron, my
own local MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, told me quietly that the
evidence we had shown him was compelling and that he now had
uncertainties about the official account of 9/11. Likewise, Norman
Baker, MP for Lewes, who had made the headlines by challenging the
official account of the death or ‘suicide’ of Dr David Kelly, had met
with leading American 9/11 researcher and author, the highly respected
Professor David Ray Griffin. In fact, David’s first book on exposing
the serious flaws in the official 9/11 account, The New Pearl Harbour,
had its actual foreword to the British edition written by MP and former
Labour Environment Minister under Blair, Michael Meacher.
Unfortunately, despite British soldiers taking casualties in two
unlawful wars which were both triggered by the events of 9/11, all
these three MPs have chosen, no doubt for political safety reasons, not
to ask any difficult questions about the actual events of 9/11 in the
House of Commons even though all three have expressed to some extent
serious doubts about the official narrative. And just to make
matters even more confusing for all our elected representatives,
compelling evidence is increasingly coming to light that the attacks in
London on 7/7 were simply part of this ‘False Flag’ strategy to drive
forward this criminal global agenda to make us agree to surrender more
and more of our civil liberties whilst engineering unlawful wars for
huge profits for the Criminal Global Elite. If you think that can’t be
right, have a look at these four videos:
However, on the plus side, the 9/11 Truth Campaign in Britain has
brought together a number of remarkable and far sighted people. Two,
in particular, spring to mind, both of whom are at the cutting edge of
the ‘Big Picture’ and were already working as a team – Belinda McKenzie
and Andrew Johnson. Brought together by Veronica Chapman (more of
whom later), through them I eventually came to realise that seeking out
the truth about what actually happened on 9/11 was going to become a
lot more complex and even more far-reaching and incredible. For
instance, did you know that a powerful hurricane was just out to sea
off New York on the morning of September 11th 2001? If you didn’t,
then welcome to a completely new look at the events of 9/11!
No steel framed building anywhere in the world has ever collapsed due
to fire – except buildings 1, 2 and 7 at the World Trade Center. Both
the Twin Towers collapsed at almost free fall speed whilst WTC7, a 47
storey office block, took just a fraction over six seconds to come
down. It is clear that the official narrative – that the hijacked
planes hit the Twin Towers and that the resulting fuel fires distressed
the steel to the point of total and complete collapse – defies some of
the most basic laws of physics such as the Law of Resistance. Where
was the resistance, as the complete collapses came into contact with
the largely undamaged and unaffected parts of the buildings?
The global 9/11 Truth movement has been influenced in recent years by
the work of Dr Steven Jones. To explain how the Towers came down in
such a dramatic and incredibly fast moving way, he is telling people
that this was as a result of controlled demolition, with the using of
carefully positioned advanced thermate or thermite explosives which are
capable of cutting through massive steel supporting columns in seconds.
On the surface this seems almost believable until you hear about
Hurricane Erin, the pictures of partially toasted cars and the absence
of any real rubble pile after the collapses of the North and South
Towers. There is now interesting physical evidence coming to light
that not only explains how the Twin Towers were brought down so quickly
and effectively, but which also suggests that the search for ‘Free
Energy’ technologies may be over.
And the personality of Dr Jones is interesting too. He is a senior
practising Mormon (The Mormon Church is recognised by some key
researchers, including David Icke, as being an integral part of the
Criminal Global Elite) and, as a scientist researching Cold Fusion at
Brigham Young University, he has been accused by some of spoiling a
potentially exciting breakthrough in Cold Fusion back in 1989. Dr
Jones, whose theory about the destruction of the Twin Towers is now
mainstream amongst those calling for the truth about 9/11, has always
denied this but the fact remains that he has now positioned himself
intellectually in such a way that will make it harder for this new
evidence of ‘Free Energy’ to be taken seriously by the scientific
So what is the physical evidence that could, if taken seriously, turn
the scientific community upside down and put an end to the world’s
manufactured and contrived energy crises? If you visit the website of
former professor of mechanical engineering, Dr Judy Wood, and this page
in particular, you will see pictures of partially toasted cars, other
vehicles upturned and flipped over, steel distorted in incredible ways
and, most weird of all, the physical evidence that the Towers were not
just brought down, they were simply pulverised using incredible energy
into dust. Certainly, the rubble piles are ridiculously small for such
incredibly tall buildings.
The physical evidence would seem to suggest that some sort of ‘Black
Technology’ Directed Energy Weapon or Beam Weapon was used. If this
all sounds far fetched, just look again with a completely open mind at
the pictures. Buildings that collapse, even after controlled
demolition, always leave a considerable rubble pile. Again, even with
the type of controlled demolition envisaged by Dr Jones, you would not
have partially toasted or upturned vehicles nor would you have steel
being distorted in such peculiar ways. And what about the reported
‘cold’ fires near some of the toasted vehicles which don’t seem to
ignite paper and which firemen were able to walk through. All very
strange stuff!
