Cameron to Hugh Edwards: "Even the BBC... will have to say these are good results" (smirk) Nick Robinson (on a day when Labour failed to retain a single county council):"Gordon Brown is stronger than he was, but not by much." Gordon: "I will not waver... I will get on with the job" The job being what, exactly? Add your faves below. You couldn't make it up! Even as Gordon Brown is wading deeper into the mire of hypcritical cant during his press conference , Caroline Flint times the release of her resignation from Government. That's TWO resignations in one day!!!! Unbelievable. If you've been watching the Prime Ministerial press conference, what did you think of it? It's like watching a car wreck. Even John Major looks good compared to this.... John Humphrys’s reticence about his pay packet wasn’t down to personal shyness after all. They’re restrained by a BBC gagging order. Harriet Harman’s equality bill has its uses, says Andrew Gimson of the Telegraph. It seems that will un-gag them. “How brilliant of Miss Harman to turn this modish argument against the BBC, that home of modish causes.” Been watching the BBC coverage of the local council elections. Quite remarkable. It seems that the angle the BBC has decided to push is best to admit that Labour is doing badly - but remember, they performed similarly in 2004 and then won in 2005! However the Conservatives have not really made a break through. (As they win everywhere) Meanwhile the Lib-Dems are on the up (Yes, even as they lose Somerset and Devon!). It's all through the looking glass stuff but fun to watch. Meanwhile Brown's reshuffle has been talked up even as most faces stay in situ! When John Major was in this weakened position, the BBC were all over his political corpse. But when it's Labour, and Gordoom, the subtle ploy is to somehow suggest that all the main parties are suffering and that we have been before with Labour and yet they came through to win! If one were to swallow this guff, one would be forgiven for thinking that David Cameron is the man in trouble. Well then, today sees all sorts of political drama and/or farce. Gordon has reshuffled Darling, erm, back into the role he occupies as Chancellor - strong stuff my friends. Here's a thread for you to comment on what you observe. For what it's worth, I detect the BBC, UNBELIEVABLY, are still doing their level best for Gordon but we all know it's over, as Roy Orbison would have said. it's over to you! This is where you can discuss any BBC-related issue that concerns you. I am so acclimatised to the air-brushing from the original I/P peace plan of any requirements from the Arabs that I can’t tell if one report is any more biased than another. Reports and analyses of Obama’s speech conclude that this ‘reaching out to the Muslim World' malarky that everyone is so delighted with, must mean Israeli settlements are now officially the only obstacle to peace. Although President Obama didn’t exactly say that, his speech was sufficiently imprecise for the press to take away whatever interpretation they wanted. I don’t know if the BBC has been any more biased on this subject than any other organ of news, but no-one can accuse President Obama of not honouring one of his pre-election pledges. From a starting point of evasiveness over his Muslim origins, to full-blown ‘call me Hussein’ identification with them, he’s certainly found a neat way to fulfill his promise of ‘Change.’ Now Obama is officially a Muslim, and The World is known as The Mussslim World. (In other words it has simply caught up with the BBC. They knew that all along.) Relax BBC. You’re not biased any longer. Salaam alaikum !Quotables
>> FRIDAY, JUNE 05, 2009
Not Shy
Open Thread
>> THURSDAY, JUNE 04, 2009
Impartial BBC Reflects Changed World.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
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Britannia Radio