Obama: Iran has right to nukes Obama invites Iranian officials to July 4 parties Obama asks Supreme Court to protect Saudi Arabia and four Saudi princes from accountability for their alleged role in 9/11 Obama Lied About His Muslim Roots On Fight the Smears Website ---------------------------------- "Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations," says Obama. Funny thing: Iran's energy concerns are legitimate, but America's aren't. No drilling for oil, no nuclear energy here -- but in Iran, sure. A Which-Side-Is-Obama-On Alert: "Obama says Iran's energy concerns legitimate," by Nancy Zuckerbrod for AP, June 2 (thanks to all who sent this in): In a BBC interview broadcast Tuesday, Obama also restated plans to pursue direct diplomacy with Tehran to encourage it to set aside any ambitions for nuclear weapons it might harbor. Iran has insisted its nuclear program is aimed at generating electricity. But the U.S. and other Western governments accuse Tehran of seeking atomic weapons. "Without going into specifics, what I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations. On the other hand, the international community has a very real interest in preventing a nuclear arms race in the region," Obama said. The comments echo remarks Obama made in Prague last month in which he said his administration would "support Iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy with rigorous inspections" if Iran proves it is no longer a nuclear threat. Iranian state television described the news as Obama recognizing the "rights of the Iranian nation," a phrase typically used to refer to Iran's nuclear program. The president has indicated a willingness to seek deeper international sanctions against Tehran if it does not respond positively to U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama has said Tehran has until the end of the year to show it wants to engage. "Although I don't want to put artificial time tables on that process, we do want to make sure that, by the end of this year, we've actually seen a serious process move forward. And I think that we can measure whether or not the Iranians are serious," Obama said.... I can tell you that right now, Mr. President. Have another hot dog, Ahmadinejad! Anti-jihad efforts from the Obama Administration: "Obama Invites Iran to July 4th Parties," from Associated Press, June 2 (thanks to Gymgal): A State Department cable sent to all U.S. embassies and consulates Friday said U.S. diplomats could ask their Iranian counterparts to attend the festivities, which generally feature speeches about American values, fireworks, and, of course, hot dogs and hamburgers. The posts "may invite representatives from the government of Iran" to the events, a State Department official said Tuesday, quoting from the document. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an internal communication. It was not clear how many embassies and consulates would invite Iranian diplomats to the July 4 parties or whether any Iranians would accept the invitations.... Yet another Which-Side-Is-Obama-On Alert: "Obama administration supports Saudi immunity in 9/11 lawsuit," from WND, June 1 (thanks to Guillermo): Through its solicitor general, Elena Kagan, the Obama administration has asked that the Saudis be held immune under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, or FSIA, even though there is ample U.S. evidence of complicity by the Saudi government and the named princes in support of al-Qaida's attack. While the FSIA generally protects a sovereign state, there are exceptions under which its provisions can be invoked. Such interpretations are left largely to the courts to determine. Families of the 9/11 victims, however, have expressed outrage over the Obama administration's filing. They regard the action as undermining the continuing fight against terror....Obama: Iran has right to nukes
LONDON (AP) — President Barack Obama reiterated that Iran may have some right to nuclear energy — provided it takes steps to prove its aspirations are peaceful.
Unreal. Obama Agrees With Ahmadinejad-- Backs Iran's Right to Nuke Energy
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait fear the Iranians are not developing a nuclear program for peaceful purposes.
Barack Obama sees things differently.
Obama agrees with Ahmadinejad-- Says Iran has a right to nuke ambitions.
The Washington Post reported, via Free Republic:President Barack Obama suggested that Iran may have some right to nuclear energy _ provided it proves by the end of the year that its aspirations are peaceful.
UPDATE: This fits--
In a BBC interview broadcast Tuesday, he also restated plans to pursue direct diplomacy with Tehran to encourage it set aside any ambitions for nuclear weapons it might harbor.
Iran has insisted its nuclear program is aimed at generating electricity. But the U.S. and other Western governments accuse Tehran of seeking atomic weapons.
"What I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations," Obama said, adding that the international community also "has a very real interest" in preventing a nuclear arms race.
The president has indicated a willingness to seek deeper international sanctions against Tehran if it does not respond positively to U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama has said Tehran has until the end of the year to show it wants to engage with Washington.
Dry Bones Blog
This will end the jihad: Obama invites Iranian officials to July 4 parties
SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras -- In a new overture to Iran, the Obama administration has authorized U.S. embassies around the world to invite Iranian officials to Independence Day parties they host on or around July 4.
Obama asks Supreme Court to protect Saudi Arabia and four Saudi princes from accountability for their alleged role in 9/11
The Obama administration has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to protect Saudi Arabia and four of its princes from being held accountable for their alleged role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States that killed almost 3,000 Americans, according to a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
Sick. Obama Lied About His Muslim Roots On Fight the Smears Website
Obama lied about his family's faith during his campaign.
From Obama's Fight the Smears website:When people fabricate stories about someone’s faith to denigrate them politically, that’s an attack on people of all faiths.
During the 2008 Campaign Barack Obama's website claimed that Obama's father was an agnostic or atheist:“Barack” is the candidate’s Kenyan father’s name; Obama’s middle name, “Hussein,” is his grandfather’s name. Obama has described his father as atheist or agnostic.
Today we find out his father Barack Obama Senior was indeed a Muslim.
Jake Tapper reported:During a conference call in preparation for President Obama's trip to Cairo, Egypt, where he will address the Muslim world, deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Denis McDonough said "the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to -- or before he's been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world -- you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father -- obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago."
But, the media did not just cover for Obama and his father.
The media also insisted his Kenyan grandmother was a Christian.
But, this past month we learned that this "Christian" grandmother is going to attend The Hajj.
She just might be the first Christian to attend the Hajj in years.
It's more of that change we've been looking for.
UPDATE: BG pointed out this quote from last year:The candidate's comment at a Boca Raton, Florida, town
hall meeting on May 22, 2008, was typical: "My father
was basically agnostic, as far as I can tell, and I didn't
know him," he said.
In September 2008, candidate Obama told a Pennsylvania crowd, "I know that I'm not your typical presidential candidate and I just want to be honest with you. I know that the temptation is to say, 'You know what? The guy hasn't been there that long in Washington. You know, he's got a funny name. You know, we're not sure about him.'
And that's what the Republicans when they say this isn't about issues, it's about personalities, what they're really saying is, 'We're going to try to scare people about Barack. So we're going to say that, you know, maybe he's got Muslim connections.'...Just making stuff up."
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
They are sitting on a sea of oil, but they need nuclear energy - right!!!!
June 2, 2009 http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/026395.php
So long, Israel.
June 2, 2009 http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/026393.php
June 2, 2009 http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/026398.php
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Britannia Radio