And the strangest of all - Hurricane Erin - the 9/11 meteorological
happening nobody knows about or even wants to talk about. Not only is
the path of the hurricane interesting, but when the Twin Towers in New
York collapsed, magnetic anomalies were picked up by magnetometers in
Alaska at exactly the same time.
If she is proved to be correct with her observations and findings, the
implications to Dr Wood’s work are enormous. Certainly, to open
minded scientists who know of the work and findings of maverick
inventor John Hutchison, what she has observed and commented on fits in
very well with his ‘Hutchison effect’ which, in turn, stems from his
work into the discoveries of genius scientist and inventor, Nikola
Tesla. This article, by Andrew Johnson, explains why it is so
important that this particular avenue of truth searching must continue
until the truth is found out.
The way forward becomes clearer:
By the spring of 2008, the 9/11 Truth Campaign in Britain had stalled.
Many well meaning supporters and activists of the campaign felt very
uncomfortable with Judy Wood’s findings and distanced themselves from
her without having any sort of proper explanations for the physical
evidence she was, and is, presenting – a very sad state of affairs.
As a Co-Chair of the campaign (along with Ian Neal and Annie Machon,
the former MI5 officer) I was also becoming depressed by the childish
behaviour coming from a sizeable minority of the campaign’s ‘keyboard’
armchair activists who, hiding behind anonymous silly names, attacked
decent people who were working hard to make the campaign work. Some
of these keyboarders may well have been working for the ‘other side’ to
cause problems for the campaign, and certainly a very small number of
them could be identified as belonging to a far left / green anarchist
group who, in their own perverse and unpleasant way, were also trying
to get to their ‘truth’ by accusing our campaign of being a cult.
After three years of active campaigning, I realised that this single
issue campaign was now in a dreadful rut and that something drastic had
to be done if all our efforts were not to be wasted completely,
especially as other equally important issues and events were starting
to overtake us.
Up until the beginning of 2007, I had believed that the world’s climate
was being affected by man-made carbon emissions and that this was one
area of legitimate concern where the Greens and some other politicians
were correct in their calls for major global restrictions on CO2
polluting technologies. However, having seen reports and articles on
the alternative media that tens of thousands of reputable scientists
around the world (31,000 plus scientists in the USA alone) including
many highly respected climatologists, disagreed with the findings of
the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), I realised
that they couldn’t all be in the pay of the oil companies as the Greens
are always claiming. And I was particularly impressed when I listened
to Peter Taylor, a former senior researcher for Greenpeace, explaining
his concerns about the theory of man-made global warming and how the
work of the IPCC does not stand up to close scientific scrutiny.
Indeed, the evidence is coming in now hard and fast that the IPCC’s
terrible warnings are flawed and can be treated with a great deal of
It would appear that CO2 is a benign and essential gas that follows
temperature increases. It also appears that the other planets in our
solar system are currently showing signs of temperature increases and
fluctuations which must lead us to the commonsense conclusion that the
Sun might just have something to do with it all. My own conversion to
believing that the Earth’s current climate change is natural and not
man-made was confirmed when I had the privilege, a few months ago, of
having afternoon tea with Professor David Bellamy, who confirmed in his
own colourful and inimitable way that man-made global warming was
simply “Bad Science!” David, a true ecologist and conservationist, is
a man of real principle and it would appear that he has been dropped by
the BBC as they no longer accept ‘climate change deniers’. The Greens
should hear what David has to say instead of putting their faith in a
man with no principles at all; a man who should be thoroughly
investigated after his close involvement with the Clintons, namely Al
Gore. He is nothing but a useful idiot to the Criminal Global Elite or
New World Order and serves their agenda unquestioningly. Man-made
Global Warming is simply a scam to tax us more and to control us more.
Like the so-called bogus War on Terror, it is designed to frighten us
into giving up more of our freedoms and to accept global governance on
their terms as a solution to combat it. Al Gore is also a complete
hypocrite and stands to make millions of dollars (pdf) from his
partially owned carbon offset trading company.
Another major issue that has extremely serious consequences for all of
us and which the Criminal Global Elite are using as a major staging
post towards their dream of global governance is the European Union.
In November 2007 I was given a tip off to have a look at a video of a
talk given by Brian Gerrish, a retired naval lieutenant-commander and
former anti-submarine warfare officer. What I saw and heard sent a
shiver down my spine.
