Friday 12 June 2009

No proper government and nobody is facing the facts

There’s an air of unreality around in Britain today. I have just sent out a posting (”Six Days to Armageddon’) which I regard as of the utmost importance to all of us. It is about the imminent takeover by the EU of the City of London, and a frantic cry from the CBI to the government to take control of events. This is a subject which does not appear to interest the British press one little bit. ALL the postings I gave were from one source - The Telegraph. But not the main newspaper or its Home page on the web but exclusively from the paper’s Business News section which in the nature of the world will not be seen by many of its readers. I regard that section as a newspaper in its own right - and the best in the country. Meanwhile its main news section continues its pursuit of MPs‘ expenses which seems to have already made all the points worth making! It also mentions Latvian problems while ignoring our own.

I turned to the Times and the Financial Times and could find nothing whatsoever on the subject .

But The Times reports that “Economic optimism has increased from the winter to the highest level since April 2008” and this in the face of the last minute and dodgy rescue of West Bromwich Building society, the collapse of LDV, the lessening chances of saving Vauxhall, one in ten homeowners falling into negative equity, soaring oil prices, rising mortgage rates, fall in retail sales, house sales still below last year’s figures and a London-wide postal strike. And that’s without paying the slightest regard to the coming cuts in welfare spending, probable rise in interest rates, and possible tax increases. Somebody is inhabiting cloud-cuckoo land!

Meanwhile Labour’s spin machine magnifies and distorts. The ‘end of the recession’ may be near in purely technical terms but unemployment will continue to rise. House sales may be higher in April than in March - but then they always are. By fiddling the figures Labour has succeeded in translating cuts in spending of around 10% into actual growth but they were so careless in that bit of spinning that they failed to notice that the actual cut was in their own budget handbook!

We have no government and when the head of the CBI tells us that nobody pays any attention.

Christina Speight