ACLU, Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty sue TSA over ‘illegal’ detention Who Will Regulate the Regulators?
Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserve’s New Dictatorial Powers
Responding to the Obama administration's new regulatory reform plan, which will officially hand the Federal Reserve complete dictatorial control over the U.S. economy, Congressman Ron Paul told MSNBC that the Fed was now more powerful than Congress.
• Dodd: Giving the Fed More Power is like Awarding a Son a “Bigger, Faster Car Right after He Crashed the Family Station Wagon”
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online!
Announcing a lawsuit against the Transportation Security Administration for the “illegal” detention of the Campaign for Liberty’s treasurer in April at a St. Louis airport, the ACLU damned what it called a “troubling pattern” of aggressive invasions of privacy by the TSA.
EC calls for one world internet governance
The European Commission is once again calling for the United States to let go of ICANN and place it under international supervision.
In government, failure is success. That’s what I call DiLorenzo’s First Law of Government. When the welfare state bureaucracy fails to reduce poverty, it is rewarded with more tax dollars and more responsibilities.
Friday, 19 June 2009
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Britannia Radio