Back in 1975, when Britain was allowed a referendum, I had voted to
join the European Economic Community. As far as I was concerned this
was just a sensible agreement that would facilitate trade and so help
create jobs and boost the economy. If someone then had told me that
this was a massive conspiracy and that one day we, the British people,
would have our rights to self-government taken away without a chance to
vote on it, I would simply have laughed at them. Well, as we all know
to our cost, the laughing has stopped and we now have a monster at our
One moment it was the EEC, then, suddenly, the men in grey suits were
talking about a political Union. The EU was born and with it the
unelected and unaccountable, all powerful EU Commission, backed up by a
feeble and impotent EU Parliament. Today, something like 80% of our
laws affecting our daily lives originate from this Commission and this
trend will continue to rise as the EU slowly, but surely, removes all
vestiges of our abilities to make our own laws through our own
Parliament. And will the British people be allowed another referendum
to confirm or deny this new arrangement whereby we give away all our
rights to an Orwellian Superstate? Of course not, that would fly in
the face of the hidden agenda that has been in existence since the end
of the Second World War. Look at poor old Ireland. The Irish give a
resounding ‘No’ to the Lisbon Treaty, a treaty that will beef up and
legitimise even further the EU’s stature and decision making process,
and, what happens, they are told to vote again until they get it
The dream of the Criminal Global Elite is to have a world made up of
four or five Superstates that will, by grand design, eventually fuse
together into a One World Government (if you doubt this, feed into any
search engine the word ‘Amero’ and see what is being planned to create
the North American Union along with its own currency). Each
Superstate will seek to quickly remove the national borders and
identities of the individual countries that have ‘agreed’ to be
absorbed into this nightmare. For Europe, the way forward will be
through its Regions and work is well underway to ensure that the
British people tow the line here and accept the break up of their
country. Within Great Britain today there is a secretive network of
Fifth Columnists hard at work making sure our trusted national
institutions don’t work properly, undermining the very fabric and
infrastructure of our country. Such a process happened in Norway in
1940 when the pro-Nazi Quislings undermined from within their country’s
ability to resist the German onslaught. This is what Brian Gerrish
and his team at UK Column have come across and now publicly
exposed…….welcome to the world of ‘Common Purpose’!
Common Purpose is a charity that supposedly teaches ‘leadership’ to a
broad section of society in Great Britain and, increasingly, in other
countries. What Brian and his team have discovered is far, far more
sinister and worrying. Thousands of Common Purpose graduates in
Britain, many working in the police, the BBC, local councils and the
NHS, have attended very exclusive and very expensive courses, largely
paid for by using public taxpayers’ money, and where neuro linguistic
programming (NLP) was used extensively to achieve the desired effects.
This has resulted in the creation of a shadow ‘civil service’ that
permeates throughout the decision making processes of our society and
whose primary loyalty is not to our country but to the proposed EU
Superstate and its economic regions. Have a look at a recent
interview Brian gave on Edge Media TV where he makes these very serious
allegations against Common Purpose. Twice the presenter during the
interview offers Common Purpose the chance of a right of reply and to
come on to a future programme to put their side of the argument. To
date, they have refused to do so which speaks volumes - a genuine
charity with nothing to hide would take every opportunity to defend
itself. One thing I have learnt about Brian is that he only makes an
accusation when he has solid written evidence to back it up. Lately,
he has been gathering evidence of cases of children being ‘legally’
abducted by criminal elements from within the police, NHS and the
social services. These criminals and traitors belong to the same
mindset that created Common Purpose and are serving the agenda of the
Criminal Global Elite to destabilize our country from within. The
ultimate fate of these children is largely unknown but compelling
evidence is starting to emerge that involvement with ‘satanic rituals’
and appalling sexual abuse may well be a part of this dreadful picture.
When Brian gives one of his excellent talks, he always starts by asking
his audience why it is that Britain doesn’t seem to be working properly
any more. Certainly, nearly everyone I talk to believe that something
now is dreadfully wrong with the very fabric and make up of our
society. Just to give a few random examples. As I start to write
this, the Gurkhas, Nepalese soldiers who have given their lives for
Britain for nearly 200 years and who are incredibly loyal, brave and
trusting, have just been betrayed by the Home Office who have created
‘rules’ that will stop nearly all of the Gurkha veterans from being
able to come and live in Britain, despite overwhelming and strong
public support for them. And in the same week’s news we see the
horrifying image of police, armed with a battering ram, watching social
workers forcibly taking a dementia victim of 86 away from her
daughter’s home, completely against the loving family’s wishes, having
thrown a blanket over the old lady’s head to stop the photographers
from taking pictures, and taking this poor confused soul back to the
nursing home run by the local council. Last year, a valued member of
the Coastguard and Maritime Service in North East England was hounded
by his employers to the point he resigned. Why? Because he had
bravely saved a girl’s life - with time running out for the girl, he
had broken ‘Health and Safety’ rules by putting his own life at risk to
effect a successful rescue! In the not too distant past his career
prospects would have been enhanced by such an action - but not today
where constricting and unnecessary rules now come before bravery and
common sense.
Everywhere you look we are being increasingly monitored and checked up
on by those who seek to control us. People who put out their wheelie
bins a day too soon or leave the lid slightly up, or who accidentally
put an inorganic item in the recycling bin, are fined with fixed
penalties. Why? We have more CCTV cameras than anywhere else in
Europe. Why? Even though anti-terrorism experts say that ID cards
are of little use, the Brown government is still prepared to waste huge
amounts of taxpayers’ money on them. Why? Local councils are
recruiting and empowering at our expense more and more ‘jobsworths’ to
make our lives increasingly more difficult. Why? Traffic Wardens have
now been re-designated Civil Enforcement Officers with new sweeping
powers. Why? We have dirty hospitals where killer bugs are at large
because simple commonsense cleaning procedures had been ignored. Why?
