0JUNE 16, 2009DC intelligence insider - Obama denies aid to Iran regime change
“Although the Ahmadinejad is nothing more than a puppet of Islamic ’supreme leader’ Ayatollah Khameini, it is still a perfect opportunity squandered. Obama is flatly refusing to provide any ‘assistance’ to the Iranian people who want rid of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and seek moderation.
0JUNE 15, 2009
American al Qaeda spokesman-complete transcript of latest message
American al Qaeda spokesman delivers a 35-minute video speech produced and released by as-Sahab.
- 0JUNE 12, 2009
The Roth Show
Doug Hagmann will be hosting The Roth Show for the entire 3 hours on the IRN-USA Radio Network. Call toll free with your questions, concerns, comments at 877-999-7684.
0JUNE 10, 2009
Report: French DGSE Find Islamic Jihadists Were Onboard Air France Flight 447
Flight AF 447 left Rio at 1900 local time (2200 GMT) on Sunday. It had 216 passengers and 12 crew on board, including three pilots.
0JUNE 08, 2009
Obama’s speech in Cairo — decoded
A hidden, symbolic message contained within Obama’s Cairo speech?
0JUNE 08, 2009
U.S. vs. Israel
“I have every reason to believe, based on what I’ve seen at my level of [security] clearance especially over the last several years, that Israel will soon be completely on their own… or worse.” –U.S. Intelligence Source
0JUNE 16, 2009
DC intelligence insider - Obama denies aid to Iran regime change
“Although the Ahmadinejad is nothing more than a puppet of Islamic ’supreme leader’ Ayatollah Khameini, it is still a perfect opportunity squandered. Obama is flatly refusing to provide any ‘assistance’ to the Iranian people who want rid of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and seek moderation.
0JUNE 15, 2009
American al Qaeda spokesman-complete transcript of latest message
American al Qaeda spokesman delivers a 35-minute video speech produced and released by as-Sahab.
0JUNE 12, 2009
The Roth Show
Doug Hagmann will be hosting The Roth Show for the entire 3 hours on the IRN-USA Radio Network. Call toll free with your questions, concerns, comments at 877-999-7684.
0JUNE 10, 2009
Report: French DGSE Find Islamic Jihadists Were Onboard Air France Flight 447
Flight AF 447 left Rio at 1900 local time (2200 GMT) on Sunday. It had 216 passengers and 12 crew on board, including three pilots.
0JUNE 08, 2009
Obama’s speech in Cairo — decoded
A hidden, symbolic message contained within Obama’s Cairo speech?
0JUNE 08, 2009
U.S. vs. Israel
“I have every reason to believe, based on what I’ve seen at my level of [security] clearance especially over the last several years, that Israel will soon be completely on their own… or worse.” –U.S. Intelligence Source
0JUNE 05, 2009
Why Lightning Didn’t Destroy Air France Jet
A veteran researcher discounts the role of lightning in the jet disaster mystery. Meanwhile, NEIN investigators are receiving information from intelligence contacts suggesting that a bomb downed the flight…
0JUNE 04, 2009
Another possible missile-airline incident in the U.S.
Another incident involving a missile or rocket nearly hitting a commercial passenger aircraft over Texas. What’s going on - how safe is our air travel?
0JUNE 04, 2009
Warnings of a bio-attack & the art of public deception
Despite a lapse of four months between the initial release of this video and media interest, why isn’t anyone asking: “why now?”
0JUNE 02, 2009
Muslim attack on Little Rock Army-Navy recruiting station
24 year-old Carlos Leon Bledsoe (a/k/a Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad), reportedly attacked military recruiting station for “political and religious motives.”