Next Major Move In Stock Market Will Be Down Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserve’s New Dictatorial Powers EC calls for one world internet governance
The next major move in the stock market will be down. We are seeing the last vestiges of a rally similar to what we saw in 1931. The rally we expected at 6600 up to 8500 will end as soon as all the financial institutions that need to sell what stock is necessary to bolster their balance sheets.
• California unemployment rises to 11.5% in May
Responding to the Obama administration's new regulatory reform plan, which will officially hand the Federal Reserve complete dictatorial control over the U.S. economy, Congressman Ron Paul told MSNBC that the Fed was now more powerful than Congress.
• Dodd: Giving the Fed More Power is like Awarding a Son a “Bigger, Faster Car Right after He Crashed the Family Station Wagon”
The European Commission is once again calling for the United States to let go of ICANN and place it under international supervision.
Friday, 19 June 2009
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Britannia Radio