In many towns and cities we have gangs of ‘feral youths’ creating
unpleasantness and sometimes extreme violence towards decent local
people with the police apparently unable to cope properly. Why?
Praiseworthy initiatives to engage the interests of young people and so
get them off the streets in urban areas are largely ineffective and
under-resourced. Why? And binge drinking and government supported
extended drinking hours through the night have made many of our towns
and cities ‘no-go’ areas for decent people. Why?
Something deeply nasty is going on. An agenda is being carried out to
the detriment of ordinary decent people and the conclusion has to be
that it is extremely sinister. After my experience with the cancer
industry, I now know for a fact that effective treatments, indeed
cures, are being deliberately suppressed. As we have already seen,
the Criminal Global Elite, at the expense of safe and cheap options,
largely controls the pharmaceutical industry which centres on profit
led ‘treatments’ which destroy your immune system and which kill as
many healthy cells as they do damaged ones. Indeed, as part of their
insane, Malthusian inspired drive to reduce the world’s population to
more ‘manageable’ and ‘sustainable’ levels, there are many reports of
other appalling attacks being deliberately allowed on our health.
We are currently seeing the scare that Swine Flu is causing throughout
the world though at the time of writing it is the fear rather than the
flu itself that seems to be doing the damage. A deadly pandemic would
certainly serve their agenda well and researchers into the Criminal
Global Elite believe that this is a real possibility at some point in
the future. However, deliberate attacks on the human body and the
human mind are ongoing and taking place under the guise of safe medical
practice such as the unpleasant cocktails of chemicals that make up
vaccinations, including mercury, and the expansion of fluoride in our
drinking water. In addition, food additives, such as aspartame, and
the effects of high frequency radio waves from phone masts and mobile
phones are clearly detrimental to our health but the medical evidence
is always ignored in case it damages the huge profits (pdf) being made
at our expense. And if this wasn’t enough, we have Chemtrails, the
evidence for which is now overwhelming. What is it that ‘they’ are
secretly spraying up there in the skies and for what purpose…..mass
medication or weather manipulation?
Another attack on the human condition is coming in the shape of
Genetically Modified (GM) Crops. What is being planned will
eventually lead to the demise of natural organic food production. Ian
Crane, one time Chairman of the British 9/11 Truth campaign and one of
Britain’s key researchers into the activities of the Criminal Global
Elite, has spent the last three years warning the world about the long
term effects of a little known collection of internationally recognized
standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations
relating to foods, food production and food safety known collectively
as Codex Alimentarius. If the proponents of Codex Alimentarius get
their way within the European Union, then not only will GM crops become
mainstream in Britain, but organic farmers, beloved of Prince Charles
and the green movement, will find themselves unable to continue as
their farms gradually become affected through the horizontal
transference from GM crops to organic crops.
The Whole Truth Coalition:
In the Spring of 2008, it was now quite clear to those of us who could
see this much bigger picture that time was running out and that simply
sticking to the single issue of ‘False Flag Terrorism’, whilst
extremely important in itself, was not going to create the grassroots
momentum needed to frustrate and stop the Criminal Global Elite’s
agenda for Britain and the world. Something had to be done and done
quickly. What was needed was an effective on-line information
clearing house that also encouraged people to think about starting
local ‘Truth Groups’ in their neighbourhoods. It would be an
effective way to bring ordinary decent people together at the
grassroots, who had concerns about all these single issues, but who
could now see how they were all inter-connected and how the Criminal
Global Elite were manipulating these events and issues with the primary
aim of bringing about Global Governance. With Penny, Andrew and
Belinda, along with my very dear friends Ayem, Ants and Moz, we decided
to start ‘The Whole Truth Coalition’ to try and start a grassroots
non-violent movement against those who are seeking to enslave us using
covert criminal and treasonous actions and activities. Just as we
were sorting ourselves out, an opportunity suddenly came out of the
blue which brought even more good people together and which exposed how
the Criminal Global Elite were leaving nothing to chance when it comes
to ‘controlling’ both sides in British politics.
The Tory Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis, suddenly resigned and
forced a by-election in his constituency of Haltemprice and Howden near
Hull. His reason for resigning was because he felt that Britain was
losing its basic civil liberties in the light of 7/7 and the ongoing
War on Terror, and that a stand had to be made. On the surface this
was excellent news. Davis was going to stand in the by-election as a
Conservative solely on the issue of the Big Brother State. The
Liberal Democrats decided to support him by not standing and the Labour
Party lost their bottle and refused to put up a candidate. The debate
about the Big Brother State looked in danger of not happening if the
main parties were not represented. So something had to be done to give
Davis the debate he so desperately wanted. In the space of one week,
a campaign was put together by myself and Ayem, with a lot of help from
people in Hull whom we had never met, and David Icke was able to enter
on to the political stage…..the only candidate ever in British
electoral history who didn’t want people to vote for him!!!
Rather than give a blow by blow account of what happened next, please
look at the list of questions that Mr Davis refuses to answer to this
day, which proves beyond all reasonable doubt that many of our more
senior politicians know far more than they are letting on and that
behind the scenes those who are seemingly defending our civil liberties
are in fact a part, albeit a very junior part, of the conspiracy to
enslave us.
An excellent result of this by-election was that we recruited the
services of Andrew Cheetham. As a long-term researcher with a huge
amount of knowledge, it was Andrew who tipped David off about the real
nature of David Davis’s key supporters and what the by-election was
really about. And as well as Andrew, we made some really good friends
in Hull and recruited new activists for the Whole Truth Coalition
including Catherine, Narinder, Scott and the one and only Kirsty who,
single-handedly, made life ‘interesting’ for Mr Davis during the
The political situation we have today:
Everywhere you look, decent and honest citizens are coming under
attack. In the developed world, not only are the Criminal Global Elite
taking away our freedoms but they are deliberately damaging our health
as well as engineering enormous debt to control and subdue our future
actions and capabilities. Decent families with young children are
increasingly coming under enormous strain and, in many cases, are
falling apart from the effects of ill health and financial stress. And
for the so-called developing world, it is even worse, much worse, as a
further massive Malthusian cull of the world’s population is imminent
and may well be underway – the ‘useless eaters’ have to be dealt with!
The evidence is there for all to see. There are now so many dots that
you don’t even have to join them up. Like digital pixels, you just have
to look at the picture they make. Wake up people, for goodness sake
wake up and smell the coffee!!!
How much more evidence do you want that there is an unaccountable and
unelected powerful elite who are unlawfully and undemocratically
creating global agendas that affect us all? Whether it is the
Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Pilgrim Society, the
Council on Foreign Relations, or Chatham House and the Royal Institute
for International Affairs, it matters not. Very powerful people in
banking, politics, industry and the media, along with elements of some
of the bloodline European royal families, meet behind closed doors to
set agendas and to brief those ‘useful idiots’ who will carry them out.
This is, quite simply, undemocratic. And the fact that these
powerful and largely self-appointed individuals are now openly seeking
Orwellian global governance should set off alarm bells with every one
of our elected representatives. Check out these three disturbing news
stories which confirm this:
And what of our hard working elected representatives here in the UK?
Yes, our wonderful Members of Parliament! As a generic group, they
are currently in the proverbial mire for their exorbitant expenses
claims and for having their second homes largely paid for by the poor
tax payer. In fact, as a group, they are a pretty unpleasant and
greedy self-serving lot. After each scandal is exposed they repeatedly
attempt to smooth talk themselves back into public favour, but ordinary
decent people are now seeing them, as a group, for what they really
are. To put it bluntly, after writing and communicating with them for
well over twenty years on many different truth and humanitarian issues,
there are, in my humble opinion, basically only two types of
politicians operating in the House of Commons.
The first type is involved with the Criminal Global Elite at some
level, such as Ken Clarke and his junior side-kick George Osborne who
make their annual visits to the Bilderberg Group to receive their
instructions. These MPs, and there are dozens of them, not only know
that there is an international controlling elite which is subjecting
humanity to appalling agendas, but they are actively supportive of
them. These politicians are simply traitors and criminals and when
(not if) the time comes, they, including Blair and Brown, will be
subjected to the full weight of Common Law and, if found guilty, will
spend probably the rest of their lives in prison. The second, and
probably the most disturbing in some ways, are those who know that
there is a global conspiracy because of the evidence sent to them by
worried constituents, but who choose simply not to raise any difficult
questions in the House of Commons that might indicate this, preferring
instead to lie low and keep their heads well below the parapets and
pretend that there is nothing amiss. These MPs are cowards! They are
completely beneath contempt and should be showered with white feathers
whenever and wherever they make a public appearance. In fact, under
Common Law, if they fail to take any sort of action at all to prevent
the treason and crimes they have been alerted to by their constituents
and allow harm to be inflicted upon innocent people when in a position
to do something about it, then they will have, almost certainly, a case
to answer to in the courts.
And outside Parliament, political activism is not much better. In the
UK, there is a huge range of national and single issue campaigns,
charities and pressure groups, all addressing the symptoms caused by
the Criminal Global Elite. A lot of well-meaning and positive people
are caught up in the charade that they can actually do something to
make everyone’s lives better. Likewise, these people still believe
that our politicians are actually in control of this country’s future
and destiny. Oh dear! They just have no idea what is really going on.
There is also a growing feeling amongst truth activists that these
campaigns, charities and pressure groups, such as the ‘Stop the War
Coalition’, ‘Cancer Research UK’, ‘Oxfam’ and ‘Liberty’, are part of a
controlled opposition that is designed to absorb people’s natural
desires to put right ‘wrongs’ and to stop moral outrages. We see
protest march after protest march, meeting after meeting, speech after
speech with the same boring names being involved who will sound so good
with their rhetoric but nothing is actually ever really achieved.
The on-line ‘alternative’ news media has grown enormously since 9/11.
For the leaders of theses campaigns, charities and pressure groups to
consistently refuse to give credence to the information about the
make-up and activities of the Criminal Global Elite – especially when
it is backed up by scientific evidence and sworn testimonies – proves
beyond reasonable doubt that they are either very stupid or, as is more
likely, they are placed ‘gatekeepers’ who are there to control and
manage the grassroots opposition to what’s going on.
So what’s the answer to rid ourselves of this corrupt and criminal
political system that we, the people, have allowed to take root?
Quite simply, Lawful Rebellion!
Lawful Rebellion – what do you mean?
Last year, when my fellow co-founders of the Whole Truth Coalition were
drawing up the organisation’s aspirations and plans, I wrote that our
endeavours should result in there being, in 2010, a Great British Tax
Revolt. The argument I put forward then was very simple:
“If we refuse to pay our taxes and simply walk away in our thousands,
we will jam the courts and make the Poll Tax campaign of the late 80s
look like the proverbial Teddy Bears’ picnic. Our case would be
completely clear cut. In our name, senior members of our elected
government are actively taking part in, or are being deliberately
compliant to, treasonous and illegal activities. How, as honest
citizens, can we give money to our government through our taxes when we
know that we have no guarantee that some of that money would not be
used for treasonous, illegal and deadly activities against our own
citizens? If we knowingly gave money to ordinary criminals to support
their illegal activities, we would expect to be charged by the police
with being complicit to the crime”.
I believe, and still do, that this is a very simple and effective
proposition, but it would have involved people having to make the grave
and conscious decision to break the law and to take the judicial
consequences of their actions. What I know now, one year on, is that
we can lawfully withhold our taxes and that this is the way forward to
success and final victory over the Criminal Global Elite.
So what is ‘Lawful Rebellion’? Whilst talking to Brian Gerrish last
summer about his campaign to expose the criminal and treasonous
activities of ‘Common Purpose’, he mentioned to me a man called John
Harris who, with his close team of researchers, had made some
incredible discoveries about the British Constitution and how we are
actually governed and taxed. A few months later I received out of the
blue an email from a lady called Veronica Chapman (who I had previously
corresponded with whilst exploring the work of Dr Judy Wood) who
apparently, separate from John, had been doing her own research in this
field. What these two gifted individuals have done is given us the
firm foundation upon which we can build a mass movement that will sweep
away the Criminal Global Elite’s influence and activities in Great
Britain in a completely non-violent way. Indeed, from the initial
experience I have had so far from dipping my toe into the Lawful
Rebellion pool, we are going to have a lot of laughter and fun as we
run rings around the ‘useful idiots’ who are the paid servants
responsible for upholding the criminal and treasonous ‘status quo’.
And remember, if we are laughing we are not displaying fear…..and it is
fear that the Criminal Global Elite need if they are to advance their
dark and bloody agendas.
To understand what is meant by Lawful Rebellion and how we have all
been duped by the Criminal Global Elite, I urge the reader to visit
these two excellent websites. John Harris and his team have set up whilst Veronica has set up
The plain fact of the matter is that we have all been the victims of a
massive deception – but the good news is we can all do something about
There are two types of law that currently govern us here in the UK.
The first is Common Law or the Law of the Land which, through our
birthright and Magna Carta of 1215, we are all answerable to and
supported by. Simply put, if you commit a breach of the peace, or
employ mischief in your agreements, or cause harm or loss to anyone,
then you are answerable to Common Law. The second type of law, Statute
Law, is not quite so straightforward and is often known by other names
such as Admiralty, Fleet, Commercial or Civil Law and is referred to as
the Law of the Sea.
Unknown to nearly every person in the country, when we are born,
something else is born with us, namely a ‘Legal Fiction’. This is, in
fact, our birth certificate and National Insurance number. Or put
another way, when we are born, a new corporate entity or company is
created at the same time using our name on the birth certificate.
Unknown to all of us except those who understand how the deception
works, each one of us at birth is created a shareholder of United
Kingdom plc. When something is addressed to you, and your name is all
in CAPITAL letters, or has ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’ or ‘Ms’ in front of it, they are
not writing to you as a living, breathing human being with a soul, but
to your ‘Legal Fiction’. Simply put, when they are demanding taxes
from you, or demanding your presence in court under an alleged breach
of Statute Law, or arranging for your loans, mortgages or other banking
services, they are, in fact, writing not to the human being, but to the
‘Legal Fiction’ or ‘Person’ that uses your name.
I am now going to quote at length here from Veronica’s excellent paper
which I urge everyone to read ).
Referring to Statute Law and how we are all deceived on a truly massive
scale, she writes:
What is a Statute?
Put simply if you live peaceably, you will not violate Common Law. And
you will not, therefore, end up in court charged with breaking Common
Consequently, if you end up in court, it will be because you violated a
(And therefore you did not need to end up in court, as you will see if
you read on. So, in essence, if a peaceful person ever actually ends up
in court, it was because they simply did not know their rights)
A Statute is the final result of a Bill placed before Parliament. If
the Bill is passed by Parliament, it becomes an Act of Parliament. Upon
receipt of the Royal Assent it becomes a Statute.
Now, in a well-ordered society, we assume our elected representatives
create our Parliament and make our laws.
And this is where the Grand Deception starts.
There is a long explanation and there is a short explanation. Which one
do you want?
“Oh … the short and uncomplicated one, please!”
This is it: A Statute is a rule created by a representative governing
body of a society designed to create common goals, which carries the
force of law by the consent of the governed.
Hold on to the thought “… by the consent of the governed”, because that
is a crucial thought. The long explanation (given below) can be
crystalised into this definition.
Are you the Government? No. Therefore you must be ‘the governed’.
A Statute only carries the force of law upon you if you consent to it.
If you do not give your consent, a Statute cannot affect you in any way
And the courts know this. You may not, but they certainly do.
And the last thing they will do is tell you. In point of fact they will
hide this from you at every opportunity.
On the other hand, if you tell them, they will accept it because they
know it is actually true.
This is the Grand Deception.
Does this mean that you can break the law with impunity? The careful
answer to that is “No”, because that is a sloppy question. ‘The law’ is
Common Law, and you can’t break that (without consequences).
The question should have been “Does this mean you can violate a Statute
with impunity?”. The answer to that is “Yes” because a Statute is not
the law. It is, in reality, nothing more than Company Policy (as you
will see). And, if you decide not to work for a particular company, its
‘policy’ does not in any way affect you.
Think of it this way. You go to work for a Supermarket Chain. You will
be given a handbook of company rules. While in their employ you must
follow these rules or be sacked. For example, one such rule may be that
- while working on Checkouts - you must not carry any of your own money
about your person. This may be because it is impossible to tell money
from money, and if you are caught in possession of money it might be
the company’s money, out of the till. And the only way the truth could
be determined is if you are barred from carrying your own money while
operating the till.
You either accept such rules, or don’t work for that company. But, if
you don’t work for them, the rules don’t apply to you. You can carry
your own money about your person at all times with impunity. You don’t
expect to have to ask anyone if you can carry money, do you? During
life, going about your peaceful business you don’t expect to be barred
from carrying money. How else would you pay for anything?
So how do you avoid such rules? Don’t work for the Supermarket Chain.
Leave the company, ‘the society’. Work for some other company whose
rules you can accept.
OR BECOME ‘SELF-EMPLOYED’, and make your own ‘Company rules’!
And that is actually ‘it’. That’s the nub, the kernel, the crux.
You can choose to leave the ‘Statute Society’, the ‘Statute Company’,
and become ‘Self-employed’ - as a Freeman-on-the-land.
No, this is nothing to do with your job! That was just analogy! That’s
why ‘Self-employed’ was written in quotes. You don’t need to become a
self-employed builder, plumber, or carpenter, etc as your vocation in
life. You can become Self-employed in terms of a ‘lawful, sovereign,
peaceful human being entirely responsible for their own actions and not
having to take any notice whatsoever of company policy issued as
Statute by a nannying (and thoroughly, utterly corrupt) Board of
Directors aka MPs, with one who calls himself Prime Minister aka
Managing Director, or one who calls herself Queen aka Chairwoman’.
Do I hear you say “That’s all very well, but we are talking about
England, not a company!”?
Well, here is some rather important news. The United Kingdom, like all
other countries on the planet, is actually a Corporation. And you can
check this out by obtaining a Credit Report on it via Dun & Bradstreet.
A number of these companies, such as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
in Chapter 11 bankruptcy - but being only Chapter 11 are still,
therefore, allowed to trade.
So this is a bit more of The Grand Deception.
More of the Grand Deception is that the UK Ministry of Justice is a
Corporation (yes, listed by D&B!), and that all courts are
sub-franchises actively trading.
Consequently a Summons (according to Black’s Law Dictionary synonymous
with ‘an invitation’) is nothing more than ‘An invitation to go to the
company’s place of business in order to be made an offer’.
And you are perfectly entitled to say “No thanks, not interested in any
offers you may make”
So there it is! As I say, we are all being deceived on a massive scale
and, as Veronica explains above, this is why if you feed into Dun &
Bradstreet (D&B) the likes of your local police station, law courts,
local government departments, County Council, District Council etc.
etc. etc., you will find, like the national government, that they are
all registered as commercial for profit companies.
And one other thing, the so-called ‘credit crunch’ and ‘banking
collapse’, as you have probably already guessed, is entirely
orchestrated by the Criminal Global Elite. All these ‘billions’ and
even ‘trillions’ are just imaginary figures on a computer screen – this
whole global recession is nothing but a complete and utter scam. Over
the centuries, the Criminal Global Elite, by using usury, have
developed and created a financial web to trap and control countries and
the people in them by plunging them into enormous debt. The City of
London is at the centre of this global web with the Bank of England and
HM Treasury responsible for the running of ‘United Kingdom plc’ and for
implementing the agenda that will lead our country into being absorbed
completely into the planned New World Order. Within eighteen months,
and this is the real reason why that unpleasant individual, Mandelson,
was brought back into government, there will be a push to collapse
Sterling completely and so force Britain to enter into the Euro-zone.
Another side to Lawful Rebellion and to the Grand Deception we are
exposing, which will be extraordinarily popular with families
struggling to find the money to pay the monthly mortgage, loan and
credit card repayments, is that they can all be written off lawfully!
That’s right….written off lawfully! Go to and
The only sensible and effective way forward:
Now we come to the most important part of this whole article……what
happens next?
Over the last twelve months an incredible amount of positive networking
has occurred in Britain with people who do not have hidden agendas and
who can be completely trusted. We all just want two things to happen.
Firstly, for the real truth to come out and for the Criminal Global
Elite to be exposed and defeated non-violently….and, secondly, for the
true independence of our country to be returned to us so that we, the
people, can decide in a truly democratic manner how it should be
governed without the influence of criminals, traitors and cowards.
Earlier this year, in Stoke-on-Trent, around 500 people gathered to
hear speakers, including John Harris and Brian Gerrish, call for people
to enter into Lawful Rebellion. The conference, the brainchild of
Frank Taylor of the Runnymede Group, and organised by The British
Constitution Group and its hardworking founder Roger Hayes, was an
incredible success. The atmosphere was electric and people came away
empowered and realising that they can do something to stand up to this
tiny but powerful elite who are trying to take away our country and to
put us all into a modern day equivalent of Medieval serfdom. Riding
on this success, it was decided that another event should be held in
London as quickly as possible to continue the momentum.
Entitled “Wanted! One Million Rebellious Britons. Help us build the
movement: Lawful Rebellion Conference”, it will be held on Saturday
13th June at the Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ.
For more details, please go to
It goes without saying that it is incredibly important that we all do
our best to get there – this movement and rebellion will only happen if
we all play our part. It’s no good just leaving it for others to do
because something else has cropped up. What can be more important then
saving our democracy and our country? If the worst does happen and we
do end up in this envisaged global Orwellian nightmare, what will you
say to your children and grandchildren when they ask you “What did you
do to try and prevent all this from happening?”
We don’t need mass rallies or demonstrations – all we need is for a
million people to make the lawful decision to refuse to support the
activities of the Criminal Global Elite by simply refusing, lawfully,
to pay his or her taxes. And the marvellous thing is that this
rebellion can take place from the comfort of your own home. As my
journey over the last thirty years has revealed to me beyond all
reasonable doubt that there is a Criminal Global Elite that is
engineering and manipulating a ghastly future for all of us, I, for
one, will be signing up and will be going to Lawful Rebellion.
And can I make a personal plea to anyone reading this who is wishing to
do something really positive and who is fortunate enough to have very
‘deep pockets’. We must, over the coming months, set up a
co-ordinating and support network of trusted and reliable individuals
around the country on a full time basis who will organise, encourage
and support people going into Lawful Rebellion. They will be
answerable to a small National Campaign Steering Group (made up of
tried and tested truth campaigners) and will be salaried at no more
than £20,000 a year and will work from home. It will be a case of
minimum resources creating maximum effect! If anyone out there can
help make this network a reality, quickly and efficiently, please
contact me at my email address below.
Journey’s end – final thought:
I hesitate slightly to end this article by using a military analogy to
describe the overwhelming importance of Lawful Rebellion, but I really
can’t think of a better one than this. Imagine the Criminal Global
Elite as a large dam holding back a vast reservoir of suppressed
knowledge, suppressed science, suppressed technologies and suppressed
wisdom – everything needed to rid the world of the matrix of fear,
violence and servitude and so ensure a future for everyone of lasting
peace, justice and happiness. The ‘Truth Movement’ is flying in low
straight for the target…..and we are now about to release our ‘Bouncing
Bomb’ – Lawful Rebellion!
One final word……if you are still in some doubt about there being a
criminal hidden hand steering global events, then I ask you to please
watch these two excellent videos.
And if you are still unconvinced, then read what David Icke said
fifteen years ago in this book and see how he has been proved
completely right.
Thank you for taking the trouble to read this.
With all best wishes
xxxxxxxxxxxx jw May 2009
Key websites for Lawful Rebellion in the UK:
Friday, 19 June 2009
My Personal Journey Into Lawful Rebellion
Posted by Britannia Radio at 12:39